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Soal PTS B Inggris kls 8

1. Write 10 wild animals

2. Than tell a wild animal about the habitat, food,activity and characteristics of that animal !

3. Write 10 tame animals

4. Than tell a tame animal about the habitat, foot, activity and characteristics of that animal

5. . Tell the zoo keeper's routine jobs !

Read the dialogue !

Beni : Dayu, Lina and Siti are never late to class. They walk to school, but they always get to school on

time. They look healthy and happy all the time

Dayu : My sister and I get up early every day. We make the beda and clean the house. We also help

mother to prepare the breakfast for the family.

Siti: Udin, Edo and Beni are always together. They play together. I like seeing then so close to each

other. Lina, Dayu and I are their close friend, too.

6. Based on the dialogue, what does Beni say?

7. What does Dayu say?

8. What does Siti say?

Read the dialogue

Edo : there is nobody at home most of the day. Both my mother and my father go to word, and the
children go to school. But we usually have breakfast and dinner together. We do not only eat, but we
also talk, chat, and tell jones

Udin : Beni, Edo and I go home straight away after school. We do not go to wrong places in our
uniforms. Sometimes we go out on the afternoon for extracurricular activities.

9. Based on the dialogue, what does Edo say?

10. Does edo's family have lunch together?

11 What does Udin say?

12. Do Udin and his friends go home after school?

13. Look at besides you. What is your friend doing now?

14. What is your mother doing?

15. What are the teachers doing ?

Soal PTS B ing kls 7

Dialogue I

Nata : This park is Shady and the flowers are colorful. I like this park

Yuni : I di, too. This is a wonderful park.

Baga : Look! There are butterflies.

Erti : They are pretty

Saha : There are gerbage fans,too. We can keep this park clean.

Deni : I like studying here. The weather ia nice. The park ia beautiful

1. The park has the following good qualities

A. This park ia Shady. D. ... ....

B. ...... E. .........

C........ F. .........

2. Nata likes the park because... ....

3. Deni enjoys studying in the park because...

Dialogue II

Rosa : Look at the giraffes. They have Curly eyelashes

Devi : yes they do. Look at the zebras, they have black and white stripes on their bodies

Sofi : Hei, look at the elephants. They are huge

4. Rosa says that.....

5. Devi says that....

6. Sofi says that.....

Dialogue III

Adit : my father plants and grows rice. My mother teaches mathe in junior high school.

Dino : my brother served delicious food in the restourant

Rina : my sister helps the doctors look after patients in the hospital.

7. What is Adit's father do?

8. And what is Adit's mother do?

9 What is Dino's brother job ?

10 What is Rina's sister frofession?

11 Write 10 words of adjactive!

Completed the following sentencs with "correct adjative"

12. Rina has

13. The headmaster is....

14. I have a cat. His fur is....

15 The weather of Medan is....

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