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Novel is a form of literary work that is included in prose fiction.
Imagination is the author's imagination which is expressed in the story. So,
basically the novel is one of the types of prose fiction that involves the
experience of the author based on the existing reality. The author's experience is
then expressed in the story into a novel form through the characters in the novel.
Literary work consists of intrinsic and extrinsic elements as its
constituent. One of the constituent elements is a character. Characters become a
very important element in a novel, because characters become the basis for the
author to develop his work. However, in reality characters are often displayed
implicitly so that not all readers can understand the intentions and thoughts of
characters in a literary work.
Perwatakan is the depiction of the character or actor of the story through
the characteristics, attitudes, and behavior in the story. The overarching traits of
humans that are highlighted include feelings, beauty, ways of thinking, ways of
acting and so on. Presentation is also often referred to as an imagined fictional
individual or an animal who experiences events or actions in the story. Humans
who become characters in fictional stories can develop their characterization both
physically and mentally. Luluk HF's Mariposa novel was published by Coconut
Books, Depok in December 2018. Luluk HF was born in Lamongan on June 14,
1995, his hobbies are imagining, writing and watching films. The real name of
Luluk HF is Hidayatul Fajriyah. Meanwhile, the name Luluk is a nickname given
by his parents since he was a child. In the end, he chose to use the name Luluk
HF as the pen name assigned to each of his works. His job is a writer and
currently he is still a student majoring in Management at Muhammadiyah
University, Malang. Some of his works are Delov, 2 Devil Enlovqer, EL and the
hot one is Mariposa. His novel, entitled EL, was appointed to the big screen so
that the audience could more easily understand the storyline.
Mariposa's novel will also be appointed to the big screen as an
appreciation because the enthusiasm of the readers is extraordinary, even now it
has been read more than 60 million times on Wattpad. This writing is focused on
intrinsic elements, namely characterizing the main and additional characters
because it is based on several considerations: first, the writer wants to know how

the author gives roles to the characters in the story. Second, the writer wants to
know how the author describes the character of the characters in the story
because in literary works the success of the author in describing the character of
the character makes the story more interesting. Third, the writer wants to know
the author's purpose in presenting the character's character in the story. The
reason the author is more interested in researching the characterizations of the
characters in the novel Mariposa by Luluk HF is because the characters in this
novel have a different uniqueness from the characters in other novels. In this
paper there will be 12 characters who are the objects of writing.
The choice of Mariposa novel by Luluk HF was the object of writing due
to several reasons. First, the Mariposa novel by Luluk HF is a novel about
romance and friendship for high school students today or suitable for the
millennial generation. Second, the Mariposa novel by Luluk HF depicts a
character who has various characteristics or different behavior from each
character. Third, the Mariposa novel is a high school romance and friendship
novel based on Wattpad and has been read more than 60 million times until
finally this novel was published. Psychology comes from the Greek psyche
which means soul, and logos which means science. Psychology is the science of
soul or the study of human behavior. Psychological fiction is a term used to
describe the psychology of the novel's main character who is related to the
spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects of the characters by studying more
characteristics than by studying the plot or event. The literary psychology
referred to in this thesis is the spiritual, emotional and mental figures contained
in the Mariposa novel by Luluk HF.
The basic concept of literary psychology is the emergence of dead ends in
understanding literary works, while understanding from the other side is
considered unable to accommodate psychological demands, therefore literary
psychology emerged which functions as a bridge of interpretation. Literary
psychology focuses on psychological aspects. This means that by focusing on the
characters, the writing can reveal the psychological symptoms of the characters,
either hidden or deliberately hidden by the author. Psychology is an art that
usually presents situations that sometimes don't make sense and events that might
be said to be fantastic. The writing of character representations in Mariposa's
novel is done with the aim of making the reader understand the characteristics of
the characters displayed in the story. As long as we read the novel, readers only
see or focus on good and bad characters, while other characters are forgotten by

readers. The author is interested in examining the characterizations of the

Mariposa novels because every discussion is always presented by characters with
various personal characteristics of the characters. Writing on children's antidote
spells can be related to Indonesian language learning, especially in class XII
semester II at Senior High School (SMA). Designing a novel or novelet with
attention to content and language.

