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* ¡r»~-wc-c. B O M M * 4. W f f lT * 365. H ORN BY ROAD. E TC , BOMBAY
A POtVELLS PRODUCT VOL. XXXII NO. 115 BO M BAY : MONDAY, MAY 15, 1944 Price : 2 Annas


FORTNIGH T GUSTAV LINE Bid For Capture Of Loyang City
CHUNGKING, May 14: The Japa­
Columns From Kohima Firmly
nese have thrown over 200 tanks into
the battle for Loyang according
to-night’s (Saturday’s) Chinese War
to Entrenched In Naga Village
Step To Ensure Communique which stated "In
areas to the South and West of the
outer defences of the City of Loyang,
CEYLON, May 14—ALLIED FOR­ counted from April 4, the date when
CES CONTINUED THEIR ADVANCE Kohima front opened to 2,066,—A.P.
San Angelo And Other Key Points bitter fighting is raging all night long
(night of May 11th to the following
Uninterrupted Rest Captured: Top Of Castel Forte The number of enemy tanks
been increased to over 200.
troops and enemy forces took part in
Medium bombers of Strategic Air
And Tame Town Also Fall a close quarter combat on the South
Bank of the Lo River and in areas
Force, Eastern Air Command, strad­
EAST ASIA COMMAND COMMUNI dling with heavy bombs the import­
three kilometres to the west «nearly QUE. THE CHINESE ARE DRIVING ant Tiddim-Imphal Road have suc­
two miles) and five kilometres to the SOUTH OF MALAKAWNG, WEST ceeded in dislocating Jap suuply
15,000 Persons Attend Evening Allied Force Advance Headquarters in Italy :—To-day’s
(Sunday’s) Allied communique reports that the attack on the
north-west three miles).
Casualties on both sides were hea­
vy. Enemy units advancivng on
OF THE RIVER ON THE EAST i traffic along this vital route.
SIDE THE CHINESE ARE CLOSING I attack was made in daylight without
IN ON TARONGYANG, A MILE opposition from the enemy.

Prayer Gustav Line is making progress in face o f stiff resistance and

confirms that the top of Castel Forte has been caDtured.
Mienchih broke into the city on May
12th. Fighting is still proceeding in
the outskirts ’—Reuter
NORTH OF MANPIN AND HAVE According to air crews who
CAPTURED HIGH GROUND NEAR part in the raid, the whole road at
WALA. IN THE HERTZ VALLEY the aiming point seemed to go up In

