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Questions for entrepreneurs:

1. When VC and the entrepreneurs have opposite ideas, or plans for the
companies, what do you do to coordinate or to find a balance between the VCs
and the entrepreneurs?
2. What is the key point in a proposal an entrepreneur would take it as priority in
comparing with several VCs’ proposals? Or what is the most attractive point in
a proposal to an entrepreneur when he or she is comparing different VCs? Like
the liquidation terms, anti-dilution terms, or conversion terms, etc.

Questions for investors:

1. How does a VC determine if the board of directors are formed with ideal
people? Like if some founders are not professional on running a company, will
VCs consider replace them? The reason for asking this question is once the
wrong person on the chair, the whole company will not have an optimistic
future. I am just interested how VCs will deal with this situation when the
board of directors have people that lack the background on running or
organizing a growing company.
2. How does a VC determine the amount of an investment? Usually, the
entrepreneurs have greater power when negotiating with VCs. Entrepreneurs
can just name the price and see if the VC goanna take it or not. If VC does not,
they will just move on to another VC. So how does a VC determine the
amount of an investment they offer is acceptable to itself while being
attractive to the entrepreneurs.

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