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Hallo assalamualaikum,

My full name is Anita Bahar, can be called Anita, here I want to tell you about the things I often do in my
spare time and which are my hobbies.

Actually free time is a time where we are free from work, affairs and so on. What I often do in my spare
time is actually a lot, but here I just want to explain about things that I do often, almost all the time, and
that can be called my hobby.

What I often do in my spare time and have become my hobbies is reading books, playing online games
and watching movies whether it's Korean movies, horror, comedy and others. The place where I usually
play games, read books, and watch films is in the room, precisely at the study table, bed or in the living
room. However, most of my activities are done in the room. Because I am a person who rarely leaves
the house or does activities outside, unless there are important matters or matters such as studying,
doing group assignments at friends' houses, going to the market, and so on.

Why do I love reading books, playing games, and watching films? Because it can make my mind or heart
feel calm and more relaxed and can reduce stress. By reading books I can also train my concentration in
understanding and gain broad insights.

Why do I enjoy playing games? Because playing games can train my concentration, but I don't do that
too often because if it's too much we can also get addicted and can't concentrate on other things. such
as not doing assignments, not doing homework, and can make us stay up late. Therefore, I always limit
the time I play my games so that things don't happen as unwanted.

Meanwhile watching a film, why am I so happy? Because I will be more relaxed and relaxed, my burden
of thoughts or stress can be lost, and there are many storylines that we can use as lessons about life.

Maybe that's all I can tell you about the hobby that I do in my spare time. More

and the lack please forgive

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
The following is a photo or picture when I am doing my activities in my spare

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