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Modul korespondensi bahasa Inggris Lanjut

Class Meeting 10:

Writing Personal Business Letter
A. Learning Objectives
After a completion of this chapter , studenta are expeted to be
able to identify as well as write personal business letters. These
letters and notes express thanks, congratulations, and
condolences. They show concern and establish a social link
between the writer and the recipient.
Before writing the letter, make sure you have all the right
B. Description Materials
There are several reasons a person may need to write a personal
business letter. They may need to resolve a problem with a company,
request a replacement item under warranty or dispute an item on a bill.
Personal business letters may also be written to ask for a donation to a
cause or charity or to compliment an employee. This type of letter is
valuable because it allows the sender to communicate clearly and
precisely and gives a record of the communication.

A well-crafted business letter gives credibility to the writer and is a

hallmark of professionalism. A poorly crafted letter signals indifference or

Some of the most common reasons a personal letter may be written are:
To request something from the recipient
• To congratulate a business partner or employee
• To express thanks or gratitude
• To follow-up after a meeting or conference
• To formalize a decision taken in an informal meeting

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Universitas Pamulang
Modul korespondensi bahasa Inggris Lanjut

Some examples of when a personal business letter may be required are:

• From a consumer to a business

• From a job applicant to a company
• From a citizen to a government agency or official
• From an employer to an employee
• Between staff members
• From a charity to a prospective donor

The letter should be printed on plain white paper and not have any cartoon
or floral embellishments. It is, after all, a business letter. It should also
contain the sender’s contact information. This includes an address, phone
number and email address where the sender can receive return

Even though the letter is personal, it is about a serious subject and should
follow formal business-letter format. This includes using block format,
which means the entire letter left justified and single spaced except for
double spacing between paragraphs, addresses and closing signature. It
is recommended to use a generally accepted font such as New Times
Roman size 12 because it is easy to read.

The letter should be addressed to the proper person. If it is a complaint

letter to a company, the sender should find out the name of the person in
charge of customer service. Many companies have several offices and
addresses including post office boxes, so the sender must take the time to
find the correct address.

A RE line after the address, tells the receiver exactly what the letter is
about. If the sender has an account or billing number, it can be put in this

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Modul korespondensi bahasa Inggris Lanjut

The tone of the letter should be cordial and polite. Even if the letter is to
make a complaint, it should not have an angry tone. If there is an issue to
be resolved, a polite letter will have a better chance for getting a favorable
result. All the information should be stated clearly including why the letter
is being sent and what are the sender’s expectations if there are any. For
example, if the sender wants an item removed from their bill, or if they
want to have a defective product repaired or replaced they should state it
clearly. If the letter is to solicit a donation, it should be made clear at the

Here is a sample personal business letter. Since it is a formal letter, it

should be sent by certified mail, so the sender knows when it was
received. If there are any enclosures such as a resume or a brochure, it
should be listed after the closing signature. The sender should save a
copy of the letter in case the receiver loses it or passes it on to someone
else who doesn’t give it any consideration.

Sample Personal Business Letter

Sender’s Name
Sender’s Address
City, State, Zip Code


Receiver’s Name
Receiver’s Address
City, State, Zip Code

RE: Hiking boots order number NUMBER

Dear Receiver’s Name:

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Modul korespondensi bahasa Inggris Lanjut

I ordered a pair of hiking boots from your online store on DATE and
received a confirmation of payment received email the next day. Your
company promises to send products the next working day after payment is
confirmed that will arrive three to five days later. As you can see, it has
been three weeks and my boots have not yet arrived. I would like to know
if you have any information about why my order is delayed and where the
boots are now.

I have purchased several items from your website in the past and never
had any problem. The items arrived within a week. I am taking a trip to the
Himalayas in three months and was hoping to break in the boots before I
go. Thank you for any help you can give me for getting my boots here as
soon as possible.

I can be reached at 555-123-4567 or at if you have any

questions or will inform me of any progress. I have given my purchase
confirmation number above.


Signature of Sender
Printed Name of Sender

By Andre Bradley

Model Letter : Expressing Thanks

Sample Letter #1

Thank you for the letter informing me of your decision to choose (Name of
Service/ Product) to fulfill our current need. I am very pleased that my
research and advice on the range of (services/products) available provided

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Modul korespondensi bahasa Inggris Lanjut

helpful insight and stimulated a constructive discussion that led to a mutual

agreement. I am confident that your choice will lead to the desired results.

If I can be of any assistance in inquiries or discussions about how to meet

additional needs or goals, please don't hesitate to ask. It would be my
pleasure to further contribute to the continued growth and success of the
company in any way I can.

Sample Letter #2

Thanks for taking my advice so seriously. Those who learn from others'
experience are usually a step ahead of the rest. Purchasing a home within
your means now is a wise move. I'm sure you've done the right thing.
You're young and will have time to purchase a larger home later. It's
important to build equity now. It looks like you have a great future.

Sample Letter #3

I am pleased that you have taken my advice to begin saving through

payroll deduction. If you place at least three percent of your gross salary
each month into a tax sheltered annuity, the company will contribute
another three percent. If you continue your savings and increase them
gradually, you will have a very nice retirement income after 30 years.
Saving this way was the best advice I received when I joined Doe
Corporation, and I am always eager to pass it on to new employees. Best
wishes for a happy, prosperous career.

