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Graduate Programs Office

Advising Quiz

Instructions: You have 10 minutes to answer the following questions as a group.

1. Which of the following are things I can seek advice about from the Graduate Programs Advisor
(i.e. Golfer)?
a. What brand of shoes I should buy?
b. Clarity on program specific content
c. Success tips and academic advice
d. What should I write about in my final paper?
e. Both b and c are correct

2. When sending an email to Golfer, what are the vital things to include in my email?
a. Dear/Hello Golfer, Purpose of email, Student number and name
b. Hey Golfer, Phone number, full name and address
c. Dear Golfer, Postal code, phone number and Purpose of email
d. Hello Golfer, Student number and name, Purpose of email and home address
e. Both a and d are correct

3. We have a group project deadline coming up and a team member has not submitted or
contributed to the project, what should I do?
a. Ignore the team member
b. Email Golfer and ask her to sort it out
c. Notify my professor via email and set up a zoom meeting to explore how to proceed
d. Ask for an extension and/or delay submission
e. None of the above

4. What should I do when I am not sure on how best to approach my Professor about the course
content and expectations?
a. Ask the Associate Dean to intervene on my behalf
b. Talk with my peers to see if they have any suggestions
c. Check in with Golfer
d. Email the professor and respectfully ask for help and/or explain my confusion
e. All of the above are correct

5. What approach should I take when I experience a peer conflict that is mostly likely going to
impact my course performance?
a. Email the Associate Dean to request for a meeting
b. Email Golfer to seek advice
c. Post on social media
d. Email my professor to book an appointment to express concerns
e. All of the above are correct

6. Sometimes in the course, I will disagree with a final grade and want to appeal my grade. What
policy applies to this situation?
a. Academic Grade Appeal
b. Grade appeal code of conduct
c. Academic misconduct
d. Student code of conduct
e. Ethics Board review

7. What policy states the standards of academic misconduct and integrity?

a. Integrity act
b. Resource guide
c. Ethics board act
d. Both a and d are correct
e. Student academic code of conduct

8. The MBA program can be challenging and stressful, who do I reach out to when I feel over
whelmed and mentally stressed?
a. Discuss with my family members
b. Seek help from Golfer
c. Email the Associate Dean
d. Seek help from the Counsellor
e. Discuss with friends

9. Who do I reach out to when stressed and overwhelmed due to the F grade on my student
a. Discuss with Golfer
b. Counsellor
c. Immigration Advisor
d. Dean

10. What resources are available to assist second language students improve their academic English
a. Associate Dean
b. Immigration Advisor
c. International Academic Support
d. Librarian
e. All of the above

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