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Analysis of Pacing Strategy Selection in Elite

400-m Freestyle Swimming

Endurance Research Group, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Kent, Chatham, Kent, England, UNITED
KINGDOM; and 2Institute for Sport and Physical Activity Research, Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of
Bedfordshire, Bedford, England, UNITED KINGDOM

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MAUGER, A. R., J. NEULOH, and P. C. CASTLE. Analysis of Pacing Strategy Selection in Elite 400-m Freestyle Swimming. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc., Vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 2205–2212, 2012. Introduction: Pacing strategy selection can exert a significant influence on per-
formance in events where time to completion is the measure of success. However, few studies exist examining pacing in elite sport,
with even less examining pacing in swimming. Purpose: The objective of this study is to identify which type of pacing profiles are
most prominently used in elite 400-m freestyle swimming. Methods: Two hundred sixty-four swims from elite national and
international competitions were analyzed in high-frequency pacing capture for mean speed (every 6% of the race). Each swim was
subsequently categorized into one of six different pacing strategies through a computer algorithm and then performance analyzed in
relation to completion time to the current world record, sex, and swimming suit used. Results: Fast-start-even and parabolic pacing
profiles were the most frequently used, irrespective of sex or swimming suit worn (120 and 89 swims, respectively). Although
these strategies yielded closer performance times to the world record (96.08% T 2.12% and 96.04% T 2.2%, respectively) than other
strategies, this difference was nonsignificant (F2,228 = 1.00, P 9 0.05). Conclusions: This is the first study using a large sample
size in elite freestyle swimming to demonstrate that a fast-start-even and parabolic pacing strategy are most frequently used in
elite competition. The performance benefits that these strategies may yield should be considered by coaches and athletes, with
possible integration of pacing training before competition. Key Words: SWIMMING VELOCITY, WATER, ELITE SPORT,

n sporting events where the sole aim of the athlete is However, under stable conditions, it has been suggested
to cover a set distance in the fastest possible time, it that a constant PO (even pacing) is optimal for prolonged
is generally accepted (2,3,17,18) that the adoption of a (92 min) events such as running, cycling, rowing, and
suitable pacing strategy is an important determinant of skiing (2). Indeed, more successful athletes have been
success. A pacing strategy can be defined as the manipu- shown to use a more even pacing strategy (22,32). The
lation of power output (PO) over an exercise bout, so as theory of the benefits of even pacing is primarily based
to balance energy expenditure and speed in a way that will on critical power models (12) and mathematical laws of
allow completion of the activity to the best of the individ- motion (9) that state that even minor fluctuations in speed
uals’ capacity (17). Therefore, pacing is inextricably linked can result in greater energy cost. Despite this, the incidence
to the individuals’ ‘‘intelligent’’ regulation of the rate of of both parabolic and positive pacing strategies is also
fatigue development over the exercise. high in prolonged exercise (2).
Abbiss and Laursen (2) have previously described and Although the effect of different pacing strategies on
defined six different pacing strategies common in sport performance has received considerable attention in many
performance, and different pacing profiles may be more or sports, including cycling (3,6), running (21,31), speed
less beneficial depending on the sport, event, or distance. skating (14), and rowing (13), little attention has been paid
to pacing strategy selection and swimming. Optimal pacing
in swimming is made highly relevant due to the increased
resistive forces brought about by the water. As swimming
Address for correspondence: Alexis Mauger, PhD, School of Sport and
Exercise Sciences, University of Kent, Medway Campus, Chatham, Kent velocity increases, frontal water resistance increases dis-
ME4 4AG, England, United Kingdom; E-mail: proportionately (4); therefore, any fluctuations in velocity
Submitted for publication August 2011. could create higher relative energy costs (10,25). Because
Accepted for publication May 2012. of the higher resistive forces in swimming (than that in
0195-9131/12/4411-2205/0 other sports) that change disproportionately as a result of
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ changes in velocity, pacing may be all the more important
Copyright Ó 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine because less frequent changes in velocity may reduce the
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3182604b84 energy cost of overcoming drag. Indeed, ‘‘variable’’ pacing


Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
has previously been shown to be ineffective in swimming information retrospectively obtained from the race analysis
(27), and instead, a more even pacing strategy (3) with an reports was subsequently collated and analyzed by the
initial fast start (5,7) may be more appropriate. De Koning investigators. Information on the swimmers’ swimming suit
et al. (8) support this concept, stating that PO lost to the design (PhtS or non–high tech suit (NhtS)) was retrospec-
environment (that may be minimized in swimming by re- tively added by the investigators by corresponding the race
ducing changes in velocity) is a key factor in determining analysis report date and the swimmer to the competition.
the pacing pattern in a given race. Despite the apparent Measurements. British Swimming race analysis re-
importance of pacing selection to performance in swim- ports provided mean velocity (mIsj1) for each swimmer
ming, further complexities such as the effect of competitors over 16 sections (pacing sectors) of the 400-m race. Pacing
and race tactics may cause athletes to deviate from what sectors were identified by dividing lengths into two seg-
may be more biomechanically, mathematically, and phys- ments, excluding the first 15 m at the start and the last
iologically optimal. 5 m and the first 10 m in each length, because of the turn.
There are higher resistive forces (e.g., drag) in swim- The final 5 m of the race was included. The breakdown
ming than that in many other sports (10), which may allow of the 16 pacing sectors is depicted in Figure 1. Average
for a greater significance of pacing on performance out- swimming velocity for each of these sectors was calculated
come. Therefore, anything that helps reduce these forces on the basis of change in position (distance) and elapsed
may also effect pacing strategy selection. Indeed, swim- time (time), measured from the head of the swimmer
ming performance is partly determined by the body drag through video analysis. For the video analysis, a video
of the swimmer, which is composed of friction, pressure, camera was placed at the 25-m mark on the poolside and
and wave-making resistance (20). Because friction and pres- used to film the swimmer of interest. All video recordings
sure resistance are highly related to the flow conditions and were completed by British Swimming and mean velocities
body characteristics, anything that may serve to reduce these logged by a skilled scientist. All the raw data obtained from
will also reduce drag and the energy lost to the environment the British Swimming race analysis reports were subse-
for a given velocity. Different swimsuit designs and mate- quently collated and analyzed by the current authors. Be-
rials, such as whole torso suits and polyurethane high tech cause of the fixed position of the camera, some level of
suits (PhtS), have been shown to reduce drag, increase angle distortion would be expected, and this may have
buoyancy, and improve performance by as much as 10% created a small level of error in the speed, distance, and
(19,24). Therefore, it may also be expected that the reduced time equations used to calculate velocity for each pacing
metabolic cost for a given exercise intensity that such suits sector. This level of distortion would be greatest furthest
provide may also influence pacing by making any changes from the camera (i.e., the far lane and at the ends of the
in velocity less costly in terms of energy lost to overcoming pool) but minimal where the angle of the pacing sector
increased drag. and camera were perpendicular. Where the distortion
Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investi- was greatest, it is estimated that the largest angle of dis-
gate the prominence of different pacing strategies in elite tortion would have been G24-, creating a distance error of
swimming competitions and their relationship with per- G0.485 m and a possible timing error of G0.29 s (0.12% of
formance outcome. To achieve this, 264 swims from na- finishing time, based on a mean race velocity of 1.65 mIsj1).
tional and international elite competitions were analyzed
for pacing strategy, completion time, sex, and type of
swimming suit worn. It was hypothesized that there would
be no interaction between pacing strategy selection and
race performance.

Subjects. After ethical approval from the Institutional

Ethics Committee (University of Bedfordshire), race anal-

ysis reports for two hundred sixty-four 400-m freestyle
swims (male = 147, female = 117) of swimmers competing
in the finals at British and Australian Championships,
International Invitational Meets, European Championships,
World Championships, and Commonwealth and Olympic
Games in the period 2003–2010 were obtained from British
Swimming. All races were swum in long-course (50-m) FIGURE 1—Pacing sectors in a long-course (50-m) pool used to
pools. All British Swimming race analysis reports included establish changes in velocity for the pacing analysis. Pacing sector 1 is
between 15 and 25 m of race distance, pacing sector 2 is between 25 and
the completion time, the split times, and the ratio of completion 40 m of race distance, and so on. Swimmers’ distance completed was
time to the current world record (at the time of the event). The recorded from the head.

