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Unit 8 Vocabulary Quiz

Directions: Please answer the following questions.

Questions 1-5 are worth 2 points each. The essay (#6) at the
bottom is worth 5 points.

1. Describe the difference between a checked shirt and one that

is printed shirt?
A checked shirt has a pattern of decoration and printed shirts can
have anything on it.
2. Describe the difference between an article of clothing that is
dated and one that is vintage?
An article of dated clothing sells clothes that look out-of-style,
while articles of vintage clothing sells clothes made a long time
3. Describe the difference between a casual and a smart outfit
Casual outfits are designed for casual purposes, like hanging out
with friend. Smart outfits are designed for specific occasions it fits,
like suits for a meeting.
4. Describe a stylish outfit that you own. Do not forget to mention
the material, color, patterns etc.
I have this plain, white silk t-shirt that I wear with a blue, denim
long-sleeved jacket and a black jeans.
5. Do you prefer your jeans loose or tight and why?
I prefer loose jeans because they’re comfortable for me, there’s
lots of space in loose jeans for cool air to circulate when it’s
6. In recent years, fashion has become a booming industry. Write
an essay on how important fashion is to you and why. Use as
many Unit 8 vocabulary words as possible.
To me, fashion is very important. Because of the current situation,
I don’t go out very much and I don’t really care about my
appearance when I do. But sometimes, on special occasions and
holidays like Tet, it’s important to dress properly and beautifully to
show prosperty. On important occasions like weddings and
funerals, we need to dress appropiately to show respect. Certain
clothes we wear on certain events really show how much we care
about the event, and that, I think, is worth my attention.

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