Based on the background description, the focus of the problem in this
paper is as follows:
1. What is the analytical representation of the characters in the Mariposa novel
by Luluk HF ?,
2. How are the characters portrayed in a dramatic manner ?,
3. What is the plan for implementing the results of writing on learning in

The purpose of writing is a guideline used to solve problems and become
the focus of work so that this writing can be well directed. Based on these
problems, the objectives to be achieved in this paper are as follows:
1. To describe an analytical character's characterization in Luluk HF's Mariposa
2. Describe the characters in a dramatic manner in the Mariposa novel by Luluk
3. Describe the implementation plan of this writing in Indonesian language

This paper is expected to provide benefits for writers and readers to add
insight and knowledge, especially in the field of literature, the results of this
analysis are expected to add insight into the Indonesian language, especially in
learning to analyze the character of characters and can be used as complementary
material in the appreciation of literature at school, the results of this analysis are
used as a reference for Indonesian students for further writing, especially writing
related to literary works in the form of novels, and this writing can be used as a

comparison material for other writers, especially in the issues discussed when
writing character figures in novels.
The scope of this paper is the psychological analysis of the characters in
Luluk HF's Mariposa novel. The aspects studied were analytical character
representation, dramatic character representation, and writing implementation
plans in Indonesian language learning.


The novel theory study tells an extraordinary incident of each character in
the story. According to Reeve (in Wellek and Werren 2014: 282) "a novel is a
description of real life and behavior, from the era when the novel was written".
This means that the novels written by the author are based on the storyline or real
events at the time the author's life was different. According to Jasin (in Zulfahnur
et al, 1996: 67) "a novel is telling a story that is extraordinary from the character
of the story, where these events cause inner turmoil that changes the fate of the
Character stating is a trait depicted on a character in a story which the
author describes as characters that are easy to understand. According to
Zulfahnur, et al. (1996: 29), “Perwatakan or 4 characterizations are portrayals of
the characters / actors of the story through their characteristics, attitudes and
behavior in the story. Zulfahnur et al, (1996: 29) “the depiction of the character
or actor of the story through the characters, attitudes and behavior in the story.
Robert Stanto (in Semi, 1988: 39) the characterization in a novel can be seen and
renewed interests, desires, emotions, and morals and form the individuals who
play in a story.
There are two ways to describe the characterizations, namely: analytically
and dramatically. According to Albertine and Lewis (in Wahyuningtyas and
Santosa, 2013: 4), the technique for depicting characters is as follows.
1) Analytically, namely the depiction of story characters by providing direct
descriptions, descriptions and explanations.
2) Dramatically, namely the author does not directly describe the character's
traits, attitudes and behavior, but through several other techniques, namely:
a. Technique skills (conversations conducted by the characters of the story
to describe the characteristics of the characters concerned,
b. Behavioral techniques (techniques for showing verbal behavior in the
form of the words of the characters, behavior techniques that are in the
form of the words of the characters, behavior techniques that suggest a
nonverbal or physical level),
c. Techniques of thoughts and feelings (narrative techniques to describe the
thoughts and feelings of a character),

d. Conscious flow technique (a technique that seeks to capture the views and
flow of a character's mental processes in which sense responses are mixed
with awareness and unconsciousness of thoughts, feelings, memories,
hopes, and random associations.
e. Character reaction techniques (techniques as a character reaction to an
event, problem, situation, words and attitudes (behavior) of others, etc. in
the form of stimulation from outside the character concerned),
f. Other character reaction techniques (techniques as reactions given by
other characters to the main character),
g. Background painting technique (the setting can be used to depict the
character of a character), and
h. Physical painting techniques (techniques to describe the physical state of
the characters).

Regarding the characters, Abrams (in Burhan, 1994: 247) “the people
who are shown in a narrative work, or drama which readers interpret as having
normal qualities and certain tendencies as expressed in speech and done in
action. In terms of the role of the characters in a story, the characters can be
divided into 2, namely; main character and supporting character.
In this paper, all characters in the novel will be discussed. With regard to
aspects of literary learning in schools, the results of writing are related to modern
literature in the form of novels that can be used as teaching materials in schools
to train students' sensitivity to the literary environment from the aspects of
reading, listening, and writing in literature. According to Wellek and Werren
(1995: 3), literature is a creative study, a branch of art. Literature is everything
that is written or printed. Literature is an imaginative work. Aspects of learning
literature in schools are seen in terms of (a) curriculum, (b) learning objectives of
literature, (c) selection of teaching materials, (d) readability, (e) material, (f)
methods, (g) media, (h) evaluation.