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However, because differences in finishing time were be- strategies were modeled into 16 normalized mean velocity
tween 1 and 3 s, and pacing sectors were allocated by sectors so that they corresponded with the pacing data ob-
differences of 91% of finishing time, 0.12% (G0.29 s) re- tained from the race analysis reports used in the current
presents a small level of error, and differences found between study. Therefore, each pacing sector in each modeled strat-
strategies are still likely meaningful. egy had a normalized mean velocity range that the observed
Data analysis. The classification of pacing strategy swims could ‘‘fit’’ into. These modeled strategies and range
for each race profile was determined through an algorithm, of normalized mean velocity for each pacing sector are dis-
built by the current investigators, using OpenOffice 3.2.1 played in Figure 2. For example, a normalized mean velocity
Calc (Oracle Corp., Redwood Shores, Redwood City, CA). of 98% for pacing sector 3 would allocate one conformity
Although the constructed algorithm requires validation, its point for an even pacing strategy. The algorithm worked
use still represents an objective means of classifying pacing through all 16 pacing sectors, allocating a conformity point
strategies to preset criteria determined by investigators and each time a pacing sector in a swim ‘‘matched’’ a modeled
based on previous research (2). Before running the race pacing sector. The pacing strategy that was allocated the
profile through the algorithm, an average race velocity was most conformity points (up to a maximum of 16) resulted in
calculated so that the velocity in each pacing sector could the swim profile being classified with that pacing strategy
be expressed in relation to overall race velocity (normalized (e.g., even pacing strategy). In some instances, a pacing
mean velocity). For example, if an average race velocity sector from a swim may match the same sector from more
was 1.65 mIsj1, a velocity of 1.62 mIsj1 for a particular than one modeled strategy. However, as a conformity point
pacing sector would be 98% of average race velocity. This for each sector was obtained, each complete swim received
approach to expressing pacing strategy as the difference more or less conformity points for a particular modeled
between current velocity and overall mean velocity is well strategy. For example, although the normalized mean ve-
accepted (2). The algorithm allocated a level of conformity locity of a swim may match the initial pacing sectors for the
for the normalized mean velocity in each pacing sector modeled parabolic, fast-start-even and positive pacing strat-
of each swim, against the predominant pacing strategies egies (and therefore, each modeled strategy would acquire
previously identified in the literature (2). These key pacing a conformity point for these sectors), one strategy would


FIGURE 2—From the six pacing schemas identified by Abbiss and Laursen (2) (parabolic (A), fast-start-even (B), positive (C), negative (D), even (E),
and variable (F)) only three were frequently used by the elite swimmers (A–C). Each strategy was modeled by expressing velocity as a percentage of
race mean velocity (normalized mean velocity) (12). Normalized mean velocity was modeled according to each pacing strategy defined by Abbiss and
Laursen (2) for each of the 16 pacing sectors, with a range above and below the mean, expressed in the figure by error bars. Pacing sectors from each
observed swim were compared against the modeled pacing profile sectors depicted in this figure via an algorithm. The modeled strategy that had the
highest conformity (i.e., the most sectors that fit within the error bars) to the observed swim would then be labeled as such. Variable pacing strategies
were identified visually (F) irrespective of sex; 89 swims were classified as parabolic, 120 as fast-start-even, 31 as positive, 4 as negative, 0 as even, and
20 as variable.

PACING ANALYSIS OF ELITE FREESTYLE SWIMMING Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2207

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TABLE 1. Number of swims conforming to each pacing profile from all selected competitions.
Positive Fast-Start-Even Parabolic Negativea Variablea
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
NhtS 15 11 48 49 39 21 1 2 11 3
PhtS 4 1 10 13 14 15 1 0 4 2
Not included in statistical analysis.

