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Compiled by: Group 6

Student Name and NIS:

Anisa Gunawati 10.17,412

Dewi Fathiyah 10.17,425

Listyani Mulyana 10.17.446

Nabila Eka Putri 10.17.456

Nabilla Anggraeni 10.17.457


Nursing Expertise Program

Jl. Raya Cileungsi-Jonggol Km.01 Kec.Cileungsi Kab.Bogor West Java


Tel / Fax.021.824826Statistics Concept

Academic Year 2019/2020


Report on the Results of Handwashing with Dissemination in Vocational School Avicenna

Cileungsi has been examined and approved by:


Subject Teachers Subject Teachers

Indonesian Mathematics

Ririh Yulviana, S.Pd Rivai Arief, S.Pd 


             Praise the authors pray to the presence of God Almighty for the completion of the paper with the
title "The Importance of Washing Hands". The hope of the paper "The Importance of Handwashing" is so
that readers have a healthy lifestyle in a small way beforehand such as hand washing. Therefore, this
paper is designed to develop knowledge, understanding, and the ability to do proper hand washing
before or after doing something. The paper "The Importance of Handwashing" is structured
systematically with easy-to-understand language so that we can learn it easily. Acknowledgments, we
extend to all those who have helped to complete this paper.

Cileungsi, March 9, 2020



VALIDITY SHEET............................................................................................................................................. i

FOREWORD.................................................................................................................................................. ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................ ................................................................................. iii


1.1 Background............................................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Formulation of the problem .................................................................................................................. 3

1.3 Purpose of socialization ........................................................................................................................ 3

1.4 Benefits of socialization ........................................................................................................................ 3


2.1 Concept of knowledge .......................................................................................................................... 4

2.1.1 Definition of knowledge ..................................................................................................................... 4

2.1.2 Level of knowledge .................................................................................................................. 4

2.1.3 Criteria for knowledge .............................................................................................................. 6

2.1.4 How to obtain knowledge ........................................................................................................ 7

2.1.5 Factors that influence knowledge ........................................................................................... 7

2.2 The concept of washing hands ........................................................................................................... 10

2.2.1 Definition of washing hands ............................................................................................................ 10

2.2.2 The purpose of washing hands ........................................................................................................ 10

2.2.3 Benefits of washing hands ............................................................................................................... 11

2.2.4 As a result of inactivity washing hands ............................................................................................ 11

2.2.5 Time to wash hands ......................................................................................................................... 12

2.2.6 Handwashing Procedure ............................................ ..................................................................... 13

2.3 Statistical Concepts ............................................... ..............................................................................14

2.3.1 Definition of datung and data .......................................................................................................... 14

2.3.2 Understanding the population and sample ..................................................................................... 14

2.3.3 Data collection ................................................................................................................................. 15

2.3.4 Present data in diagram form .......................................................................................................... 15

2.3.5 Presentation of data in the form of histogram,

polygon and ogive distribution tables ............................................................................................ 16

2.3.6 Mean ................................................................................................................................................ 18

2.3.7 Median ............................................................................................................................................. 18

2.3.8 Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 20

2.3.9 Decile and Percentile .......................................................................................................................21

2.3.10 Quartiles ......................................................................................................................................... 23

2.3.11 Average Deviation and Standard Deviation ................................................................................... 23


3.1 Initial activities .................................................................................................................................... 25

3.2 Outreach activities .............................................................................................................................. 26

3.3 Results of socialization activities ......................................................................................................... 27


4.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 33

4.2 Suggestions ......................................................................................................................................... 33




I.I Background

Washing hands with soap has become one of the movements initiated by the government.
Washing hands with soap is able to reduce the diarrhea rate by 45%, but the use of soap for washing
hands only reaches around 3% of all people who use soap to wash their hands. The low behavior of
washing hands with soap in the community can pose a risk of spreading infectious diseases. The
easiest groups of people to get infectious diseases are preschool children. This is due to the lack of
knowledge in preschool children so they do not understand the importance of washing hands with
soap to maintain health (Pangesti, 2014).

Based on the results of research Listyorini (2012) shows that there is a relationship with the habit of
washing hands with the incidence of diarrhea in children. Washing hands is an important factor in
preventing the spread of disease, but sometimes children pay little attention to it.

