Placement Grammar Test (40) Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect, Past Simple/Continuous, Future Simple

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Placement Grammar Test (40)

Task 1. Open the brackets. Use Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect, Past Simple/Continuous,

Future Simple (13)

1. Ted _____________________ (collect) comics. He _____________________ (already/collect) over a

hundred. He _____________________ (get) his first one from his granny at the age of five.

2. Hello Jane! I am writing this postcard near a swimming pool. We _____________________ (have)

a great time here in Spain. Tomorrow we _____________________ (go) on a trip to Barcelona – we

have already booked tickets. I think it _____________________ (be) fun!

3. – What _____________________ (you/do) when you saw a robber, Mr Smith?

– I _____________________ (sit) in my living room. Suddenly the window _____________________

(open) with a loud noise and a man in a black mask (appear) _____________________ .

4. – I _____________________ (read) an exciting book this week. It’s full of interesting facts. This chapter

is about the change of seasons. It _____________________ (happen) because the Earth

_____________________ (go) round the Sun.

Task 2. Turn from Active into Passive (7)

1. Pandas eat bamboo leaves. _____________________________________________________________

2. Robots mustn’t teach children. ___________________________________________________________

3. The Chinese invented paper. ____________________________________________________________

4. Does a mechanic repair planes? __________________________________________________________

5. Where will people build cities? _________________________________________________________

6. The Vikings didn’t play tennis. ___________________________________________________________

7. Has Vicky won the competition? _________________________________________________________

Task 3. Choose the correct verb (8)

1. I (mustn’t / hadn’t to / didn’t have to) do homework because there wasn’t any.

2. You are my friend – you (has to/ must/ shouldn’t) help me.

3. This summer we are going on a beach holiday so I (can / will be able to / should) swim in the sea.

4. – Shall I help you? – I think you (have to / should / mustn’t) help Mum instead. She is very busy.

5. – Sh! You (mustn’t / don’t have to / couldn’t) talk out loud in the library.

6. - (Can/Could/Should) I leave the room, Ms Smith? – Yes, Jack, you (can / could/ have to).

7. When I was three I (mustn’t / can’t / couldn’t) read or write.

Task 4. Translate the sentences using Conditional I and II structures (12)

1. Если полиция найдет преступника, он попадет в тюрьму.


2. Что будут носить люди, если погода станет холоднее?


3. На твоем месте я бы купил велосипед.


4. Мой папа катался бы на лыжах чаще, если бы у него было больше свободного времени.


5. Если будет контрольная работа, я получу хорошую оценку.


6. Если бы Иван не был таким ленивым, он помогал бы маме.


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