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LISTENING (20 pts, 1 each)

Recording One: Listen to the recording carefully, then write down the missing word(s) in each blank in your
Answer Sheet.
(1) returning
(2) collected
(3) backpacking
(4) trolleys
(5) searching
(6) carrying
(7) Underground
(8) unbelievably
(9) Halfway
(10) announced
Recording Two: Listen to the recording carefully, then decide whether each of the statements is True or False.
Write TRUE or FALSE in your Answer Sheet.
11. The Magdalenians lived in Europe as long ago as 1,800 BCE. FALSE
12. Most of the paintings were discovered in Germany and Spain. FALSE
13. Only air-conditioned caves can be visited by the general public. TRUE
14. Most cave and rock artworks show pictures of ancient people. FALSE
15. The artists preferred caves to outside rocks. TRUE
Recording Three: Listen to the recording carefully. Then, write a short answer to each question about the
16. Where was Penelope Cruz born? Madrid
17. What did Penelope do when she was a teenager? TV presenter
18. When did she become famous? In 1992
19. What classes had she attended before she started learning acting? ballet
20. For which category did she win an Oscar? Best Actress

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. (10 pts)
1. Although they tried hard, they seemed to get ________.
A. somewhere B. nowhere C. everywhere D. anywhere
2. It is kind of you ______ me a hand with that job.
A. giving B. having given C. to give D. to have given
3. ______ the apple she had eaten were all over the place.
A. cores B. middles C. stones D. centres
4. Take this to the rubbish dump, ________?
A. will you B. won’t you C. do you D. should you
5. You should clean the cut thoroughly ______ prevent any infection.
A. so that B. so as to C. with a view to D. in order for
6. My dog as well as my cats ______ twice a day.
A. eat B. eats C. has eaten D. have eaten
7. This class quite _______ the one we attended last month.
A. outnumbers B. outclasses C. overdoes D. supersedes
8. They decided not to _______ any news to the public.
A. release B. show C. leak D. collect
9. It’s a common _______ for doctors to take a patient’s temperature before an examination.
A. habit B. custom C. regulation D. practice
10. Why don’t you just feel confident _______ your future success?
A. of B. for C. about D. in
11. These days I have my _______ full with organizing workshops.
A. face B. neck C. eyes D. hands
12. _______ than waiting, we should do something about it soon.
A. More B. Other C. Rather D. Better
13. If only they _______ us a little earlier.
A. might have informed B. informed
C. had informed D. should have informed
14. He redecorated the house ________ selling it to get money for his son studying abroad.
A. with a view to B. because of C. on condition that D. his goal was to
15. She is the most _______ woman I’ve ever known. She’s really thoughtful.
A. caring B. careless C. uncared D. careful
16. As a teacher, she _______ the responsibility for the welfare of her students.
A. achieves B. assumes C. makes D. keeps
17. Mike’s injury did not ________ after a week.
A. cure B. treat C. heal D. mend
18. Owing to our lack of money, financial ________ is needed for the project to be carried out.
A. agreement B. backing C. analysis D. plan
19. They were accused of match _______.
A. fixing B. mending C. holding D. repairing
20. Don’t worry! I’m _______ that you will get the job.
A. aware B. happy C. disappointed D. confident

Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank . (10 pts)
1. His __________ knocking on the table disturbed me a lot. (CONTINUE)  continually
2. The machine ____________, so the workers were allowed to go home. (FUNCTION)  malfunctioned
3. If you are physically _________, you won’t feel fit for your work. (ACTION)  inactive
4. Many women feel __________ traveling home at night alone. (PANIC)  panicked
5. Hundreds of unemployed __________ could be pushed back towards crime by the closure of job training
programs. (PRISON)  ex-prisoners
6. It is _______________ to gamble in Vietnam. (LEGAL)  illegal
7. Isn't the weather _______________ today? (HORROR)  horrible
8. You really deserve a(n) ___________ vacation for what you have been doing. (EARN)  well-earned
9. Don’t be so __________. Go straight to the point, please. (RELEVANCE)  irrelevant
10. I can’t stand the sound of the toy. Can you __________ it? (ACTIVATE)  deactivate

Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space. (15 pts)
Consulates (1)_________ to help citizens abroad to help themselves. Every year millions of people go
abroad for (2)________ or profit. There are consular officers ready to do what they can to help if people get
into difficulties, but for all sorts of reasons there are (3)________ to what they can do. Most of the (4)________
things go well for travelers abroad but occasionally things go wrong.
So, (5)________ you are an experienced traveler or a first timer, going by yourself, with a family or a
group, there are things you should do before you go. Think about money and tickets well in (6)________. Take
enough money including enough to pay your return (7)________, and hold on to it. Better (8)________, buy
return tickets in the first place. In a(n) (9)________ a Consul will (10)________ relatives or friends and ask
them to help you with money or tickets. But there’s no (11)________ that says a Consul has to lend you money
and if he (12)________ does (and it will have to be repaid) he will want to be (13)________ first that you really
are penniless and that there is no one else you know who can help.
It is also important to take out proper insurance for everything from car breakdowns to (14)________ of
life. A Consul cannot pay your medical or any other (15)__________, nor can he do the work of local travel
representatives or motoring organizations.
1. A. maintain B. live C. exist D. support
2. A. joy B. pleasure C. play D. distraction
3. A. hints B. limits C. problems D. obligations
4. A. time B. moment C. condition D. situation
5. A. when B. whether C. if D. although
6. A. advance B. precedent C. prediction D. caution
7. A. price B. transport C. account D. fare
8. A. much B. then C. yet D. still
9. A. danger B. emergency C. annoyance D. problem
10. A. contact B. talk C. face D. force
11. A. law B. force C. authority D. power
12. A. initially B. after that C. eventually D. consequently
13. A. pleased B. confirmed C. satisfied D. argued
14. A. loss B. miss C. absence D. damage
15. A. papers B. salaries C. documents D. bills

Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word. (15 pts)
Twice a year, all the clocks in the United States are changed by one hour. In the spring, clocks are
moved (1) forward an hour. This is called daylight savings time. In the fall, clocks are set back an hour to (2)
normal / usual time. People remember how to change their clocks by remembering this saying: Spring
forward, (3) fall back. It seems Benjamin Franklin was the first person to propose the (4) idea / change of
daylight savings time, back in the 1790s. At the time, people thought he was joking. They couldn’t believe he
was (5) serious. Many years later, during World War I, people realized (6) how innovative an idea he’d had. In
the spring and summer, the sun (7) rises earlier. By moving the clock ahead, people can take (8) advantage
of the extra daylight and save energy. Energy is an important (9) resource / thing, of course, especially during
wartime. The United States operated (10) the / this daylight savings time during World War I and again during
World War II. After that, some (11) parts of the country observed daylight savings time and some didn’t.
Beginning and ending dates (12) vary from place to place. This confusion ended in 1966, when the Congress
(13) passed / enforced the Uniform Time Act, standardizing the process and (14) made daylight savings time
a federal law. Since (15) then, some lawmakers have proposed that the United States go to year-round
daylight savings time.


Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.
The stylistic innovation in painting known as Impressionism began in the 1870’s. The Impressionists
wanted to depict what they saw in nature, but they were inspired to portray fragmentary moments by the
increasingly fast pace of modern life. They concentrated on the play of light over objects, people, and nature,
breaking up seemingly solid surfaces, stressing vivid contrast between colors in sunlight and shade, and
depiction reflected light in all of its possibilities. Unlike earlier artists, they did not want to observe the world
from indoors. They abandoned the studio, painting in the open air and recording spontaneous Impressions of
their subjects instead of making outside sketches and then moving indoors to complete the work form memory.
Some of the Impressionists’ painting methods were affected by technological advances. For example,
the shift from the studio to the open air was made possible in part by the advent of cheap rail travel, which
permitted easy and quick access to the countryside or seashore, as well as by newly developed chemical dyes
and oils that led to collapsible paint tubes, which enabled artists to finish their paintings on the spot.
Impressionism acquired its name not from supporters but from angry art lovers who felt threatened by the
new painting. The term “Impressionism” was born in 1874, when a group of artists who had been working
together organized an exhibition of their paintings in order to draw public attention to their work. Reaction from
the public and press was immediate, and derisive. Among the 165 paintings exhibited was one called
Impression: Sunrise, by Claude Monet(1840-1926),Viewed through hostile eyes, Monet’s painting of a rising
sun over a misty, watery scene seemed messy, slapdash, and an affront to good taste. Borrowing Monet’s
title, art critics extended the term “Impressionism” to the entire exhibit. In response, Monet and his 29 fellow
artists in the exhibit adopted the same name as a badge of their unity, despite individual differences.
From then until 1886 Impressionism had all the zeal of a “church”, as the painter Renoir put it. Monet
was faithful to the Impressionist creed until his death, although many of the others moved on to new styles.
1. What aspect of painting in the nineteenth century does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The impact of some artists’ resistance to the fast pace of life
(B) The differences between two major styles of art
(C) A technological advance in the materials used by artists
(D) A group of artists with a new technique and approach to art
2. The word “depict” is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) reorganize (B) deform (C) represent (D) justify
3. According to the passage, which of the following was one of the distinguishing characteristics of
Impressionist painting?
(A) The emphasis on people rather than nature scenes
(B) The way the subjects were presented from multiple angles
(C) The focus on small solid objects
(D) The depiction of the effects of light and color
4. Which of the following is a significant way in which Impressionists were different from the artists that
preceded them?
(A) They began by making sketches of their subjects (B) They painted their subjects out-of-doors
(C) They preferred to paint from memory (D) They used subjects drawn from modern life
5. The word “advent” is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) achievement (B) acceptance (C) arrival (D) advantage
6. The exhibition of paintings organized in 1874 resulted in all of the following EXCEPT _______.
(A) attracting attention from the public (B) a negative reaction from the press
(C) an immediate demand for the paintings exhibited (D) creating a name for a new style of painting
7. The word “affront” is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) insult (B) encouragement (C) return (D) credit
8. The rejection of the Impressionist exhibition by critics was caused by which of the following?
(A) The small number of paintings on display (B) Lack of interest in exhibitions by young artists
(C) The similarity between all the paintings exhibited (D) Anger about seemingly poorly painted art
9. The author mentions “Renoir” to give an example of an artist who _______.
(A) became as famous as Monet
(B) was consistently praised by art critics
(C) described the enthusiasm of the Impressionists for their work
(D) was in favor of a traditional style of painting
10. The word “others” refers to _______.
(A) art critics (B) fellow artists (C) individual differences (D) new styles


Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it.
1. A man whose head looked like a huge egg sat at the desk.
 At the desk sat a man whose head looked like a huge egg.
2. Here is the book that I found the quotation in.
 Here is the book in which I found the quotation.
3. I don’t want to have lunch yet.
 I’d rather not have lunch yet.
4. You might fall if you are not careful.
 Be careful, or (else) you might fall.
5. While I was driving, the car suddenly broke down.
 Something suddenly went wrong with the car when I was driving.
6. I couldn’t go to work because of the traffic congestion.
 What prevented me (from) going to work was the traffic congestion.
7. She is interested in learning English.
 She takes an interest in learning English.
8. The colonel and the doctor did not get on well.
 The colonel was not on good terms with the doctor.
9. Birth rates have fallen sharply recently.
 There has been a sharp fall / decrease in birth rate recently.
10. I only realized the full implications of what had happened some time later.
 It wasn’t some time later that I realized the full implications of what had happened.


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