Wirawan (2013) explained that the benefits of washing hands for 20 seconds are able to prevent the
risk of contracting flu, fever and other infectious diseases by up to 50% and reducing the risk of
getting diarrhea and other digestive diseases by 59%.

According to Samsuridjal (2009) that washing hands is one way to avoid food-borne diseases. The
habit of washing hands regularly needs to be trained in children. If you are accustomed to washing
your hands after playing or when you are about to eat, you will be expected to carry on to old age.
The results of the Hadiatama and Arifah (2012) research showed the average value of behavior after
being given health education for the experimental group was 9.56 while the average value of the
control group not given health education was 8.25.

In the experimental group increased behavior after being given health education while the control
group decreased. Provision of health education is proven to be able to improve students' hand
washing behavior.

Sitirus and Fransisca (2012) in their research showed that after health education the attitude of
students' washing hands increased. This is due to increased student knowledge so that student
attitudes increase.

The goal of clean and healthy living behavior is the structure of the educational institution. The
application of clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) will be easier if taught since the child is at
school age.
According to Djauzi (2008) germs everywhere, washing hands is one way to get rid of germs and to
avoid transmission of disease. In school children do not only learn, but many other activities that
children can do at school such as playing, touching or exchanging things with friends. Germs in
stationery, calculators, books and other objects easily move from one child's hand to another, so that
if there are children who have certain diseases it will be easily transmitted to other children. So, hand
washing should be trained early on in children so that children have the habit of washing hands, so
that children avoid disease.

Based on this background, researchers are interested in conducting research under the title
"Handwashing Correct Socialization Activities at SMKF Avicenna Cileungsi". This research was
conducted to 11th grade B Pharmacy Pharmacy students.

I.II Formulation of the problem

Based on the background above, it can be formulated as follows:

1. How to wash hands properly and correctly in children

2. How can children get used to washing hands properly and correctly

I.III Purpose of Socialization

The purpose of this socialization is to provide students with knowledge about how to wash hands
properly and properly with soap.

I.IV Benefits

The benefits of holding this outreach activity are as follows :

1. For Students

Add students' insights, so students know and understand more about how to wash hands
properly and correctly to reduce the occurrence of disease transmission etc.

2. For Researchers

Adding knowledge, insight and as real experience for the author in carrying out research, and as
the development and application of knowledge that has been gained while in school.


2.1 Concept of Knowledge

2.1.1 Definition of knowledge

Knowledge is the result of knowing, which occurs after people perceive certain
objects. Sensing occurs through the human senses, namely the sense of sight, hearing,
smell, taste, and touch. Most of the knowledge is obtained from the eyes and ears.
Knowledge is a guideline in shaping one's actions (Notoatmodjo, 2003).

Simply stated, knowledge is everything that humans know about things, nature,
circumstances, and expectations. Knowledge is information or information that is
known or realized by someone. In another sense, knowledge is a variety of symptoms
encountered and obtained by humans through sensory observation. Knowledge arises
when a person uses his senses or intellect to recognize certain objects or events that
have never been seen or felt before.

2.1.2 Level of Knowledge

Knowledge included in the cognitive domain according to Notoatmodjo (2003) has 6

levels, namely:

1. Know
Know is defined as remembering a material that was studied previously.
Included in this level of knowledge is a recall of a specific of all material learned or
stimuli that have been received. For example, can mention signs of lack of calories
and protein in children under five.

2. Understanding (comprehension)
Understanding is defined as the ability to explain correctly about objects that
are known, and can interpret the material correctly. For example, concluding
predicting, and so on the object being studied. For example, it can explain why you
should eat nutritious foods.

3. Application
Application is defined as the ability to use material that has been learned in real
situations or conditions. The application here can be interpreted as the application
or use of laws, formulas, methods, principles, and using statistical formulas in using
the principles of the health problem solving cycle of problem solving cycles in
solving health problems of a given case.
4. Analysis
Analysis is an ability to describe material or an object into components, but it is still
within an organizational structure, and there are still links to one another. The
ability of this analysis can be seen from the use of verbs can describe (make a chart),
differentiate, separate, classify, and so on.

5. Synthesis (synthesis)
Synthesis refers to the ability to place or connect parts in a whole new form. For
example: can arrange, can plan, can summarize, can adjust, and so on to a theory or
formulation that already exists.

6. Evaluation
This evaluation is related to the ability to justify or evaluate a material or object.
Evaluation is carried out using your own criteria or existing criteria.