The method in this paper is a descriptive method. This method is used
because it is in accordance with the object of writing as well as the source of data
in the form of text, namely in the form of sentences, words, expressions, and
phrases contained in the novel. The description method is used by the author to

provide an overview and explain the psychological analysis of literature.

According to Moleong (2017: 11) "The data collected is in the form of words,
pictures, and not numbers." Descriptive writing means that the data is broken
down in the form of words or pictures, not in the form of numbers. The form of
writing used is qualitative writing. Qualitative writing recognizes that knowledge
consists largely of the way in which it is communicated (eg, speech, writing,
dance, movement, silence) and that alternative forms of knowledge require
appropriate modes of representation (Taylor, 2007: 3). This paper is descriptive
in nature because the data analyzed is not to accept or reject the hypothesis, but
the results of the analysis are in the form of descriptions of the observed
symptoms. The data source of this paper is the novel entitled Mariposa by Luluk
Mariposa novel was written by Luluk HF and published for the first time
in 2018. This novel consists of 496 pages and the author uses the first print that
was printed by Coconut Books, Depok, 2018. This writing data is the
representation of characters (especially the main and additional characters) seen
from the characterization. through dramatic techniques and character analytic
techniques in Luluk HF's Mariposa novel.
The words contained in the novel entitled Mariposa by Luluk HF are
reflected in quotes, phrases and sentences. The data collection tool in this paper
is the author himself. In addition, the data collection tool used was a note-taking
card containing notes from reading and studying the novel character Mariposa by
Luluk HF. The technique used in this paper is the literature study technique. By
collecting descriptive data, namely in the form of books, references, articles and
writings related to the object of writing. The data collection process uses reading
techniques, namely by reading the entire novel carefully and repeatedly. Then the
note-taking technique is to record the appropriate data and contain data related to
the focus of the writing found from the reading. This is realized by the writer by
examining the Mariposa novel by Luluk HF which is the document of this
The steps for collecting data in this paper are as follows.
1. Prepare observational notes as a means of collecting data and writing tools.
2. The author reads the Mariposa novel by Luluk HF repeatedly.
3. The author identifies the data sequentially or based on the problems to be
studied, namely the representation through the thoughts of the characters,

direct analysis of the character of the characters and their implementation for
learning in schools.
4. The author signs the data or records data in the form of words, phrases,
sentences or quotes that have been identified or found that reflect or refer to
the problem to be studied, namely characterization through the thoughts of
the characters, direct analysis of the character's character in the Mariposa
novel by Luluk HF.
5. Classifying data Testing the validity of data needs to be done so that the data
obtained is truly objective so that the results of writing can be accounted for.
In this paper, the author uses four techniques in checking the validity of the
data as follows.
1) Persistence of observation
2) Triangulation
3) Peer examination, and
4) Reference adequacy.


The data analysis technique used in this paper is character psychology
analysis technique, which aims to analyze the data including the characterization
of the characters in Luluk HF's Mariposa novel.
The data analysis technique is the method used by the author to analyze
the data. Analysis is basically a process of meaning (Endraswara, 2011: 111).
The techniques for analyzing data in this paper are as follows.
1. Analyze and interpret characterizations analytically in Luluk HF's Mariposa
2. Analyze and interpret the characterizations in a dramatic manner in Luluk
HF's Mariposa novel.
3. Designing a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP).
4. Discuss the results of the analysis and interpretation with the two
5. Draw conclusions from the results of the writing data analysis. This stage is
carried out based on the description of the characterizations in Luluk HF's 6
Mariposa novels.


