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the fact that here in the Philippines, different cultural

ideas can affect a person’s willingness to be cured

because this typical mindset of the people sets back
FLAVIO, Janella Anne Mae P. most Filipinos from going to a doctor to ask for
professional opinion (Tugade, 2017).
World Health Organization states that mental
Humanities and Social Sciences health is a state of mind which includes the way how
we think, feel and handle into a certain situation. It
also revolves around a person’s emotional,
THE LEVEL OF psychological and social capability which can be a
IMPORTANCE OF MENTAL help to determine and distinguish the capacity to
handle circumstances like stress and decision making.
HEALTH CONSULTATIONS Consultation by Merriam Webster meaning is
a contemplation between a patient and a professional
AMONG FILIPINO medical licensed official. Licensed professionals when
it comes to mental health are clinical psychologist,
ADOLESCENTS school, psychologist, clinical social worker, Licensed
Professional Counsellor and psychiatrist (Mental
Keywords: mental health, consultation, professional Health America).
help, Filipino adolescents, counselling, psychotherapy, According to the Community for Accredited
Philippines Online Schools, there are 7 leading mental health
problems that can affect a student’s academic
performance such as anxiety and stress which lead to
ABSTRACT racing thoughts, poor judgement and impaired
The research intended to know the level of memory. Another one is depression which makes a
importance towards mental health consultations among student unproductive to be engaged into a day to day
Filipino Adolescents. It focuses more on the study in activities. Depression doesn’t only affect a person’s
the number of young people who doesn’t consider academic status but rather it targets the whole well-
mental health practitioners whereas it resulted with the being. It constrains the capability of a person to excel
same conclusion prior to the study. Most of them and make a progress. Drugs and alcohol addiction are
doesn’t think about it in these days because of the also rampant among teenagers. This is the time where
different barriers that hinder them from getting help. they are being engaged to this kind of vices influenced
The researcher conducted the study in a school setting by their peers. To fully support the idea, the National
because it is composed of young adolescents that are Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
needed for this. It was executed through the use of Task Force administered a study about the relation of
online questionnaires via google forms in a span of 3 alcohol usage to poor academic performance. They
weeks and the data that was gathered was interpreted also found out that there’s a direct effect between the
and elaborated thoroughly. The researcher found out number of alcohol intake weekly and their grades.
that mental health consultations nowadays for young Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is
people don’t matter as much as they think about the also being related to mental behaviours that can affect
best for them. Social stigma is still present in this a student’s academic performance which includes loss
modern day and it is the main reason why they are of focus, getting bored easily, fidgeting and constant
refusing it even if most of them are experiencing talking. In addition to this, ADHD can also be linked
emotional distress that is mostly cause by academics. to other mental health issues. Some of the people who
have ADHD also suffer from mental illness such as
INTRODUCTION depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. Eating
Mental Health is such a big problem disorders should also be monitored because it is not
nowadays, most specially to a particular age group that only a problem with food but it can be worst and
ranges from 5-16 years old. It can actually affect prompt to a long term repercussion. Students with
anyone at any time in their lives but that specific group Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD can
that was mentioned are the people who are prone to it inevitably create a compulsive thought that can result
(Mental Health Foundation, 2016). There are options to difficulty when it comes to academic activity. The
to be considered like seeking for professional help but last one is PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
the stigma that surrounds the issue is the major factor which can have a consequential effect on a student’s
on why they hinder themselves from consulting. Given cognitive capacity. Along with that are the impacts of
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PTSD such as disordered sleeping or eating patterns 250% for females and 300% for males. This behaviour
and lack of motivation and concentration. can be demonstrated in various ways such as
Regardless of several free counselling services performing a psychotic process. Suicidal behaviour
inside the campus, students still opt to keep their can also be evident for adolescent with conduct
problems to their selves. It has been shown that only a disorder which experiences persistent stress and comes
percentage of students use that privilege (Firmante, to the point where they feel like they no longer have a
2017). Since there are a lot of people who are life. Primarily, young people who suffer from mental
completely clueless about this particular issue. This illness such as depression, isolation and angry-
study aims to spread awareness and knowledge about impulsive are at high risk for suicide attempts. Data
psychological help-seeking and how medical shows that over 50% of suicidal adolescents
practitioners can help them. This research also wants experiences depression. The more they suffer from
to know the different factors on why they hinder depression, the higher the possibility to attempt suicide
themselves from getting professional help. (Meehan & Stetson, 1998). A solid relationship can
Stigma is also one of the main reasons why make a change not only for the school and teachers but
Filipino students choose to ignore it. Due to the fact also for the home and parents, they are the most
that Philippines does not openly embrace what mental important people who should step up and send help for
health really is. Filipinos have this mindset that their children. A healthy support system in the family
whenever someone is seeking for a psychological or as well as trained teachers and counsellors can
psychiatric service, he/she is considered to be insane diminish increasing suicide attempts.
and lunatic (Borja, 2017). It is really perceptible that A person’s mental health escalates when they
Filipinos are not really aware and open about it reach to the point wherein they will enter the student
because most of them have this idea that those life. Schools should be a support system that would
illnesses can be cured by sleeping, praying or a good guide along its scope towards being emancipated and
relaxation. empowered. But what’s happening in these days is that
This study covers a variety of adolescents that students’ come to the point that they overused their
ranges from 16-18 years old as its respondents. There’s selves in extending to numerous extracurricular
an exclusivity with the age because the research activities and school works (Perry, 2018). This what
focuses more on the adolescent stage. The specific the society should face, the reality that mental health is
respondents will be students from different chosen not a joke and it should not be taken for granted. At
schools who are namely: Treston International College, least for now, the only thing that should save it is the
University of Makati, Makati High School, Global awareness and mostly the early prevention which can
City Innovative College and Jose Rizal University. be an action to conquer it. Nevertheless, most students
Different data shows that more students are still lack of support system that’s why teachers, school
fully unaware and doesn’t consider professional help. counsellors and administrators should have a strong
Adolescents and young adults are commonly relation towards the students to build a certain
experiencing mental health problems and most of them connection which can help them to aid the
are refusing with only 18%-34% of people who are prioritization of mental health.
getting professional advice whenever they feel like
they need to (Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen, 2010). METHODOLOGY
In a 5 young people, 1 suffers from mental problem
The researcher chooses the descriptive way to
but the worst case is that 60% of adolescents feel
tackle the study deeply as a research design. This
uncomfortable towards mental health consultations
(Scott & Quinn, 2014). That’s why it can be a particular design looks into the background or status of
a present variable or phenomenon. This is also
possibility that this research will have a conclusion
appropriate and fit for the research since it focuses
that the chosen respondents also don’t consider it
more on social sciences and psychology as a main
which can be due to different factors such as stigma or
financial. It can also turn out that they are now subject.
Throughout this research, 100 students from 5
considering it most specially in these days that it is
specific schools are the respondents for the study. The
much more talked about.
Student’s mental health may worsen over the respondents are composed of 20 people per school:
years. There are cases of mental illness that ended up Treston International College, University of Makati,
Makati High School, Global City Innovative College
by suicide. In the United States, suicide is the second
and Jose Rizal University.
leading cause of death among adolescents that range
from 15 to 24 years old. With the increasing rate of This study conducts a snowball sampling
technique to acquire respondents for this research. It is
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a convenient way for the researcher since there are 6