2.1.3 Knowledge Criteria

Knowledge can be categorized into:

Assessments are based on criteria that are self-determined or use existing criteria. For
example, it can compare between children who are adequately nourished and children
who are malnourished. According to Nursalam 2008 criteria for assessing the level of
knowledge using values:

a) The level of knowledge is good if the score or score is 76-100%

b) The level of knowledge is sufficient if the score or value of 56-75%

c) Level of knowledge is less if the score or value ≤ 56%

(Nursalam, 2008).
Statistics is a branch of mathematics that studies how to collect data, compile data, present data,
process and analyze data, draw conclusions, and interpret parameters.

Statistics activities include:

1. Collecting data

2. Arrange data

3. Present data

4. Processing and Analyzing data

5. Draw conclusions

6. Interpret

Definition of Datum and Data

Datum is a record of information or information obtained from an study. In mathematics, datum can be
in the form of numbers, symbols, the nature or state of the object being examined. Datums that have
been called data.

Definition of Population and Samples

The word population (population / universe) in statistics refers to a group of individuals with unique
characteristics of concern in a study (observation). While the sample is a small part of the population
members taken according to certain procedures so that they can represent the population.

Data collection

According to its nature, the data is divided into 2 groups, namely as follows.

1. Quantitative data is data in the form of numbers or

number. Quantitative data is divided into two parts, viz

chopped data and size data.

a) Data counting (discrete data) is data obtained by counting

b) Size data (continuous data) is the data obtained

by measuring.

2. Qualitative data is data that is not in the form of numbers.

Qualitative data in the form of characteristics, characteristics, or a description of quality

the object. For example, data regarding service quality,

that is good, moderate, and lacking.

Presenting Data in Diagram Form

1. Line Chart

Presentation of statistical data using a straight line diagram is called a straight line diagram or line
diagram. Line charts are usually used to present statistical data obtained based on observations from
time to time in sequence.

2. Bar Chart

Bar charts are generally used to illustrate the development of a research object's value over a period of
time. The bar chart shows information with upright or horizontal bars and is the same width as the
separate bars.
3. Pie Chart

A pie chart is a presentation of statistical data by using circular images. The parts of the circle area
indicate parts or percent of the whole. To make a pie chart, first determine the percentage of each
object to the overall data and the magnitude of the center angle of the circle sector

Presentation of Data in Histogram, Polygon and Ogive Distribution Tables

1. Single Frequency Distribution

Single data is often stated in the form of a list of numbers, but sometimes it is expressed in the form of
frequency distribution tables. Single frequency distribution table is a way to arrange relatively little data.

2. Group Frequency Distribution

Large data (n> 30) is more appropriate to be presented in a group frequency distribution table, which is
a way of presenting data in which data is arranged in certain classes.

3. Histogram

From the data obtained can be arranged in a frequency distribution table and presented in the form of a
diagram called a histogram. If the bar diagram, the image of the bars are separated, then in the
histogram the images of the bars are coincide.

4. Polygons

If at the midpoints of the histogram connected to the lines and the bars removed, the frequency
polygon is obtained
5. Cumulative Frequency Distribution

There are two kinds of cumulative distribution lists, which are as follows.

a. The cumulative distribution list is less than (using the top edge).

b. The cumulative distribution list is more than (using the bottom edge).

6. Ogive (Ogif)

A graph that shows cumulative frequencies less than or cumulative frequencies more than is called
cumulative polygons. Cumulative polygons are created smoothly, the result of which is called ogif.

There are two types of ogif, which are as follows.

a. The cumulative frequency ogif is less than positive ogif.

b. The cumulative frequency ogif is more than called negative ogif.

The mean

Mean is the average value obtained from the sum of all values from each data, then divided by the
amount of data available.

Formula :

• Single data mean formula:

• Group Data Mean Formulas:


Median is the middle value of the data set that has been sorted, if the number of data is odd then the
Median Value is one value that is in the middle of the sequence, but if the amount of data is even then
the Median is the sum of the two values in the middle of the data sequence, then the results are divided
by two. When searching for median values, data must be grouped first from the smallest to the largest.

Median formula:

• Single data formula:

or sort the value of the data and immediately take the middle value of the data because there are 2
middle values so add them then divide by 2.

