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In my opinion, the treatment used on John Nash was highly extreme, yet suitable for the
conditions he was under at the time. John Nash underwent electric shock therapy. In this
type of treatment, he was electrocuted in order to reduce his psychological symptoms.
Personally, I believe this was a short-term temporary fix. At the time the treatment was
in progress, this was the most effective treatment to temporarily reduce episodes of
schizophrenic action. Medication had not been certified to work quite yet, and when the
episodes became physically harmful, an extreme procedure needed to take place in
order to halt the self-harm.

John Nash, was a paranoid schizophrenic. Paranoid Schizophrenics always believe they,
as well as their family members, are under some sort of attack. These types of
schizophrenic patients deal with false conspiracies made up in their head. Usually, those
experiencing this type of the disease also deal with vivid hallucinations. These
hallucinations can either be auditory or visual. John Nash, for example, experienced both
visual hallucinations with his roommate, boss, and roommate’s niece, as well as auditory
hallucinations such as the three figures of his imaginations telling him what to do, where
to go, and who to listen to. Those experiencing this type of schizophrenia tend to hold
the most capability to function with everyday life.

Disorganized schizophrenia is another type of this serious psychological disease. This

disease, also called hebephrenia, displays the most difficult type of schizophrenia when
it comes to dealing with everyday situations. Incoherency in thought and speech is
completely common, as well as delusions or hallucinations. Those experiencing
disorganized schizophrenia seem emotionless or show emotions that can be looked
upon as inappropriate in the specific situation in which they are displayed. Personal
hygiene maintenance can also be a deteriorating common result of this specific type of

Catatonic Schizophrenia, a third type is a very physical type of Schizophrenia.

Individual’s with this type usually exert one of the following: Catatonic excitement, which
is hyperactivity, or catatonic stupor. Catatonic schizophrenics can hold the same body
position for an extended period of time regardless of the negative effect it has on their
body. These body positions can often cause great pain to those holding them, and can
lead to swelling and harmful long-term effects.

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