Writing Results Analyzing literature or literary works (analyzing
characterizations in novels) is an attempt to find data related to writing. Literary
work is a meaning structure or a meaningful structure. The literary psychology
approach to a literary work pays attention to problems related to the
psychological elements of fictional characters contained in literature. fashion or
style of writing which is formed by the relationship of various elements
according to literary conventions or rules.
The relationship factor between the various elements produces an effect
that does not refer to realities outside the system. These effects are grouped
according to the distribution of ways of depicting character characters in Luluk
HF's Mariposa novel, namely analytic character representation and dramatic
character representation. The characterization of a character is analytically
divided into two, namely through the physical (physical) character of the
character and through the inner character of the character, there are two parts,
namely through the character's feelings and through the character's desire.
Meanwhile, dramatic character depiction is divided into two, namely through
character speech techniques and character deeds. The results of this writing can
be implemented in Indonesian language learning in schools. Basic Competence
3.9 identify the content and language of the novel and 4.7 design the novel or
novelet by paying attention to the content and language.
Discussion of citation data and analysis of character figures in Luluk HF's
Mariposa novels are as follows.
1. Analyze character analytically
Through the physical trait technique, the character of Perwatakan Acha is
carried out by the author through actions performed by Acha. This can be
seen in the following quote. “Acha walked behind Iqbal following the man
like a child. Nearly twenty minutes Acha fell asleep on Iqbal's chest, leaning
on the man. Now, Acha can't stop smiling to himself. Acha did not expect
Iqbal to wait and take care of him that long. It turns out that there is also an
advantage that the anemia recurs. Fortunately, Acha's fatigue and dizziness
disappeared faster. His energy slowly returned and made him strong enough
to walk on his own. " (Mariposa: 38-39) This quote describes the

characterization experienced by Acha. The author describes a character that

produces a happy character when Acha falls asleep on Iqbal's chest when his
illness recurs. It can be seen that there is the keyword "Almost twenty
minutes Acha fell asleep on Iqbal's chest, leaning on the man. Now, Acha
can't stop smiling to himself. Acha did not expect Iqbal to wait and take care
of him that long. It turns out that there are advantages too that the anemia
recurs. " The quote describes Acha's happy disposition while sleeping on
Iqbal's chest and leaning on him. Acha was happy because he could lean on
Iqbal when his illness suddenly recurred. When Acha's anemia relapsed,
Acha lay on Iqbal's chest and leaned on the man. With this finally Acha
leaned on Iqbal's chest and Iqbal waited for him until he woke up. From this
quote, it can be concluded that Acha was very happy because he was able to
lie on Iqbal's chest and Iqbal waited for him until he woke up. Acha's happy
attitude reflects on us, as young people we must always be happy in any
2. Modification through the character's inner character technique
Through the character's feelings The quotations related to the depiction of the
Acha character's character through the inner nature can be seen from the
following quote. 7 “Acha turned around, continued his steps which had been
delayed. Acha walked with his head bowed, at that moment Acha's defense
broke, Acha's tears began to fall by themselves. What made Acha even
sadder was that Iqbal still didn't wish him a happy birthday. Things that are
important to Acha, but trivial to Iqbal. Acha gets into the car, telling his
mother to move away from there. Throughout the trip, Acha could only cry
and hold back sobs, he did not reply to a single question from his mother.
Acha just wants to get home quickly. " (Mariposa: 295) This quote describes
the sad feelings that happened to Acha. This sad feeling is a manifestation of
the psychology experienced by the character Acha. This can be seen in the
keyword, namely “Acha walked with her head down, at that very moment
Acha's defense broke, Acha's tears began to fall by themselves. What makes
Acha even sadder is that Iqbal still hasn't said a happy birthday to him ”. The
feelings experienced by Acha in the quote are a form of expression of sad
feelings when Iqbal has not said happy birthday to him. The feeling of
sadness experienced by Acha occurred when Acha walked with his head
down and at that moment his tears were shed because Iqbal had not yet
wished him a happy birthday. Then Acha gets into the car and asks his

