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The worst day of my life happened three and a half ago. That day at school
there was a science fair, everyone in my classroom was excited to offer
their work. Then all the courses went to organize their classrooms to begin
the tours of the smaller classrooms. My first mistake was going very fast
between people, which made me stumble and fall into my project, a friend
helped me to get up and we realized that the project wasn’t quite right, a
big piece broke. Already in the classroom we tried to fix it but all our
efforts weren’t working. A little later I went to tell my teacher what had
happened and on the way some boys playing with some yoghurts, they did
not see me and they threw one on my head, it burst and I finished washed
in yogurt. I had to wait for the day to finish covered in yogurt and without
being able to complete my work.

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