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Luisa Fernanda Gallego Muñoz

Many celebrities have more money than they could ever use or need. Some have multiple homes,
their own personal chef, personal trainers, and some even have their own personal jets. For us
who are not celebrities, the large expenses they make seem very strange to us since they are
extravagant. Celebrities spend their money on all sorts of things, but here are some of the
costliest purchases they make.
One of the expenses that celebrities make is that they allow themselves to own several houses
around the world, which have a swimming pool, a tennis court, a garage for several cars, an
example of this is the couple Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi.
We can see that they also spend money on their pets as if they were accessories, they take them
on a trip to all the places they travel, we can see that they spend money on the luxury cars that
are bought since there are not one or two they are more than 5 and each one has a brand which is
expensive, their trips are extravagant they travel with their friends to have parties and many more
expenses that they have the luxury of being able to do so. In conclusion, celebrities have
excessive expenses which ordinary people like us cannot afford, for us there are luxuries that
they give themselves that perhaps are not suitable for our pocket

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