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Advisor : Dr. M. Yanis Musdja, M.Sc.
Compiled to fulfill the assignment of the Radio Farmasi

Fatimah Nur Fauziyah


Farmasi 17 AC







AssalamualaikumWr. Wb.

Praise and gratitude we say to Allah SWT who is almighty because of His blessing
that I was able to complete the Pharmacy Radio assignment entitled CHINESE
which was given to the lecturer, Mr. Dr. M. Yanis Musdja, M. Sc. lecturer of Pharmacy
Radio course.
I realized that although how I tried to present this paper to the fullest, there were
definitely flaws. So I expect criticism and suggestions from you, my friends, and anyone who
reads this paper, so that with your suggestions and criticisms I can be better at making the
next paper so that I will continue to try to be better.
That is my foreword, if there are words that are not pleasing to me, I apologize.
Hopefully the writing of this paper can be of benefit to me in particular and generally to
readers. May Allah SWT reward all of our deeds and worship.
Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb.

Jakarta, 31 January 2021

Fatimah Nur Fauziyah


The World Health Organization (WHO) declared SARS-CoV-2 a public fitness

emergency of global problem on 30 January 2020 and as a controllable pandemic on eleven
March 2020. The pathological capabilities of COVID 19 are very much like the ones visible
withinside the SARS coronavirus contamination and Middle East syndrome (MERS).
According to WHO statistics (as of March 22, 2020), the maximum said instances had been
in China (eighty one 498), Italy (fifty three 578), Spain (24 926), Germany (21,463), Iran (20
610), France (14,296). Korea (8897) and the United States (15,219). Various techniques had
been followed withinside the improvement of the CoV vaccine; maximum of those goals are
uncovered floor spike glycoproteins or protein S because the number one inducers of
neutralizing antibodies. One of the efforts to restriction the impact of viral contamination is
via way of means of constructing the immune system. The flavonoid content material in
hawker plant life can inhibit the pastime of this virus.
Keywords : COVID 19, immunity
Table of Contents

Foreword 2
Abstrack 3
Table of Contents 4
Chapter I Introduction 5
1.1 The Background of The Study 5
1.2 The Identification of The Study 5
1.3 The Purpose of The Study 6
1.4 The Benefits of The Study 6
Chapter II Theoritical Review 7
2.1 Coronavirus and Transmission 7
2.2 Epidemiology of Coronavirus 7
2.3 Etiology of Coronavirus 9
2.4 Pathologenesis of Coronavirus 9
2.5 Clinical Diagnostics of Coronavirus 17
2.6 Risk Factors of Coronavirus 18
2.7 Treatment of Coronavirus 20
2.8 The Benefits of Traditional Medicine 20
2.9 Chinese Traditional Medicine 22
2.10 The Relationship Between Biological Activity Components of Chinese Traditional
Medicine and Treatment of COVID-19 25
Chapter III Conclusion 26
3.1 Conclusion 26
Bibiliography 27
Chapter I

1.1. The Background of The Study

In December 2019, a set of instances of peculiar pneumonia in Wuhan, China had
been stated to the World Health Organization (WHO). Then, the ones instances had been
connected to the brand new breathing virus presently called COVID-19. This contamination
assaults each continent. It became characterised through the WHO as a worldwide pandemic
on March 11, 2020. Countries round the sector are enforcing numerous preventive measures
to include the unfold of the contamination inclusive of tour and alternate restrictions, closure
of tutorial establishments and shops, and a few are taking stricter measures inclusive of
curfews. that is impressive. WHO emphasizes the significance of early case detection, touch
tracing, danger communication, making use of a multisectoral technique to combating
COVID-19 contamination. Countries should offer correct and obvious statistics to the general
public approximately the nearby and worldwide state of affairs of this growing
contamination. There are nonetheless many uncertainties surrounding the contamination of
this virus, the mode of transmission and the dynamics. Epidemiological investigations
specifically for the primary few instances of COVID-19 contamination are vital to expand
our understanding of this growing pandemic. In this overview we summarize the information
to be had on the primary few instances and deaths from COVID-19 contamination thru 18
March 2020 throughout the World Health Organization's Eastern Mediterranean region. such
information is handiest to be had at the web sites of the fitness ministries of goal countries,
WHO situational reports, on-line newspapers and different media channels and this offers us
an concept of the quantity and kind of information to be had to the general public concerning
this developing contamination.

1.2. The Identification of the Study

1. What is the coronavirus and how is it transmitted?
2. What is the epidemiology of the coronavirus?
3. How is the pathogenesis of the coronavirus?
4. What are the risk factors for coronavirus infection?
5. How do obesity risk factors affect coronavirus infection?
6. How is the treatment of coronavirus infection managed?
1.3. The Purpose of the Study
1. To find out what the coronavirus is and its transmission.
2. To find out the epidemiology of the coronavirus.
3. To determine the pathogenesis of coronavirus.
4. To find out what risk factors cause coronavirus infection.
5. To determine the effect of obesity risk factors on coronavirus infection.
6. To know the management of COVID 19 treatment.

1.4. The Benefits of the Study

1. Can find out what the coronavirus is and its transmission.

2. Can find out the epidemiology of the coronavirus.
3. Can know the pathogenesis of coronavirus.
4. Can know the clinical manifestations of patients infected with the coronavirus.
5. Can find out what risk factors cause coronavirus infection.
6. Can determine the effect of obesity risk factors on coronavirus infection.
7. Can know the management of COVID 19 treatment.
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