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Process of Elimination

In the following drill, each sentence is missing all but a few key words. Eliminate answers that aren’t related
to the words in the sentence. If you’re left with more than one answer, guess the one that fits best with the
words in the sentence.
1. Cristina blah blah blah limpia blah blah…
(A) libro
(B) casa
(C) huesos
(D) lluvia
2. Blah blah blah revistas blah blah blah…
(A) vacaciones
(B) obras de teatro
(C) conciertos
(D) artículos interesantes
3. No blah salir porque blah mucha…
(A) comida
(B) dinero
(C) nieve
(D) hambre
4. Blah postre me blah blah que…
(A) el agua
(B) las vitaminas
(C) el helado
(D) arroz con pollo
5. La película blah blah blah miedo porque blah blah…
(A) violenta
(B) graciosa
(C) corta
(D) tremenda
6. La niña blah blah llora por que blah blah…
(A) feliz
(B) silla
(C) sueño
(D) corriendo
1. B Limpia (cleans) would make casa (house) a very good guess. The other
answers—libro(book), huesos (bones), and rain (lluvia)—are not clearly related to cleaning.

2. D Revistas (magazines) would match up with artí

culos interesantes (interesting articles) better than
it would with any of the other choices offered (vacaciones = vacation,obras de teatro =
plays, conciertos = concerts).

3. C This is a pretty tough one, but you can still take a good guess. Salir (to go out), combined with
the no that precedes, gives you “not go out.” Are any of the answers something that might keep
you from going out? Yes, nieve (snow). None of the others really makes sense (comida =
food, dinero = money, hambre = hunger).

4. C Postre means dessert, and there is only one answer that is a dessert: helado (ice cream). Arroz con
pollo (chicken with rice), vitaminas (vitamins), and agua (water) are all edible, but they aren’t

5. A If you put película (movie) and miedo (fear) together, what do you get? A scary movie! The closest
guess would be violenta (violent). Graciosa means funny, corta means short,
and tremenda means huge or grand.

6. C Sueño (sleepiness) would be a good fit because we know that the little girl is crying. Feliz (happy)
and corriendo (running) could describe a little girl, but wouldn’t make a great fit with
crying. Silla (chair) would not fit with any of the clues.

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