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For all new students and old students their Username is their student number without dash(-) and
small letter then 0(zero) or 1(one).

 Example     Student No.                      Name

                2019-00536-BS-0              ALBINO, MA. CRISTINA JAGONIO

 User name: 201900536bs0           password: 1.Openuniv (1 dot Capital letter O then penuniv)

However, there are master lists submitted to us that a student in Bansud or Unisan do not have a
student number. So, our basis for assigning their user name is their First name initial followed by
their middle initial then surname.


Name Username

Ma. Adelaida N. Roque manroque

Roberto O. Mañalac romanalac (ñ is changed to n)

 If in case an old student access the emabini portal previously their password is according to
what they encode when they edit their profile.

 Also attached is the user guide for students and faculty

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