ultimately acquire more matched sectors (and thus confor- of sex or the swimming suit worn, positive, negative, and
mity points) overall. The algorithm allowed the investigators variable pacing strategies were infrequently used. On no
to input the swimmer’s velocity for each sector, and the occasion was a variable pacing strategy used. Of the
algorithm would calculate normalized velocity and allocate 264 swims analyzed, no swimmers selected an even pacing
conformity points for each pacing sector. In the case of two strategy, and the 24 negative (n = 4) and variable (n = 20)
pacing strategies being allocated the same total number profiles were excluded from the subsequent statistical anal-
of conformity points (e.g., 10 conformity points each), the ysis because of insufficient sample size.
normalized velocity range for each pacing sector of these Main effect of pacing strategy, sex, and swim-
schemas was narrowed in steps of 0.2% and the algorithm ming suit. Swimmers selecting a fast-start-even pacing
applied again until one schema had more conformity points. strategy produced performances that were an average
Variable pacing strategies were identified visually, because of 96.08% T 2.12% (95% confidence interval (CI) =
these types of profile could take many forms that could not 95.86%–96.81%) of the world record time (%WR) (equat-
all be modeled and classified by an algorithm. ing to a mean time of approximately 3:48.4 T 4.66 s), with
Statistical analysis. Descriptive data are presented swimmers selecting parabolic pacing strategies produc-
as mean T SD. All analyses were conducted using SPSS ing similar performances (96.04% T 2.2%) (95% CI =
version 16.0 (Chicago, IL), and significance was accepted 95.87%–96.79%) (equating to a mean time of approximately
when P G 0.05. Data were analyzed using a three-way 3:48.7 T 4.84 s). Positive strategies (95.4% T 2.19%)
ANOVA (pacing strategy  sex  swimming suit) in an (95% CI = 95.12%–97.52%) were generally further from
unrelated design. the world record (equating to a mean time of approximately
3:50.12 T 4.82 s) than both fast-start-even and parabolic
pacing strategies (Fig. 3). Although this difference was
RESULTS insignificant (F2,228 = 1.00, P 9 0.05), the absolute time dif-
Distribution of pacing strategies. Table 1 shows ference of this percentage difference between fast-start-even
the incidence of different pacing strategy selection for and positive pacing equated to approximately 1.7 s. Although
swims analyzed in this study. Fast-start-even and parabolic negative and variable strategies were removed from the sta-
pacing profiles were used the most, with parabolic pro- tistical analysis because of the small number of samples, ne-
files preferred by a greater extent by males. Irrespective gative pacing produced performances that were generally a

FIGURE 3—Performance outcome for pacing strategy, sex, and swimsuit type. Performance outcome is expressed as performance time as a per-
centage of the world record time at the time of competition. *Denotes significant difference (P G 0.05).

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TABLE 2. Performance outcome for each pacing strategy displayed as percentage of the current world record time.
Positive Fast-Start-Even Parabolic
Male Female Male Female Male Female
NhtS 94.23 T 1.69 96.78 T 2.13 95.34 T 2.12 96.46 T 1.96 95.28 T 1.95 96.47 T 2.00
PhtS 95.00 T 0.77 99.28 T 0.00 96.51 T 2.07 97.03 T 2.12 97.00 T 2.21 96.72 T 2.41

high %WR (98.02% T 0.57%), as did variable pacing (96.6% T obtained in high frequency (every 6% of total race dis-
1.75%). tance). Therefore, this study acknowledges the recommen-
There was a significant main effect for sex (F1,228 = 11.1, dations by Foster et al. (10), who state that split times should
P G 0.01), with females achieving significantly closer per- be measured every 5%–10% of the race when investigating
formances (96.59% T 2.07%) (95% CI = 96.33%–97.87%) pacing and performance.
to the female world record (equating to a mean time of ap- Although the effect of pacing strategy selection on per-
proximately 4:08.12 T 4.97 s) than male swimmers to the formance outcome was found to be nonsignificant, the
male world record (95.45% T 2.1%) (95% CI = 95.10%– mean difference between competitors pacing positive and
96.10%) (equating to a mean time of approximately 3:50.01 T fast-start-even or parabolic was approximately 0.7% WR,
4.62 s). equating in absolute terms to approximately 1.7 s. Where
A significant main effect for the type of swimsuit (PhtS the difference between medal winners at international-level
and NhtS) was also observed (F1,228 = 6.59, P G 0.05). 400-m freestyle races is frequently G1 s, the functional per-
Swimmers using a PhtS achieved significantly and con- formance difference observed in the current study could be
sistently closer performances (96.74% T 2.16%) (95% meaningful. Furthermore, the observation that positive pa-
CI = 96.10%–97.76%) to the world record (equating to a cing resulted in worse performances supports previous
mean time of approximately 3:47.12 T 4.75 s) than those literature (2,22,32), and thus, the lack of statistical signifi-
who used a NhtS (95.73% T 2.01%) (95% CI = 95.39%– cance of this effect may solely be a factor of a small num-
96.09%) (equating to a mean time of approximately 3:49.39 T ber of samples (31 positive vs. 120 fast-start-even) in this
4.42 s). Mean performances, dependent on relation to pacing pacing group. It may also be that because of the inefficient
strategy, sex, and swimsuit, are shown in Table 2. nature of this pacing strategy, elite athletes make a tactical
Interaction effects for pacing strategy  sex  decision not to select it, which would explain the low in-
swimming suit. Although no significant interaction effect cidence of this pacing profile in elite competition. However,
was observed between pacing strategy and sex (F2,228 = on examination of the range of performance times across
2.72, P 9 0.05), there appeared to be a greater sex difference the three most prominent strategies, it becomes clear that,
in %WR when swimmers paced positive than when they despite different means, ranges overlap. Therefore, it may be
paced fast-start-even or parabolic (Fig. 4). that selection of one of these three strategies does not pose
No interaction effect for pacing strategy and swimsuit a significant hindrance in elite 400-m swimming perfor-
(F2,228 = 0.18, P 9 0.05) or sex and swimsuit (F1,228 = 0.01, mance. The finding that the majority of swimmers adopted
P 9 0.05) were observed. a fast-start-even or parabolic pacing strategy (as opposed

