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In 1963, young Frank Abagnale (Leonardo DiCaprio) lived in New Rochelle,

New York with his father Frank Abagnale, Sr. (Christopher Walken), and French

mother Paula (Nathalie Baye). When Manhattan's Chase Bank refuses Frank Sr.'s

loan due to unknown difficulties with the IRS, the family is forced to move from

their large house to a small apartment. Paula has an affair with Jack (James

Brolin), a friend of her husband. Meanwhile, Frank works as a substitute teacher

in his French class. Frank's parents file for divorce, and Frank runs away. When

he ran out of money, he began to rely on fraud with confidence. Soon, Frank's

abilities improved and he even imitated an airline pilot. He forced Pan Am to give

him a pay check and managed to steal more than $ 2.8 million.

Meanwhile, Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks), a bank fraud specialist at the FBI, starts

tracking down Frank. Carl and Frank meet at a hotel, where Frank convinces Carl

that his name is Barry Allen of the Secret Service, and that he too is investigating

a fraud. Then Frank left, a moment later Carl was annoyed because he was too late

to realize that he too had been tricked. Then, at Christmas, Carl was still working

when Frank called him, trying to apologize for his actions with Carl. Carl rejects

his apology and tells him that he will soon be caught. Carl laughs when he realizes

Frank called him because he has no one else to talk to. Frank hangs up, and Carl

continues investigating, suddenly realizing (thanks to the waiter) that the name

“Barry Allen” is from a comic flash book and that Frank is actually a teenager.
Meanwhile, Frank continues his scam, this time under the identities of a doctor

and lawyer. While playing Dr. Frank Conners, he falls in love with Brenda (Amy

Adams). And asking her father's permission to marry Brenda, she confesses the

truth about herself and asks for help taking the Louisiana State Bar exams. Carl

tracks Frank to the engagement party, but Frank is able to sneak out of the

bedroom window a few minutes before Carl bursts in. Before leaving, Frank

promised Brenda to meet in Miami two days later so they could elope. Frank saw

him waiting for him two days later, but also saw several plainclothes agents

preparing to ambush him, realizing that the FBI manipulated him to escape to


Seven months later, Carl reveals to his boss that Frank has been printing checks

all over Western Europe himself and asks permission to go to Europe to look for

them. When his boss refuses, Carl brings Frank's original but fake check to a

professional check printer and says it was printed in France. From an interview

with Frank's mother, Carl remembers that Frank was actually born in

Montrichard, France. Then Carl goes there and finally finds Frank, and tells him

that the French police will kill him if he doesn't go with Carl secretly. Frank

thinks he's lying at first, but Carl promises Frank that he won't lie to him, and Carl

takes him out when the French police take him to jail.

The scene then accelerates to a plane carrying Frank and Carl home from prison,

where Carl informs him that his father has died. Frank escapes from the plane and
returns to his old home, where he finds his mother with the man he cheated on, as

well as a girl who Frank realizes is his half sister. Frank then surrenders himself

and is sentenced to 12 years in prison, and is visited many times by Carl. When

Frank points out that one of the investigators' pieces of evidence is fake, Carl

convinces the FBI to offer Frank a deal to serve his sentence by working in the

bank's fraud department at the FBI, which Frank finally accepts. While working at

the FBI, Frank misses the thrill of being a carl and being someone else and getting

back into the scam again. However he is cornered by Carl, who insists that Frank

will return to his FBI job because no one is after him. The following Monday,

Carl is nervous because Frank hasn't come to work. However, Frank finally

arrives and they discuss their next case.

The end credits to the film reveal that Frank has been happily married for 26

years, has three children, lives in the Midwest, and is still good friends with Carl.

They've caught some of the toughest counterfeiters in the world, and make

millions of dollars every year for their work creating unmanageable checks.

 Airline pilot = (n) An Organization providing a regular public service

ofair transport on one or more routes

 Are = (v) Second person singular present and first, second, third person
prular present of be

 Bank = a financial intermediary generally established with the authority to

accept deposits, lend money,

 Branch = A part of tree which grows out from the trunk or from a bough

 Can = (v) Be able to

 Card = (v) A piece of thick, stiff paper or thin pasteboard,in particular one
used for writing or printing on

 Catch = (v) Succeed in reaching a person who is ahead of one

 Check = (v) media of banking transactions other than money

 Country = (n) A nation with its own government, occupying a particular


 Crammed = Completely fill (a place or container) to the point that it

appears to be overflowing

 During = (pre) Throughtout the course or duration of (a period of


 Dollar = (v) United States currency

 FBI = (n) The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the principal

investigative agency of the United States Department of Justice.

 Flew = (v) (of an aircraft or its occupants) travel through the air

 Foreign = (adj) Of or belonging to another district or area.

 Fraudulent = Obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially
criminal deception

 Free = (adv) without cost or payment.

 Fuck = (v) Fuck is one of the most common words in English — it's also
one of the most offensive. It's main meaning is "have sex," but it has

hundreds of other uses .

 Hear = (v) Listen or pay attention to.

 Help = (v) Make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by

offering one’s services or resources

 History = (n) The study of past events, particularly in human affairs.

 Home = (n) The place where one lives permanently, especially as a

member of a family or household

 Hospital = (n) An instution providing medical and surgical treatment and

nursing care for sick or injured people.

 Humble = (adj) Habing or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s

importance .

 Humilated = Make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring

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