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for Days 5.NBT.5

Mrs. McCoy asks her students to solve the following problem:

The donut shop bakes 325 donuts a day. How many donuts did the shop bake in a week?

How could we solve this problem?

As the class began to work Mrs. McCoy noticed various strategies being used by her students. Two of
the students strategies are shown below:

What do you notice? What do you wonder? How are strategies similar? How do they differ?
How does the first partial product in Jason’s strategy connect to the circled portion of Kate’s strategy?
Jason’s Strategy Kate’s Strategy

How does the second partial product in Jason’s strategy connect to the circled portion of
Kate’s strategy?
Jason’s Strategy Kate’s Strategy
Solve the problems below.

The baker puts 246 sprinkles on each of the rainbow donuts. Mike buys 3
rainbow donuts. How many sprinkles are on Mike’s donuts in all?

The donut shop also sells premade boxes of 6 donuts of different

varieties. Last week they sold 159 of these boxes. How many donuts did
they sell in all from the premade boxes last week?

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