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1 Corinthians 16:14

We need to love each other  and grow in unity and communication 

How to talk and how to listen

We need to learn how to have deep conversations about people. 

1. Don't multi task 

Be present. Be in the moment and have a deep meaningful conversation. 
2. Don't pontificate (express your opinion or argue) we don't want to be
predictable. We want to go into each conversation with the heart that we are going
to learn something. We always have things to learn. 
3. Use open ended questions (who what where when why how) to engage a
longer more interesting response
4. Go with the flow! Always continue listening. Don't let ideas in your
head hold you back from listening to them
5. If you don't know.. say you don't know
6. Don't equate your experience with theirs. If they start talking about
the loss of a family member... don't start talking about when that happened to
you... it is never the same. All experiences are individual... not a promote
opportunity for yourself
7. Try not to repeat yourself... 
8. stay out of the weeds.. details don't always matter 😭 they care about
you not the story
9. LISTEN!! If you're mouth is open.. you're not learning... we like to
talk and boast and control the conversation... but paying attention to others is so
important we need to understand not reply
10. Be brief and interested in other people. 
"Everyone always has something amazing about them. Keep your mouth shut and your
mind open.. you won't ever be let down"

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