This study was designed to establish the prominence of
different pacing strategies in elite 400-m freestyle swim-
ming and their relationship with performance outcome by
retrospectively analyzing swims from recent elite national
and international meets. The primary finding of the study
was that although fast-start-even and parabolic pacing pro-
files were clearly favored by competitors, no single pacing
strategy appeared to exert a significant influence on per-
formance time. Despite this, pacing strategies in elite
swimming that use a fast start appear to be selected with
significantly more frequency than slow or even starts. Be-
cause all the swimmers analyzed in this study were elite
athletes, this would suggest that elite athletes may naturally
select the most effective pacing strategy. To the authors’
FIGURE 4—Interaction effect for pacing strategy and sex for perfor-
knowledge, this is the first large-scale, field-based study mance outcome. Although not significant, there was a trend toward
on elite freestyle swimmers where velocity has been greater sex differences when pacing positive.

PACING ANALYSIS OF ELITE FREESTYLE SWIMMING Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2209

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
to variable or even strategies), and that these performances sprint in 89 of the 264 swims suggests that these swim-
were consistently closer to the world record (although not mers maintained some level of physiological reserve that
significant), seems to suggest that these strategies are a fac- they were able to use when the race end point was more
tor in optimal performance in 400-m freestyle swimming proximal. This may represent a reserve capacity that can
and that they are sub/consciously ‘‘chosen’’ by experienced only be accessed when premature fatigue is unlikely and
competitors. However, it could also be the case that more peripheral fatigue signaling can be overridden, a change in
talented swimmers naturally select these strategies, which race tactics as a result of a competitor’s pacing strategy or
would also explain the better performances when using these an error in the previous sections of the swim, which caused
profiles. Given that parabolic and fast-start-even strategies a lower than optimal work rate (and a subsequent ability to
are very similar, apart from the final section, it may be that increase it). A curious observation in the relative success
their form of work-rate distribution yields positive physio- of the different strategies was that variable and negative
logical or biomechanical advantages. In support of this, pacing (despite only being selected by a very small number
Bishop et al. (5) have previously shown that fast-start-even of swimmers) actually produced the fastest swim times
pacing produces better performances than even pacing and (96.6% T 1.75% WR and 98.02% T 0.57% WR, respec-
attributed this to initial breakdown of PCr and an increase in tively). Both of these strategies would increase the relative
O2 without a further accumulation of O2 deficit. This finding time spent accelerating and, with the increased resistive
is supported by Jones et al. (15), who found that an initial forces experienced in swimming, would usually be con-
higher PO led to increased oxidative contribution to energy sidered energetically inefficient (4,9,10,25). There may be
turnover, thereby improving exercise tolerance and sparing several explanations for this particular observation: 1) the
some anaerobic work capacity for later in the exercise. fastest swimmers selected the most inefficient strategy and
Sandals et al. (23) have further shown that positive pacing therefore offset the pacing disadvantage. 2) Variable and
leads to a significantly greater %VO2max during a race. negative pacing elicited some kind of tactical advantage.
Therefore, it may be that in events of similar short-medium 3) Pacing strategy selection offers little energetic, physio-
duration, regardless of sport, particular forms of pacing logical, or biomechanical advantage in swimming races of
produce the physiological benefits alluded to. Indeed, de this distance. Ultimately, it is likely that an elite swimmer
Koning et al. (7) have shown that an initial high PO fol- selects a pacing strategy that they are most comfortable
lowed by a constant PO is the optimal strategy for 4000-m with for that particular race, which may vary from day to
cycling performance. Because a 4000-m cycling time trial day and is likely dependent on race tactics and the other
lasts approximately 4:20 min (i.e., similar in duration to the competitors (27).
400-m freestyle swim), this provides further support for the It is curious that relatively few competitors used an even
findings of this study. However, it should be noted that pacing strategy, given the attention and recognition this type
very high initial POs are required in cycling to overcome of pacing has received in previous literature (2,22,32).
inertia. Because this requirement is largely escaped in swim- However, differences in laboratory-based (3,7) and field-
ming (because of the dive), the higher initial work rate in based (13) study, modality of exercise (9,13,14,31), exer-
swimming would also be reflected by a proportional higher cise duration (18,31), effect of competition (13), fixed (15)
speed (whereas in cycling, a high PO would be observed, or self-paced (17) exercise, conceptual paradigm (physi-
but a lower speed than the mean race velocity). In contrast, ology, biomechanics, and psychology) (6,7,15), and course
however, Foster et al. (11) stated that an even pacing strat- topography/environmental conditions (3,6) are likely behind
egy is optimal for cycling performances lasting 2–3 min, observed differences in literature regarding pacing. These
because even minimal changes in velocity during the start- differences are difficult to reconcile, and because it will
ing sections can have negative consequences on overall often depend on the research question and the sport, it is
race performance. Given the increased resistive forces in important to recognize that different pacing patterns may
swimming, this recommendation appears relevant; however, be more or less beneficial depending on each of the factors
Foster et al. (11) did not observe any changes in O2 uptake given (8). However, one important analysis feature that is
kinetics, B[La] accumulation, or O2 deficit, which may often overlooked, but can have significant importance in