Sample Letter #4

I was very pleased when I learned you had decided to go ahead with my
recommendation to decrease the workweek to four nine-hour days. While

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it is true that this plan will not succeed in some industries, ours seems to
be one where the potential benefits merit this bold experiment. I hope the
new workweek is as good to you as it has been to me.

Sample Letter #5

Thank you for implementing my suggestion regarding air quality

management in our shop. Ever since the new filtration system was
installed I have felt healthier, and our productivity has risen just over 10
percent. It is a pleasure to work in an environment where employee
suggestions are taken seriously.

Useful Language

Thank you for__________

I hope to see you soon.

Again, thank you for____________

Composing your Message

1. Opening : Tell why you are writing

2. Focus : Give specific information.
3. Action : Show appreciation
4. Closing : Restate the main idea

Model Letter : Expressing Congratulation

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Modul korespondensi bahasa Inggris Lanjut

Sample Letter #1

I want to express my gratitude for the pay raise that was included in last
week's check. I realize that the usual waiting period for a pay increase has
not yet passed, and so I especially appreciate this indication of your
approval. It is easy to see why there is so little employee turnover in this
firm, and I feel very fortunate to be able to work here. This unexpected
recognition of my efforts gives me a sense of security and confidence. I
will redouble my efforts in serving the firm to the best of my abilities. I will
enjoy doing so as I find great satisfaction in working with the public and I
really like my job. Thank you so much for noticing my efforts and for giving
me this monetary "pat on the back."

Sample Letter #2

I was pleasantly surprised to see the pay raise you gave me. It came at a
much needed time. Thank you.

I sincerely appreciate working in such a positive environment. I often find I

can't wait to get to work in the morning, and my wife sometimes has to call
to remind me that it's time to go home. I assure you I will do my best to
merit the trust you've placed in me.

Sample Letter #3

I looked at my pay stub this week and noticed I had received a raise. What
a pleasant surprise! Thank you! It is not often that recognition comes
unannounced like this, but I understand the value of subtlety in this work
environment. The last year has been a wonderful experience for me. I
have learned so much working here. I hope that my work continues to
reflect my commitment to excel here.

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Sample Letter #4

On my return from Springfield I found your award letter awaiting me. To be

awarded the Civic Pride Award is really a tremendous honor. When my
father won the Award in 1962, I vowed I would do my best to follow in his
footsteps in Centerville's business community. A review of the list of past
winners, with their excellent track records of community service and
honest dealings, reveals the significance of this award. Today I am more
committed than ever to the community that has brought me so much joy
and success.

Useful Language

Congatulations on___________

All of us are plesed that_________

We look forward to continuing our working relationship with you.

Again, congratulatons___________

Composing Your Message

Opening : Tell why you are writing

Focus : Personalize the information and be positive.

Action : Refer to the future.

Closing : Restate the main idea.

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Model Letter : Expressing Condolences

Typically you wouldn't send an email to your friend when you here
the news of someone's illness or passing, but sometimes it's easier to
relay information if you don't have the time or energy to reach out to your
friends and family individually.

Just remember my new friends, sending your thoughts and prayers

through an email does not take the place of sending a sympathy card.
Condolence letters can express your love and support.

Sample letter of sympathy #1

I have no words to express how deeply sorry I am to hear about your
_________. I'm in shock to here this news. My prayers and thoughts are
with you all during this horrible time. I love you and please give________ a
big hug from us. I would love to fly/drive down and take care of your kids if
you need me to. Just say the word.

Sample letter of sympathy #2

We are so sorry to hear the news about your mother. My condolences.
You are in our thoughts and prayers. We will be thinking of you and the
rest of the family. Sending you lots of love.

Sample letter of sympathy #3

Words can not express the heartache we feel for your family. You are both
such lovely people and we adore you. __________ please know that we
are praying for your mom. I've also asked my mom, a true prayer warrior,

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Modul korespondensi bahasa Inggris Lanjut

to give it all she has. We would love to see you in the near future.
all our hugs and good energy,

Personal versus Professional

When sending a letter of condolences to a business associate, you can

make the letter personal by using I or professional by using We. We
includes your asociates at work.

Personal : I am sorry to hear of your father’s death.

Professional : We are sorry to hear of you father’s death.

Preposition :

Be careful to use appropriate preposition

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Modul korespondensi bahasa Inggris Lanjut

Preposition + ing
Has Tom succeeded in Finding a job?
I don’t feel like Going
Are you thinking Of/ about Buying a house?
I’ve always dreamed of Being rich
She doesn’t approve of smoking
Look forward to Meeting her
insist on Buying me a cup of tea
We decided against Moving to Manila
He apologized for Keeping me waiting

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Modul korespondensi bahasa Inggris Lanjut

Preposition + ing
They accused me of Telling lies

Did they suspect the of Being a spy?

I congratulate Ann On Passing the exam

What prevented him from Coming to the wedding?

We stopped everyone from Leaving the building.

I thanked her for Being so helpful

Please forgive me for Not writing to you

They warned us against Buying the car

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