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word meaning translation nOTES

Unit 1 Activities
Activity Something that you do Деятельность
Diversify Increase the range of Разнообразить,
goods or services a диверсифицировать,
company produces расширить ассортимент
Employment Work that you do to earn Трудоустройство, Employ-to pay someone
money занятость to work for you
Goods Things that a company Товары
produces for sale or for use
Industry The production of goods or Промышленность
services to sell
Job regular employment работа
Manufacture Produce something on a Производство
large scale using machinery
Produce Make or manufacture производить
Provide to give services to Предоставление услуг
services somebody or make it
available for them to use
Responsibilit Something that you are in Ответственность
y charge of in a particular job
Retailer A business that sells goods Розничный торговец
to the general public and
not to shops
Role the function assumed by a Роль
person in a particular
Sector All the organisations or Сектор, сегмент
companies in a particular
area of industry
Service A business that sells help, Услуга
advice, etc
Team A group of people who Команда
work together

Soundtrack Music or

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