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BLOGCHUYENANH@ KY THI HOC SINH GIOI CAP THANH PHO LOP 9 - THPT 47. 18. a. 10. 44, 13. 44. 415. 28. 29. 30. availability personalise another involves until themselves WORDPRESS KHOA NGAY: 27/03/2013 - NAM HQC: 2012-2013 MON: TIENG ANH SUGGESTED KEY| Thdi gian lam bai: 150 phit PART TWO. USE OF ENGLISH 1.0 3A 5A 7.0 9A 11.A 13.0 16.8 2C 4B 6B 8B 10. C 12.C 14.D 16. A WORD FORMS 1. climatology 3. disinterested 5. hard-earned (or well-earned) 7. informative 2. intraductory 4. worldwide 6. _ exactitude / exactness 8. Amazingly PART THREE. CLOZE TESTS PASSAGE A 1.6 3c 5.D 7.0 9D 11.A 120 13.6 2.0 4k 6A 8.C 10.B PASSAGE B 1. ways 4. disabilities 7. picking 10. made 2. including 5. developed 8. still 14. brings 3. According 6. ever 9. much/far/way 12. fascinated PASSAGE C 16. over 19. respect 22. While/Whereas 25. degree 17. caused 20. information 23. before 26. of 18. raised 21. price 24. invasion 27. what PART FOUR. READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGE A 1A 28 3.B 4.D 5. B 6. D 7. C 8A PASSAGE B 11.8 12.A 13. D 14. 15.B 16.4 17.D 18.C PART FIVE. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION He is said to be capable of swimming across this river. Itis uncertain thatwhether they will tum out at the meeting, 19. The teacher sent/gave us/sent out a reminder that we had to hand in the paper by the deadline. 1 2. 3. 4. Ithas become increasingly popular to learn English in our city. 5. As soon as he got off the plane, he was taken into custody. 6. Neither the teacher nor his students had any idea about the crack on the wall 7. Itwas the boy's effort that left a good impression on the audience and judges. 8. I wish you would try to get along well with the others. 9. Inorder to keep fit, invariably go jogging in the morning. 10. It goes without saying that no-one else in the conservatory plays the violin as well as Katie does.

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