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Like, oh, space and time are created things, so God is outside of those.

didn’t necessarily realize that.
And so one of the things that scripture does to help make God relatable to his
people is,
it uses a mode of language called anthropomorphism.

Can God change his mind?

Anthro comes from a Greek word that means human, morph is a Greek word that means
form. And so anthropomorphic language depicts
God as if he were in human form. And so, even though what for Samuel says is true,
God can’t really change his mind because he’s not a man.
He is nevertheless frequently depicted as if he’s a man, and thus capable of doing
things like changing his mind. You mentioned a case in Exodus
, there are other cases like when God sends the flood in Genesis six, it says God
repented that he made man.

we don't find great differences in the speculative understanding of who and what
god is uh when you you know distinguish one christian neoplatonic f
jewish muslim vedantic bactic sikh uh metaphysics tend to arrive at much same set
of affirmations .

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