• Median group data formula:


Mode is the most frequently occurring value or the value that has the highest frequency. If a data has
only one mode it is called unimodal and if it has two modes it is called bimodal, whereas if it has more
than two modes it is called multimodal. Mode is symbolized by Mo.
1) Single data mode

The mode of a single data is data that often appears or data with the highest frequency.

2) Group data mode

The group data mode is formulated as follows:


L = the bottom edge of the mode class

c = class width

d1 = difference in mode class frequency with the previous class

d2 = difference in mode class frequency with the class afterwards

Decile and Percentile

1. Decile

Deciles are numbers that function as a measure of centralizing the data into 10 equal parts.

A. Single Data Decile Formula


D = decile

i = Integer Number less than 10 (1,2,3,4, ..., 9)

n = Number of Data

B. Group Data Decile Formula

Information :

i = Integer Number less than 10 (1,2,3,4, ..., 9)

Tb = The lower edge of the decile class

n = Total amount of data

f_ {k} = Number of cumulative frequencies before decile class

f_ {i} = Frequency of quartile classes

p = length of the interval class

2. Percentile

Quartiles divide data into 4 equal parts so there are 3 quartile values. In deciles, data is divided into 10
equal numbers so that there are 9 deciles. Whereas in percentiles, data is divided into 100 equal lots, so
there are 99 percentile values.

• Single Data Percentile Formula

Information :

i = integer less than 100 (1, 2, 3, ..., 99).

n = lots of data.

• Group Data Percentile Formula

Information :

i = integer less than 100 (1, 2, 3, ..., 99).

Tb = bottom edge of the percentile class.

n = the sum of all frequencies.

f {k} = number of frequencies before the percentile class.

f {i} = percentile class frequency.

p = length of the interval class


A quartile is dividing data that has been sorted into four equal parts.

1. A single data quartile

2. Group data quartiles


Qi = i i quartile (1, 2 or 3)

L = the bottom edge of the i-quartile class

n = amount of data

F = class cumulative frequency before the quartile class

c = class width

f = frequency quartile class

Average Deviation and Standard Deviation

Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is one of the statistical techniques commonly used to explain group homogeneity.
Standard deviations are statistical values that are usually used to determine how the data in a sample
are distributed and how close each data point is to the sample average or average value.

Formula :

Information :

S2: Variant

S: Standard deviation

xi: i x value

¯x: Average

n: Sample size

2. Average Deviation

The mean deviation (mean deviation) is a distance between data values and the mean.

SR is included in the size of data dissemination as well as Variants and Standard Deviations. The purpose
is to find out how far the value of the data has deviated from the actual average.




III.I Research Methods

After we conducted a survey regarding the understanding of Handwashing properly and correctly for
students of Class 11 B Pharmacy, the following data were obtained:

Understanding Student Frequencies
Very clueless (1) 6

Don't understand (2) 11

Understanding (3) 4

Very understanding (4) 2

Total 23 students

In accordance with the data above we can conclude that:

1. Many students do not understand as many as 6 people out of 23 students

2. Many students do not understand as many as 11 people out of 23 students

3. Many students understand as many as 4 out of 23 students

4. Many students who really understand as much as 2 people out of 23 students

The following is the percentage of the circle diagram regarding students'

understanding of good and proper hand washing

Calculation of percentage of student understanding

Calculation of Mean, Median, and Mode

Understanding Student Frequencies

Very clueless (1) 6
Don't understand (2) 11
Understanding (3) 4
Very understanding (4) 2
Total 23 students

Mean (average)

Mean = (data value) / (lots of data) X = Ƹxi / n


= 48/23 = 2.08

Median (middle value)

Median = 1/2 (n + 1)

= 1/2 (23 + 1)

= 1/2 .24

= 12

So, the 12th value of the data is 2

The median of the data is 2


The mode of the data is 2 because there are 11 students who do not
understand it from 32 students.
Quartile, Decile, and Percentile Calculations,