mother to leave from there. Throughout the trip Acha just cried holding back
sobs, he did not reply to one of his mother's questions. With such sad
feelings, Acha finally invited his mother to come home.
Through desire, the character Perwatakan Juna is described by the author
through passion carried out by Juna. This can be seen in the following quote.
“Acha was surprised because suddenly Juna gripped his hands tightly. Juna
looks at Acha seriously. "I know, Cha. I know who you like. Iqbal, right?
One school who doesn't know that, and everyone knows that Iqbal doesn't
like you. He doesn't love you back. " Acha tried to let go of Juna's hand.
"Give me a chance, Cha. I will try to make you forget Iqbal. I will be happy
to you more than Iqbal. I promise. " But Juna, Ach .... ”“ Girls as beautiful
and as nice as you don't deserve it, Cha, get cruel treatment like this. I don't
want to see the losedih anymore. The more Iqbal hurts you, the more it will
challenge me to be happy. " Acha lowered his head. He did not know what to
answer ”. (Mariposa: 125) The quote describes the manifestation that
happened to Juna. The author describes a character that generates a desire to
possess through Juna's actions when he expresses his feelings. Until one day
he wanted Acha to be his lover. This can be seen in the key word, “Juna
looks at Acha seriously. "I know, Cha. I know who you like. Iqbal, right?
One school who doesn't know that, and everyone knows that Iqbal doesn't
like you. He doesn't love you back. " Acha tried to let go of Juna's hand.
"Give me a chance, Cha. I will try to make you forget Iqbal. I will be happy
to you more than Iqbal. I promise ”. The quote illustrates that Juna is eager to
have this beautiful girl. At one point Juna really wanted to have Acha
because she couldn't bear to see Acha being treated cruelly by Iqbal. Juna
really wanted to make Acha happy, he asked for an opportunity to prove his
sincerity and promised to make Acha happy. With Juna's attitude, Juna wants
Acha to be her lover. From these quotes, it can be concluded that Juna wishes
to have Acha as her lover.

3. Presentation of characters in a dramatic manner

Through the actions of the figure 8 Quotations related to the depiction of the
character's character Acha can be seen in the following quote. "Acha nodded
accordingly. He pulled Iqbal's bag and immediately opened it. Acha finds
many items in Iqbal's bag. Starting from textbooks, notebooks, and an IELTS
certificate along with a clipped brochure with a picture of the luxury campus

building written by Bristol University. Acha swallowed his saliva, his mind
began to where when he saw the two objects. "Cha, where? Are you done?"
Acha woke up, he immediately took out Iqbal's pencil case, opened it and
took Iqbal's student card. "This, Rian," said Acha giving it. Rian accepted
happily. "Thanks, Cha," said Rian. "I went to the cooperative first,
photocopies of these cards." "Yes, Rian." Acha saw Rian disappear quickly
from before him. Then, his gaze returned to Iqbal's bag. At first, Acha
hesitated, but he took the courage to take out the brochure and certificate.
Acha read it at a glance. "Iqbal want to study in England?" Acha did not want
to see him for long, his heart ached. Acha immediately put it back in Iqbal's
bag and returned Iqbal's bag to its original place. " (Mariposa: 404-405) This
quote describes the manifestation that happened to Acha. The author
describes a character that produces a sad character when he finds an IELTS
certificate along with a brochure with a luxurious campus building written by
Bristol University clipped together in Iqbal's bag. This can be seen in the
keyword “Acha nodded accordingly, he pulled Iqbal's bag and immediately
opened it. Acha finds many items in Iqbal's bag. Starting from textbooks,
notebooks, and an IELTS certificate along with a clipped brochure with a
picture of the luxury campus building written by Bristol University. Acha
swallowed his saliva, his mind started wandering when he saw the two
objects. The quote illustrates that Acha was sad when Iqbal read the brochure
he found in Iqbal's bag that Iqbal was going to study abroad. Acha was so sad
when he saw the files that were clipped together and read the brochure he
found in Iqbal's bag. Acha felt so sad that he didn't want to see him for long.
Acha's sad disposition made his heart feel tight. From this quote, it can be
concluded that Acha was very sad when he saw that in Iqbal's bag there was
an IELTS certificate and a Bristol University brochure and other files that
had been clipped together. Acha's sad attitude reflects to us that as a young
man we have to be honest and don't make our partners sad.
4. Through the words of the character, Perwatakan Acha, which is carried out
by the author through his words. Acha's statement can be seen from the
following quotation reflection. “Acha nodded his head quickly. “Acha feels
that Iqbal is Acha's first love. This is the first time, Acha immediately fell in
love with a man at the first meeting. Iqbal seemed to have a different aura
from the other men Acha had known. " "Well, maybe he's Aura Kasih's
nephew," Amanda interrupted carelessly. "Anyway, Acha really fell in love

