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Question 1​: Compare and contrast the fall of the Roman Empire with the fall of the Han

Dynasty. What factors did these events have in common, and how were they different?
Use specific details to support your point of view.

The fall of the Roman Empire, there are many reasons for the fall of the Roman
empire, but nothing is for sure, but some possible reasons are constant invasion by
Barbarians, after a while, the Roman army had been picked off, another reason is that
the Roman Empire had relied too much on their slave labor for their economy. And
because the Roman empire had suffered from overexpansion and military
overspending, eventually there was no more slave influx to support their economy.

The fall of the Han Dynasty, some of the reasons the Han dynasty fell include,
they suffered from corruption, Emperor Wu stopped writing treaties and avoiding war,
soon the Han Dynasty suffered from wars and overexpansion. More internal issues
include taxation, many people who lived in the Han Dynasty would avoid paying taxes,
leading to a shortage of money for the government.

Similarities between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty include
overexpansion and war, although the Han Dynasty eventually fell due to internal issues,
and the Roman Empire mainly fell from a weakening army and constant raids.

Question 2​: How did the Black Death help bring about the end of feudalism in western
Europe? What were its key negative and positive effects?
The positive effects of the Black Death, include the end of Feudalism, this was caused
because of the low labor force, the people who worked in it could refuse to work and request a
fair wage, so the black death brought fairer wages, it also brought more attention to science,
people paid more attention to hygiene and more medicines were developed, it sparked a large
amount of scientific revolution.

The negative effects of the Black Death obviously include the fact that it killed an
estimated 20 million people, it was one of the deadliest epidemics in the world’s history. There
were already economic issues previously, but with the loss of a majority of the educated, and
labor force, Europe suffered an extended period of disorder.

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