be attributed to relatively lower fast start PO differences. understanding pacing, is the frequency of data acquisition
Therefore, it may be that a short-duration, high-PO fast start (10). Studies (13,31) often use low-frequency work-rate data
to overcome initial resistive forces, followed by minimal points that are too insensitive to identify spontaneous
changes in work rate, may provide both biomechanical and changes in pacing behavior, which have been suggested
physiological benefits for events of this duration. The main to be vitally important (16,30) to performance. This lack
difference between the fast-start-even and parabolic pacing of sensitivity also results in a reduced number of potential
strategy is the presence/absence of the sudden increase in pacing profiles that can be defined and thus cause confusion
work rate in the final section of the race. This phenomenon between what strategy is actually used. For example, in
has been termed the end spurt or end sprint and has previ- contrast to the current study, Tucker et al. (31) found that
ously been suggested as evidence for a protective mecha- 26 different world records in 800-m track running were
nism of central control (21,31). The presence of this end achieved by adopting a positive pacing strategy. However,

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the work rates were only taken every 50% of the race, except Tomikawa and Nomura (28), the PhtS enhances buoyancy
in 12 races where split times were taken every 25%. This and reduces water resistance, which subsequently improves
low resolution would result in any fast start being masked performance time. As with the previously discussed sex
and potentially cause confusion with fast-start-even pacing, difference, it is likely that the improved performances when
which may explain the differences between the studies. using the PhtS (despite the normalization method) is due
Indeed, using a higher frequency when analyzing 5000-m to comparative differences between the use of the PhtS
performance, Tucker et al. (31) found that the greatest and NhtS against the same world record time. Compari-
number of world records was achieved when athletes ran a sons between competitions when the PhtS were banned and
parabolic pacing profile. This highlights the need for re- Olympic Games and World Championships where per-
searchers to capture work-rate data points in high frequen- formers would usually be ‘‘peaking’’ and produce better per-
cies, if possible, between every 5%–10% of the total distance, formances were done. Because PhtS increase propulsion
as suggested by Foster et al. (10) and as performed in the efficiency (29) and decreases water resistance (28), it may
current study. have been expected that changes in velocity during a swim
Although the significant effect for sex may be initially may be less detrimental to overall efficiency, and therefore,
surprising, given the standardization of the data to current the negative effects of variable pacing may be less appar-
sex-specific world records at the time of the event and ent. However, no such pacing strategy and suit interaction
its contradiction to previous data that were normalized in were observed, and therefore, it appears as though the use
a similar manner (13), it is highly likely that the observed of a PhtS improves performance without changing pacing.
sex difference is due to a greater number of females com- It is important to note that this study has provided a ret-
peting at similar levels to the world record. Whereas be- rospective analysis of pacing profiles in elite swimming.
tween 2003 and 2010, the female world record changed six No intervention was performed, and no physiological or
times, the male world record only changed once, which psychological data were collected; therefore, mechanisms
indicates the apparent sex difference was likely influenced underpinning the observed effects remain speculative. On
by an individual higher world record performance of a single the basis of previous laboratory-based research, it is likely
male, compared with a larger and more competitive group of that improved O2 kinetics (5,15), sparing of anaerobic work
females. Although a standardization of data is always re- capacity (15), and reductions in oxygen deficit (5), in com-
quired to investigate sex differences, because of differences bination with various biomechanical factors (4), are re-
in physiological characteristics among male and female sponsible for certain pacing strategies being more frequently