schools participating. It can be easily executed by Figure 2 shows the percentage of the students
referral from a student of each schools. from each schools who cooperated in the study where
For them to be able to answer it conveniently in they all got the same number with 20% each
and hassle-free, the researcher chooses an online
survey questionnaire through google forms as an
instrument. Questions are in an open ended form for
them to be able to help and contribute to the study.
1) The researcher created an online survey
questionnaire via google forms.
2) Then, the researcher sent a link of the form to
a student of each schools.
3) The researcher asked that student if he/she can
refer students that can participate to the study.
Figure 3 Emotional Distress

Figure 3 shows the percentage of the

RESULTS adolescents who are experiencing exhaustion, anxiety
This chapter will present the data that was and other emotional distress wherein 96% answered
garnered from the respondents of the 5 schools that that they are experiencing it while 3% answered
were used in this research which are the Treston sometimes and the remaining 1% answered that they
International College, Jose Rizal University, don’t experience it at all
University of Makati, Makati High School and Global
City Innovative College. The data is presented through
graphical representation form

Figure 1 Age Figure 4 Cause of Emotional Distress

Figure 1 shows the percentage of the age Figure 4 shows the cause of emotional distress
group who answered the survey whereas most of the where in academics got the highest with 74% while
respondents are in the range of 16 to 18 years old family and financial problem got 16% and 10%
where it shows the same number of the interviewees respectively.
who are 17 and 18 with 37% while the 26% is
composed of the respondents who are 16 years old.

Figure 5 Kinds of Distress

Figure 5 shows the different kinds of distress

that the respondents’ are experiencing which can be
Figure 2 Schools seen that Depression got the highest with 53 total
number of answers while low self esteem and low
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confidence got 45 and 40, respectively. The 38 Figure 8 shows the different factors that
answered they are experiencing repetitive of thoughts hinder them from having a consultation from a
while 34 answered they are having eating disorders. 30 professional. Social Stigma got 81% while the second
answered that they are having unrealistic, perfectionist is the lack of mental health professionals with 64% and
expectations and some answered that they are the remaining got 52% each, the financial capacity and
worrying about the future events with a total number lack of mental health education and awareness
of 29 while the remaining two are fears and anger with
22 and 23, in order.