Quartile (Q)
The formula for Qi = (i (n + 1)) / 4

Q1 = (1 (23 + 1)) / 4 = 24/4 = 6

Q2 = (2 (23 + 1)) / 4 = 48/4 = 12

Q3 = ((23 + 1)) / 4 = 72/4 = 18

So Q1 = 6, Q2 = 12 and Q3 = 18

The formula Di = (i (n + 1)) / 10

Looking for the 10th Decile

D10 = (10 (23 + 1)) / 10

= (10 (24)) / 10

= ((240)) / 10

= 24


The formula Pi = (i (n + 1)) / 100

Looking for the 10th percentile

P10 = (10 (23 + 1)) / 100

= (10 (24)) / 100

= 240/100

= 2.4

Calculation of Average Deviation and Standard Deviation

Average Deviation

SR = Ƹ (| Xi-¯ (x) |) / n

= (1 - 2.08) + (1 - 2.08) + (1 - 2.08) + (1 - 2.08) + (1 - 2.08) + (1 - 2.08) + ( 2

- 2.08) + (2 - 2.08) + (2 - 2.08) +
(2 - 2.08) + (2 - 2.08) + (2 - 2.08) + (2 - 2.08) + (2 - 2.08) + (2 - 2.08) + (2 -
2.08) + (2 - 2.08) + (3 - 2.08) +
(3 - 2.08) + (3 - 2.08) + (3 - 2.08) + (4 - 2.08) + (4 - 2.08)

= (1.08) + (1.08) + (1.08) + (1.08) + (1.08) + (1.08) + (-0.08) +

(-0.08) + (-0.08) + (-0.08) + (-0.08) + (-0.08) + (-0.08) +
(-0.08) + (-0.08) + (-0.08) + (-0.08) + (0, 92) + (0, 92) +
(0, 92) + (0, 92) + (0, 92) + (1.92) + (1.92)


= 6, 48 + (-0.88) + 3.68 + 3.8

= 13.12
= 0, 57
Standard Deviation

The formula = √ (Ƹ (xi-¯x)) 2

= (1.08) 2 + (1.08) 2 + (1.08) 2 + (1.08) 2 + (1.08) 2 +

(1.08) 2 + (-0.08) 2 + (-0.08) 2 + (-0.08) 2 + (-0.08) 2 +
(-0.08) 2 + (-0.08) 2 + (-0.08) 2 + (-0.08) 2 + (-0.08) 2 +
(-0.08) 2 + (-0.08) 2 + (0.92) 2 + (0.92) 2 + (0.92) 2 +
(0.92) 2 + (1.92) 2 + (1.92) 2


= 1.1664 + 1.1664 + 1.1664 + 1.1664 + 1.1664 + 1.1664

+ 0.0064 + 0.0064 + 0.0064 + 0.0064 + 0.0064 + 0.0064 + 0, 0064 + 0.0064
+ 0.0064 + 0.0064 + 0.0064 + 0.0064 + 0,8464 +0 , 8464 + 0,8464 + 0,8464
+ 3,6864 + 3,6864


= 6, 9984 + 0.0704 + 3.3856 + 7.3728


= 17,8272


= 0, 77
Execution time

Timing of the Outreach


Date: March 5, 2020

Hours: 12:30 WIB

Place: Class XI B Pharmacist Pharmacy



IV.I Conclusion

Hand washing is rubbing both wrists firmly together using the appropriate cleaning agent and rinsing
with running water with the aim of removing as many microorganisms as possible. Hand washing aims
to remove impurities that are attached to the hands, eliminate odors inherent in the hands, prevent the
spread of cross infections, keep the condition of the hands to remain sterile, giving a fresh and clean
feeling. Hand washing is done in two ways, namely regular hand washing and surgical hand washing.

1V.II Suggestions

This research needs to be further refined to wash good and right hands of young people as one way to
maximize efforts to prevent disease in Indonesia. It is expected to serve as a baseline for further
research to conduct other research relating to Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) regarding
Handwashing with Soap
Dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang cuci tangan diharapkanpenyakit menular tersebut
bisa mengurangi resiko terjadinya penularan penyakit melalui tangan dengan mencuci bersih
tangan-tangan anda. Makanan dan minuman yang dimasak dengan tangan kotor itu dapat
menularkan penyakit, cobalah mencuci tangan anda dengan air menalir dan sabun pada saat
anda akan mempersiapkan dan memakan makanan serta sesudah Buang Air Besar.

Sosialisasi kebiasaan cuci tangan dapat dilakukan dengan (1)

menjelaskan pentingnya cuci tangan pakai sabun; (2) mencuci tangan
sambil bernyanyi; (3) meletakkan wastafel di tempat yang terjangku
oleh anak; (4) selalu mengingatkan dan mengawasi anak (Johan,

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