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1. It is quite similar to blueprints used in other fields of engineering.

a. class
b. Unified modeling language
c. object

2. - A relationship between instances of two classes, where one class must know about the
other class to do its work, this is indicated by a straight line or arrow

a. Association
b. Composition
c. inheritance
3. - An association where one class belongs to a collection, Indicated by an empty diamond
on the side of the collection
a. Aggregation
c. composition
4. It is a Strong form of Aggregation,-Indicated by a solid diamond on the side of the
a. association
b. inheretance
d. composition

5. It is a collection of logically related UML elements

a. package or Pckage diagram
b. object diGRAM

6. is a snapshot of the objects in a system .

A. class diagram
B. object diagram
C. abstraction

7. . Are generally best use for illustrating particular cases, with the full refinement reserved
for implementation code.
a. Sequence diagram
b. Multiplicities
c. association

8. shows the architecture of a system. A class consist of (name, attributes and methods)

a. class diagram

9. indicated by triangle pointing to superclass

a. inheritance
10. are the basic components of any object oriented software system

1. What is the purpose of uml?

The main aim of UML is to define a standard way to visualize the way a system has
been designed. It is quite similar to blueprints used in other fields of
engineering. UML is not a programming language, it is rather a visual language.
We use UML diagrams to portray the behavior and structure of a system.
2. Do we really need UML?
3. Complex applications need collaboration and planning from multiple teams and hence
require a clear and concise way to communicate amongst them.
4. Businessmen do not understand code. So UML becomes essential to communicate with
non programmers essential requirements, functionalities and processes of the system.
5. A lot of time is saved down the line when teams are able to visualize processes, user
interactions and static structure of the system.

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