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Submitted by : Zeeshan Ali Ranjha

Roll No: BENF 17E 125

Class:BS English
Session:2017_2021 SS
Topic : Spirit And Flash and related concepts
Christian Theology
In Christian theology, the tripartite view
(trichotomy) holds that humankind is a
composite of three distinct components: body,
spirit, and soul. It is in contrast to the bipartite
view (dichotomy), where soul and spirit are
taken as different terms for the same entity
(the spiritual soul).
What does Bible says?
The Bible teaches that we consist of body, soul
and spirit: "May your whole spirit, soul and
body be preserved blameless at the coming of
our Lord Jesus" (I Thessalonians 5:23). Our
material bodies are evident, but our souls and
spirits are less distinguishable.
What is soul
Soul, in religion and philosophy, the immaterial
aspect or essence of a human being, that which
confers individuality and humanity, often
considered to be synonymous with the mind or
the self. In theology, the soul is further defined
as that part of the individual which partakes of
divinity and often is considered to survive the
death of the body.
Parts of soul in ancient Egypt
The five components are: Ren, Ka, Ib, Ba and
Where does the spirit live in the body?
The soul or atman, credited with the ability to
enliven the body, was located by ancient
anatomists and philosophers in the lungs or
heart, in the pineal gland (Descartes), and
generally in the brain.

What is the function of spirit?

Helminiak and Bernard Lonergan, human spirit
is considered to be the mental functions of
awareness, insight, understanding, judgement
and other reasoning powers. It is distinguished
from the separate component of psyche which
comprises the entities of emotion, images,
memory and personality.
What is ruh and nafs?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. There
are three central ideas in Sufi Islamic
psychology, which are the Nafs (self, ego or
psyche), the Qalb (heart) and the Ruh (spirit).
The origin and basis of these terms is Qur'anic
and they have been expounded upon by
centuries of Sufic commentaries.
What is a soul in Islam?
In Sufism, rūḥ (Arabic: ‫ ;روح‬plural arwah) is a
person's immortal, essential self — pneuma,
i.e. the "spirit" or "soul". The Quran itself does
not describe rūḥ as the immortal self.
Nevertheless, in some contexts, it animates
inanimate matter. Further, it appears to be a
metaphorical being, such as an angel.
What is a soul in Bible?
The only Hebrew word traditionally translated
"soul" (nephesh) in English language Bibles
refers to a living, breathing conscious body,
rather than to an immortal soul.
How many spirit do we have?
seven spirits
The Holy Spirit manifests in humankind through
these graces, reflecting the seven spirits of God.

Is NAFS a soul?
Nafs in Context
Notwithstanding, the term nafs refers to the
human soul in most of the cases mentioned in
the Qur'ān (see II:48, 123, 233, 286; III:25; V:30,
32; VI:98, 158, 164; VII:42, 189; X:30, 54;
XIII:33; XXXIII:42; XVI:111, XVII:15; L:16, 21;
What is Jihad al nafs?
Jihad al-nafs is against all evil, anger, lust,
insatiable imagination and any other bad
morality in humans.
How is the soul related to the body?
The soul acts as a link between the material
body and the spiritual self, and therefore
shares some characteristics of both. The soul
can be attracted either towards the spiritual or
towards the material realm, being thus the
"battlefield" of good and evil.

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