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Ex. 1. Learn the new words and word combinations:
to be skilled бути обізнаним
interpretation пояснення,  інтерпретація
simultaneously одночасно
in multiple languages у різних мовах
applied linguistics прикладна лінгвістика
to encompass охоплювати
utilization використання
interpreter перекладач (усний)
speech therapist логопед
to intertwine переплітати
distinction різниця, відмінність
to affiliate приєднувати
application застосування, використання
expansive vocabulary великий словниковий запас
linguist лінгвіст, мовознавець
linguistic research лінгвістичне дослідження
linguistic level мовний рівень
Ex. 2. Translate into Ukrainian:
1.   A linguist is a person who is skilled in different languages.
2.   Linguistics refers to the scientific study of language – both theoretical and practical.
3.   In multiple languages we can use different linguistic researches.
4.   There are many interpretations of the word “linguist”.
5.   There is an essential distinction between the translator and the interpreter.
Ex. 3. Translate into English:
1.   Мовознавець  проводить різні лінгвістичні дослідження.
2.   Робота  перекладача  - це  цікава та високооплачувана робота.
3.   Лінгвістика включає в себе: граматику, синтаксис, семантику та фонетику.
4.   Мовний рівень лінгвіста  залежить від його словникового запасу.
5.   Сучасний вчитель повинен бути обізнаним в педагогіці та психології.
Ex. 4. Read and translate the text:
A linguist in any sense is a person who is skilled in some way with a given language, including ancient
languages. The term linguist can be used to describe a person who specializes in linguistics, which is the study of
language, or a linguist can be a person well versed in the translation, interpretation, and application of a language.
Simultaneously, a linguist may also be a person who is fluent in multiple languages.
In the academic sense, a linguist is a person who engages in and studies linguistics. Simply put, linguistics refers
to the scientific study of language – both theoretical and practical. A person studying or professionally practicing either
theoretical or applied linguistics is said to be a linguist.
Examples of theoretical linguistics include grammar, syntax, semantics, origin, and phonetics. Applied
linguistics encompasses practical utilization of the knowledge of a language, such as an interpreter, translator, a speech
therapist, or a language teacher or professor.
Though the spoken word and written word often intertwine, a linguist focuses more on the spoken word than the
written word. A polyglot, or person skilled in multiple languages, for example, could be considered a linguist. A person
skilled in the written word may be considered a linguist.
There is often some distinction made between linguists themselves, but in the ordinary sense of explanation a
linguist is any person who is highly educated in both the practical and theoretical elements of one or more given
language. There are both associations and professional organizations where a linguist may affiliate with other specialists
who share their interests. One such organization is the Chartered Institute of Linguists, which publishes its own
magazine titled The Linguist.
A linguist differs from a lexiphile, a modernly applied term for someone who loves words, because a linguist is
learned in an entire language and not just specific words and has more theoretical knowledge of a language than just an
expansive vocabulary.
Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:
1.   Who is a linguist? Give different explanations of this term.
2.   How can the term linguist be used?
3.   What does theoretical linguistics include?
4.   What is the difference between interpreter and translator?
5.   Who is a polyglot?
6.   Where may a linguist affiliate with other specialists?
7.   Do you know any famous linguists of  our country?
8.   What is more important for future linguists: theoretical knowledge or  practice?
Ex. 6. Give synonyms to the words:
A linguist, a specialist, interpretation, professional, distinction, translator, include, multiple languages,
Ex. 7. Insert the proper words:
1.   A person  skilled in the written word may be considered … .
2.   The term linguist can be used to describe a person who … in linguistics.
3.   Examples of theoretical linguistics include grammar, …, semantics, …, and phonetics.
4.   Linguistics refers to the scientific study of language – both theoretical and … .
5.   Applied linguistics encompasses practical utilization of the knowledge of … .
Ex. 8. Give a short summary of the text “A linguist”.
Ex. 9. Discuss the following topics:
1.   The profession of a linguist in Ukraine.
2.   Linguistics as a science.
3.   The development of linguistics in Ukraine and other countries.

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