Figure 9 Level of Importance of Mental Health


Figure 6 Mental Health Professionals

Figure 9 shows the level of importance of the
Mental Health Practitioners wherein Psychologist is
Figure 6 shows the the Mental Health hailed as the fairly important or level four with a total
Professionals that they to open up with if ever they had number of 29 answers while the Psychiatrist got 43
a chance. The highest got 88% which is the number of answers which is distinguished as important
Psychologist while the second got 35% which is the while the remaining three: Guidance Counsellor,
Psychiatrist and the Guidance Counsellor got 28% Behavioural Psychologist and Clinical Psychologist
got level 2 as the highest which is the slightly
important with a a total number of answers 43, 37 and
48, respectively.

The purpose of this study is to know the level
of importance of mental health consultations among
the adolescents. That’s why this research was
conducted from the setting wherein most of it are
Figure 7 Consideration of getting professional help composed of adolescents. From that, the researcher
was able to know if they still consider consultation and
Figure 7 shows if the adolescents still the different factors that hinder them from getting
consider to consult from a mental health professional professional help.
wherein most of the said no with 80% while 20% said Figure 1 tackles the age of the respondents
yes. which states that they are in the same age group from
16 years old to 18 years old, in short they are
considered as the people in the adolescent stage. Both
17 and 18 got the same number of answers with 37%
each because it can be connected to their school since
it is now in a university and college format.
Meanwhile, the remaining 26% percent was answered
by the 16 year old students.
The second figure presents the school where
the respondents came from. All of them had the same
number of respondents with 20% each of the 5 schools
Figure 8 Factors that hinder from getting professional that participated in this research.
help Most of the respondents answered that they are
experiencing different emotional distress such as
Page !5 of !5

exhaustion and anxiety with a total number of 96%. In The researcher should expand the respondents
connection with that are the causes of what they are by considering other age group to further elaborate the
experiencing. Academics got the highest because it can idea.
be with the reason that there are changes with the The research should also consider finding
curriculum of the country with 74%, the percentages other related studies that can add more depth and
can be both seen in figures 3 and 4. details to the study.
It can be seen in figure 5 that they specified
that kinds of distress that they are experiencing more
particularly depression. Among the other options References:
depression got the highest number of response with 53. Borja, K. (2017, October 05). Fighting the Stigma of Mental
Which you can conclude that almost half of them are Illness in the Philippines. Retrieved from http://
having thoughts and feelings about it.
Due to the fact that Psychologist is the well
known mental health professional among the College Fact Sheet [PDF]. (2015, December). National
respondents, it is their top choice id ever they were Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
given a chance to consult to a professional with over
Firmante, M. M. (2017). Psychological Help-seeking
88% because it is mostly discussed in school and even Intentions among Filipino College Students Across Three
on the television followed by the Psychiatrist with Common Problem Areas: A Replication Study [PDF].
35%. With that they also believe that Psychologist is Semantic Scholar.
important when it comes to mental health matter.
Fundamental Facts About Mental Health 2016 [PDF].
Given an option to measure each practitioner from 1 (2016). United Kingdom: Mental Health Foundation.
from being the lowest and 5 being the highest, it got
the highest rating in level 4 which means that it is Gulliver, A., Griffiths, K. M., & Christensen, H. (2010,
fairly important which can be reflected that it is their December 30). Perceived barriers and facilitators to
mental health help-seeking in young people: A
best bet if given a chance. systematic review. Retrieved from https://
This research depicted that most of the
respondents doesn’t want to have a professional help
with 80% answers which can be seen in figure 6. Meehan, A. M., & Stetson, E. A. (Eds.). (1997). Adolescent
In relation to figure 6, the different factors that Psychology 97/98. Guilford, Connecticut: Dushkin
Publishing Group/Brown & Benchmark.
hinder them from getting help tops the social stigma
with 81% because of the reason that the Philippines is Perry, P. (2018, November 01). Millennials are at higher risk
not yet open when it comes to that issue. for mental health issues. This may be why. Retrieved
The research aims to know the level of Promoting Student Mental Health. (2018). Retrieved from
importance of the adolescents towards mental health
consultations and it can be wrapped up that they don’t student-mental-health-resources/
consider it at all in these days. It can also be seen that
Scott, S., & Quinn, S. (2014, June 19). One in five young
they are struggling especially in academics or people struggle with mental illness. Retrieved from
schoolworks which triggers them from experiencing
emotional distress. There’s also a shortage of with-mental-illness-do-not-seek-help/5530748
understanding since they are not knowledgeable
Tugade, R. (2017, April 25). We need to talk about mental
enough with it which can be indicated that there’s a illness in the Philippines. Retrieved from http://
deficit education to the topic. Social Stigma is also the
main reason why they are afraid to ask for help since illness-stigma.html
the Philippines is not yet open enough to Mental
Types of Mental Health Professionals. (2016, March 30).
Health. In their own perspective, Psychologist is the Retrieved from
most important mental health practitioner. types-mental-health-professionals

The research should widen the scope and
limitations, such as not only settling with 5 schools but
in a more diversed setting.

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