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Book Review: A History of Christianity in Asia. Vol. 2: 1500 to 1900

Article  in  International Bulletin of Mission Research · January 2007

DOI: 10.1177/239693930703100118


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1 author:

Robert Frykenberg
University of Wisconsin–Madison


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List your numinous and the translated Word as antimachismo direction. The common

socially transformative, spiritual powers thread is taking the Scripture seriously
and principalities, healing, the existential and believing that it can address with
reality of the message amid extreme power the immediacy of the social and

poverty, apocalyptic judgment, and so political situation.
forth. Jenkins closes with a call to Christian
Second, Southern Christianity is North and South alike to a fuller, more
often categorized through use of an easy mutually informed reading of Holy
dichotomy between liberationist versus Writ.
patriarchal. Jenkins shows how this —George Sumner
We are pleased to announce a dichotomy breaks down. Supposedly
new service for readers of the conservative groups preach the truth George Sumner, the principal of Wycliffe College,
International Bulletin of to power, and women are liberated Toronto, formerly served in Tanzania and in
by Methodist-style virtues and the Navajoland in the U.S. Southwest.
Missionary Research. A free list redefinition of male headship in an
of positions open in mission
studies, intercultural studies,
and similar fields is now found
on the Overseas Ministries
Study Center Web site. A History of Christianity in Asia.
Vol. 2: 1500 to 1900.
To post an opening, e-mail By Samuel Hugh Moffett. Maryknoll, N.Y.:
a brief description to: Orbis Books, 2005. Pp. xxvi, 742. $65.
This immense and long-awaited work is together under that incongruous category
an extremely important contribution to the “Asia.” One hopes that the author will
To read the current openings, history of the missionary movement, with soon favor us with a third volume.
visit special reference to the role of European Robert Eric Frykenberg
Christians in bringing the Gospel to
openings.html. the vast reaches of western, southern, Robert Eric Frykenberg, born and reared in India
eastern, and northern Asia during the four by missionaries, has specialized in the history and
centuries following Vasco da Gama’s 1498 cultures of India for over sixty years, forty-four of
arrival in Calicut (now also Kozhikode), which have been at the University of Wisconsin–
Read ALL of the IBMR India. The almost impossible task of
adequately covering such a vast subject,
Madison. His books include History of Christianity
in India (Clarendon, in press).
with all its incredible complexities, is

so daunting that only the most intrepid
and seasoned among our senior scholars
would have contemplated making such
an attempt. Only a dean among historians

Issues of Christianity could have accomplished

such a feat, and done it so well.
Yet even Moffett, with his advantages
The Road to Delhi: Bishop Pickett

of birth, nurture, and many years of By Arthur G. McPhee. Bangalore: SAIACS
teaching in Korea and China, could hardly Press, 2005. Pp. 394. Rs 200.
grasp all of the cultural idioms and intricate
complexities required for a work such The subtitle of McPhee’s biography of
as this. Understandably, the very best Bishop J. Waskom Pickett (1890–1981) is
Sign in to the IBMR e-journal parts of this work are those that focus an apt description of this well-researched
online when you visit on China, Japan, and Korea. The many and well-written work. The author, Christianities of India (or South Asia) are who is currently associate professor of
not as well represented, which is hardly evangelization at Asbury Theological
and follow the link to previous surprising. Not surprising either is the Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, has
issues of the Occasional largely conventional tone of this work gathered thousands of remembrances of
Bulletin of Missionary as a whole. To expect more in a work Bishop Pickett from people, documents,
striving for such comprehensive breadth, photographs, and even buildings and has
Research (1977–80) and the especially in light of the vast missiological synthesized them into a highly engaging
International Bulletin of literatures from which its substance has account of his life. Administrators like
Missionary Research (1981– been drawn, would be churlish. Pickett rarely get the recognition of
present). This service, provided Together with the first volume, this prominent public figures such as his friend
work is unlikely to be replaced very soon. and colleague E. Stanley Jones, yet the
in cooperation with the Henceforth, generations of students and former do as much as, and perhaps more
American Theological Library scholars alike will find this standard on than, the latter to establish the foundations
Association (ATLA), is the shelves of most libraries. The author of ecclesiastical life, which, after all, vitally
deserves praise for his wonderfully shapes and forms Christians.
available to all subscribers. evocative and immensely useful work on The one question I have with regard
Christians in those worlds so long lumped to this monograph concerns its audience.

52 International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Vol. 31, No. 1

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