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Hello, my future wife.

If you are reading this before you meet me, then I’m sure that this is not a coincidence but rather made by faith.

The reason I am writing this today is I want you to know that the man you’re about to meet is a man who is well raised
by his parents, has respect for a woman and will eternally love you.

I only had few relationships before but those relationships are the foundation on who I am today. I may not know yet on
what are the difficulties in a lifetime commitment, but one thing is for sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with

The change I am seeing in the society and the influence I am acknowledging are needed in order to build my future with
you. So here and today, I vow to try my best to do the following:

I promise that I will start your day with happiness. I will create breakfast that will make you fall in love with me twice.

I promise I will always look at you with the same adoration as I did from the moment, I was still courting you.

I promise that I will be that person you can lean on every time that you feel sad, and lonely. I will motivate you and keep
you inspired in life.

I promise to hold your hand and be your support system. I will not deprive you with the freedom to reach your goals in
life. I will be your guide and your buddy in your adventures.

I promise to respect you at all times, and not only you but the rest of your family. I will stand by your side and protect
you from all harm.

I promise to have new stories that will make you happy and curious. And maybe, I’ll retell the best ones. Our relationship
will not be only a husband and wife relationship but a friendship that will continuously grow.

I vow to challenge you to challenge yourself for the better. This relationship that we will have will have is not only about
us but will also focus on ourselves, on how we are going be better individuals.

I will help you appreciate darkness. I will let you realize that rainy days are not always bad, that they are days that can
help us reflect.

I promise to have the same passion I had the first time I came into your life. I want you to see that the man that came
was a man of consistency. I will strive for betterment and carry you at all times.

I promise that I will not change your beliefs. As stated in our laws, we need to respect each other’s beliefs even they’re

I will love you through my very last breathe. I hope that I can meet you when God permits us to do so.

Sincerely, Your Future Husband.

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