swimmers effecting performance outcome, there is a need selected by elite performers than others. However, these
for a more reliable normalization method, which is not explanations do not take into account how an athlete may
effected by individual performances. Females appeared to intelligently regulate their pace over the course of a race.
select a fast-start-even pacing strategy more frequently than Indeed, a reduced oxygen deficit is a likely consequence of
males (53% vs. 39% of swims, respectively), although the a fast start (5) rather than its cause. The low incidence of
performance difference between sex for this strategy was positive pacing, and prevalence of an end sprint, is sugges-
minimal (1.04% WR) and nonsignificant. However, the sex tive of a system of central control, which allows access to
performance difference between positive pacing (despite a physiological reserve once race end point is close enough
similar selection frequency, females = 10% and males = to minimize risk of premature fatigue or physical harm as
13% of swims, respectively) was more pronounced (2.59% a result of increasing work rate (17,18,21,31). Indeed, the
WR), and this difference approached significance (P = 0.68). observation that a range of pacing strategies were used in
Therefore, it may be that elite female swimmers more suc- these elite competitions, despite the fixed conditions and
cessfully used positive pacing, and although this strategy high experience levels, suggests that pacing is more than a
was not selected most frequently by females, it did seem to case of simply swimming as fast as possible. Whether this
produce (although not significantly so) the fastest mean is dependent on race tactics, central regulation, or individ-
performances in this group (Fig. 4). Given that it should be ual preference for strategy remains to be elucidated. De-
expected that elite athletes would naturally select the ‘‘fast- spite the lack of mechanistic explanation of this article,
est’’ pacing strategy, it would be more logical that positive this is one of a small number of studies that provides an in-
pacing in females would be selected more frequently. sight into pacing behavior in elite competition and, to the
Speculatively, it may be that this kind of pacing is physiologi- authors’ knowledge, the only such large-scale study in elite
cally and tactically more optimal (5,15,23,26), but the greater freestyle swimming.
level of discomfort this may in turn produce (as a result of It should be noted that the fixed camera position used
greater metabolite accumulation) may make it a greater risk in the current study limits the level of accuracy for the
and thus result in fewer swimmers selecting it (or completing it calculation of velocity for each pacing sector. Although
effectively). the level of error is likely G0.12% and that this is less
The finding in the current study that the use of a PhtS than the observed difference in pacing and performance,
resulted in a significant improvement in performance out- it is recommended that future research uses a camera
come is in agreement with previous studies. According to setup where multiple cameras, or a moving camera, allows

PACING ANALYSIS OF ELITE FREESTYLE SWIMMING Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2211

Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
a perpendicular view of the swimmer crossing each minimal. Athletes and coaches should consider adopting
pacing sector. pacing training sessions into their programs, particularly for
In conclusion, this study demonstrates that fast-start-even developing athletes, to accommodate the growing literature
and parabolic pacing strategies are used more frequently support for the efficacy of certain pacing strategies in time-
in elite 400-m swimming freestyle competitions. Because based events.
of their higher incidence of use by elite performers, these
particular strategies may yield better performances than other
strategies, such as negative, even, or variable pacing, which
are commonly reported in other sports. The athlete preference The authors would like to thank British Swimming for granting
for fast-start-even and parabolic pacing occurs regardless of access and permission to use their race report data.
No funding was received for the conduct of this study.
sex or swimming suit design, and functional difference The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by
between these strategies during competition appears to be the American College of Sports Medicine.

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