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Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

Present a video using situations in your house applying past perfect and past perfect
continuous.7 situations in past perfect and 7 situations in past perfect continuous.

Past Perfect

1. We had eaten before we left

2. My husband had played soccer before work
3. My daughter had already left when I called her
4. I had worked before English class
5. I had cleaned my bathroom before my room
6. They had fixed our internet when I arrived
7. I just took my meds before breakfast

Past Perfect Continuous

1. I was organizing until my relatives arrived

2. My daughter had been singing even when her cousin was dancing
3. We had been having lunch before it rained.
4. My husband had been studying when his brother called him
5. The neighbors were worried when i had been crying
6. I had been washing before my daughter came
7. My dog had been playing when the kennel arrived



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