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•A very good morning ladies and gentlemen.

The most awaited

occasion is fnally here. On this auspicious day we are witnessing a
proud moment in the history of GANDHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY
•I am much delighted to welcome you all to this grand event of
CONVOCATION. It’s my pleasure to honour the beautiful audience
who’ve gathered here.
•I request all the dignitaries to kindly occupy their seats.
•I am really honored to announce that this institution has been in it’s
40th year in the realm of parting education to thousands of students in
diferent felds every year.
•This is indeed a precious moment to recall the past, thank for what
we are today and to keep ourselves motivated and energized in years
to come.
•A ray of light is a ray of hope. Let’s all leave the darkness and step
towards the bright path.
• Now we will have our traditional auspicious lamp-lighting ceremony
as a tribute to mother Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge.I now
request all the dignitaries to light the lamp and symbolically
inaugurate this program.
•Respecting our rich tradition let’s start our program with a prayer
•Now I request our head of the department to read out the progress
report of this year.
•Thank you sir, for the report.
•Now, I welcome our vice-chancellor to address the gathering.
Thank you sir.
•It’s time to welcome our chairperson, the man behind this successful
organisation for the keynote address.
•Now it’s time for our cultural events.
• Wow, that’s really awsome. Thank you all the performers
•Now it’s time to felicitate the gathering. I invite our special guest and
our chairperson for felicitation.

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