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Make Hacer

Killer Asesino

Drugs Drogas

Suicide Suicidio

Honored Honrado

Conditions Condiciones

Traffic Tráfico

Injury Lesión

Development Desarrollo

Policy Política

Solutions Soluciones

Indent Sangrar

Solvable Soluble

Safety La seguridad

Helmets Cascos

Motorcycles Motocicletas

Program Programa

Combining Combinatorio

Standing De pie

Adolescents Adolescentes

Pedestrian Peatonal

Unsafe Inseguro

Education Educación

Accident Accidente

Concern Preocupación

Roads Carreteras

Save Salvar
1. This organization will teach children
how to wear helmets themselves.
2. The most of the adolescents aren’t
able to drive a motorcycle
3. The helmets don’t protect you itself
if you don’t wear correctly.
4. I injured myself by not using the
pedestrian zone.
5. The traffic lights will tell you how to
cross themselves.
6. If they don’t wear a helmet, they will
be expose themselves.
7. We are going to make a change
ourselves by walking on the
pedestrian zone.
8. The police officer will develop a
program which will identify people
9. It will combine itself the information
to find about someone.
10. They are stand themselves.
11. Some electricity motorcycles charged
12. It will be unsafe itself.
13. The solutions won’t satisfy their
14. The policy won’t renew itself.
15. I will save my health myself.

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