with Iqbal! He was the first guy who made Acha's heart tremble wildly"
(Mariposa: 8) This quote describes the manifestation that happened to Acha.
The author describes the character that produces the character of love through
Acha's words when telling Amanda that he fell in love with Iqbal at first
sight. Acha feels that Iqbal is his first love. This can be seen in the keyword
"Anyway, Acha really fell in love with Iqbal! He was the first guy who made
Acha's heart tremble like mad ”. The quote illustrates that Acha fell in love
with Iqbal at first sight. Acha was so in love with Iqbal when he first met
Iqbal at 9 national level Olympics. At first sight, Acha was already deep in
heart with Iqbal. The feeling of love that Acha has brought Acha to meet
Iqbal again, when Acha moves to Arwana High School. So that when Acha
can meet Iqbal the feeling of love that is in Acha can Acha confide in his
ideal man. From this quote, it can be concluded that Acha loved Iqbal so
much that he did not want a day to pass without seeing Iqbal. Acha's love
attitude reflects to us, as young people we have to fight for genuine love no
matter what obstacles we have to face.


Based on data analysis about the psychology of character representation
in the Mariposa novel by Luluk HF and its application in school learning, it can
be concluded that this writing has succeeded in finding an analytical and
dramatic character representation in the Mariposa novel by Luluk HF.
1. The character representation in the Mariposa novel by Luluk HF is seen
analytically or directly consisting of two techniques through the character's
physical (physical) nature and through the character's inner character which is
divided into two parts, namely through the character's feelings and through
the character's desires.
2. Dramatic or indirect character depiction consists of two parts, namely through
action techniques and character speech techniques.
3. Writing results implementation plan to analyze the novel at the level of SMA
class XII semester 2.

Teachers use this novel as teaching material in schools. Students analyze
a character who has a characterization, namely the way the author presents a
character characterization. Those are the suggestions that the author can convey,
hopefully the suggestions from the author get responses and appreciation from



Endraswara, Suwandi. 2011. Metodologi Penulisan Sastra-Epistemologi, Model,

Teori, dan Aplikasi, Edisi Revisi. Yogyakarta: CAPS
Luluk H.F. 2018. Mariposa. Depok: Coconut Books.
Moleong, L. J. 2017. Metodologi Penulisan Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja
Nurgiyantoro, B.. 2015. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada
University Press.
Taylor, C. Peter and Wallace. 2016. Contemporary Qualitative Reserch Exemplars
for Science and Mathematics Educators. Australia: Acid-free paper
Wellek, Rene dan Werren. 2014. Teori Kesusastraan. Yogyakarta: Gramedia Pustaka
Zulfahnur, dkk. 1996. Teori Sastra. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan



Alhamdulillah, Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT for giving His grace
and Inayah so that we can complete the Book Review entitled "Mariposa".
My gratitude to Master who has guided in making this book review both
miraculously and materially. I also thank my comrades in arms who have supported
us so that we can complete this task on time.
We realize that this Book Review is still far from perfect in terms of its
composition, language and writing. Therefore, we really expect constructive criticism
and suggestions from all readers to become a reference so that writers can be even
better in the future.
Hopefully the results of this Book Review can broaden the readers' insight and
can be useful for the development and improvement of knowledge.





COVER …………………………………………………………………… i
FOREWORD ……………………………………………………………… ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………. iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ………………………………………….. 1
A. Background ……………………………………………………….. 1
B. Problem Formulation ……………………………………………... 3
C. Objectives ………………………………………………………… 3
D. Benefits …………………………………………………………… 3
CHAPTER II THEORY ………………………………………………….. 5
A. Theory Study ……………………………………………………… 5
B. Method ……………………………………………………………. 6
C. Data Analysis Techniques ………………………………………… 8
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION ……………………………………………. 9
A. Result ……………………………………………………………… 9
1. Analytical Character Representation …………………………… 9
2. Modification through the character's inner character technique .. 10
3. Dramatic Character Representation …………………………….. 12
CHAPTER IV CLOSING …………………………………………………. 15
A. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… 15
B. Suggestion ………………………………………………………………. 15
REFERENCES …………………………………………………………….. 16

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