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Question 1: Most historians see a connection between early farming and the growth of

religion. Why do they think these two developments are related?

Religion and farming have always been closely related, farming led to the
development of civilizations and allowing people to abandon their hunter-gatherer
lifestyle, as people congregated and began to develop civilizations, the spreading of
ideas and religion boomed, also, we have found evidence that religious ceremonies
were done to pray for rainfall or for their crops.

Question 2: What is cultural diffusion, and how does it work? Give two examples of
cultural diffusion involving ancient empires. Be specific and detailed. Your examples
may relate to ideas about government, military technology, economic systems, religion,
or any other area.

Cultural diffusion is the spreading of ideas, beliefs, or other cultural ideas from
one group of people to another. The silk road is a big example of where cultural
diffusion happened, the silk road connected two large empires, China and Rome, the
silk road allowed the exchange of goods, and also religion and other cultural resources.
Such as religion, which would’ve spread from China to Rome and vice versa. Such as
Taoism being spread to Rome. Farming techniques and technology were also traded
and are considered cultural diffusion.

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