From A. K. Quereshi, Associated Press o f India Special Cor­ At Potsangbam near Bishenpur our LOSS OF ‘ LIBERTY’ SHIP
An unexpected step intended to facilitate the recovery of troops have competed the occupation WASHINGTON, May 13.-The des­
respondent with Eighth Army troops in Italy (Saturday) Two War In East And West Reaching of the village with the exception of truction of a “Liberty” ship in a
Mahatma Gandhi was taken to-day, when Gandhiji imposed on
bridges named after Oxford and Plymouth that span the Gari river Decisive Stage, Says Tojo one enemy strong point in the south­ storm off Scotland a few weeks ago
himself complete silence for a fortnight’s period, commencing
played a vital role in the initial build up o f the Eighth Army east comer, West of Bishenpur with the loss of about 60 men was
from this noon. In case o f any adverse effects due to this step, LONDON, May 14.—The Tokio Ra­ after heavy fighting we repulsed an reported to-day by the War Shipping
the silence will be given up. bridgehead. Under the weight o f this bridgehead fell the town dio broadcast a speech bv the Japa­ enemy attack on our positions. Administration,
o f San Angelo and other key points o f the Gustav Line which now nese Premier, Gen. Hideki Tojo, in The ship had delivered her cargo
at points has been definitely breached and elsewhere is creaking. Tokyo, to-day, in which he said: ON PALAL & ARAKAN FRONTS and was on ner way to Join a home-
Mr. Pyarelal. Gandhiji's Secretary,
explained to pressmen that the deci­ The enemy made many attempts to destroy these bridges.
“The war situation both In the East South-east of Palal, the Japanese bound convoy when a storm drove
sion in this connection was taken on and West is passing through a phase renewed their attack on our position her aground Rescue attempts by
the advice of doctors and it had the Gandhiji Declines To Go To in which the most important battles astride the road. After changing British vessels were defeated by
approval of Gandhiji. The programme Nandi Indian Sappers Prove Their ward hacking wires, clearing mines of the war are going to be fought. hands an important feature remained heavy seas and a raging blizzard.—
ft uninterrupted silence will be and knocking out enemy position Britain and America are throwing in our possession. Reuter.
•strictly adhered to.” Mettle after position. every bit of their energy into the task !
BANGALORE, May 13: The Presi­ of overthrowing japan, japan, on Activity in tne Arakan was limited Sir E. Hotson Dead
Questioned if any prayers were held dent of the Mysore State Congress Damage was caused to bridges, but destroy to patrolling and small-scale enemy
lricr to the commencement of the si- has received the following telenram it was quickly nut right by Indian HEAVY BLOWS FALL ON ENEMY her part, is determined to
raids. Our artillery was active and LONDON. May 14—Sir Ernest Hot­
f ence period. Mr. Pyarelal said:— from. Mahatma Gandhi in reply to his
"There were no prayers or any kind invitation to Gandhtft to stay at
sappers who had erected them under From Abdul Khalek Quereshi, ‘As­
greater hazards. When they started sociated Press of India’ Special Cor­ the
their inordinate designs by fighting to hurricanes carried out strafing
finish.” tacks.
at­ son, former Home Member of
Bombay Government and acting Gov­
work confused fighting was taking respondent with the Eighth Army Gen. Tojo declared: “In the Pacific
Of ritual because it is a simple, me­ Nandi Hill for recuperation and rest-. On 12th ana I3th May R.A.F. and ernor of Bombay in 1931. has died at
dical silence." “ Thanks, but inadvisable to go place a few hundred yards away. The troops in Italy (Saturday) delayed:— the United States counter-offensive is
being pushed on a large scale, and I A.F. fighters, fighter-bombers and Sunninghill, Berkshire—Router
there.”—A. P Germans had darkened the whole Eighth Army tanks and supporting in a most daring manner. The velo­ dive-bombers of the Third Tactical . (Sir (John) Ernest Hotson, K G S I.,
“ FEELI.ING MORE RESTED" area with a pitch black smoke-screen. artillery
One could not see two yards away. are now across the River Ra­ city of their advance is being speeded Air Force In the Arakan, Kaladan C.S.I., O.B.E, was bom in 1877 He
A health bulletin issued bv Dr. Miss pido. delivering heavy blows at the up. In Burma Japanese forces have and North-west Burma areas con­ entered the I.C.S.. (Bombay) m
Sushila Nayar and Dr. M. D. D. Gil­ Into this the Germans not only Germans. Half a dozen tanks and thrust across the border into India tinued their attacks on enemy posi­ 1900. He was in Political ser­
der on Sunday noon stated: ‘‘Yester­ early restoration to health to permit fired odd bullets but rained mortar some self-propelled guns have already and are now pressing on Imphal. In tions, rlvereraft bridges, dumps and vice in Kathiawar anfl was ap­
day Gandhiji had a quiet morning him to have these w’alks writhout be­ and machine-gun fire. Indian sappers been knocked out. These tanks and connection with the Japanese drive stores. pointed Under Secretary and Dy Se­
and a fairly good night. He is feel­ ing disturbed were undaunted and one bridge was supporting artillery crossed the River in East Asia, Germany has perfected cretary to the Governor of Bombay.
ing more rested this morning." Gandhiji did not have to do any ready within three hours. The armour early in the attack following the con­ her position enabling her to carry He was on military duty during the
In Complete Possession Of
inquiries made in responsible quar­ listening during the day except for rolled over and went direct to aid the struction of bridges under shellfire, through counter-offensive operations, Great War He rose to be Secretary
ters about' the need for the silence "bhajan” tor about half an hour by Indian infantry. These were the first sometimes amounting to two rounds and already there are indications G. P. T . Ridge and Chief Secretary, to the Bombay
the Mrs. Sarojini Kulkami. When a wo­ 4 Government, and was a member of
period show that doctors felt bridges put across an Italian river in per minute. German guns around Pig- that she Is turning to the counter­
need for this step, in view of tne man Ashramitq from Wardha went to Gen Alexander’s new drive launched nataro about three miles to the west offensive. Full of confidence, she Is , KOHIMA FRONT, May 12. the Council of the Governor of Bom­
fact that Gandhiji is still very weak. him in the afternoon for blessings, he on Thursday-Friday night. of San Angelo, coupled with self- now watching for an opportunity to AS THE RESULT OF YESTER­ bay from 1926-31. He aced as Gov­
He is not able even to listen to con­ is reported to have raised his finger propelled guns assisted German coun­ engage America and Britain in deci­ DAY’S OPERATIONS IN THE KO­ ernor, Bombay in 1931 He narrowly
versation for a continued period with­ to his lips to convey that he was ob­ RUSH TO NEW OBJECTIVES ter-attacks and air assistance was sive battle.”—Reuter. HIMA AREA WE MAY NOW BE escaped death in a shooting outrage
out feeling quite exhausted. He is serving strict silence. He gesticulat­ Allied Advance headquarters in called yesterday. SAID TO BE IN COMPLETE POS­ at Furgusson College Poona. He was
■till in an anaemic condition ar.d is ed to enlighten her about the period Italy. May 14: The latest reports SESSION OF G.P.T. RIDGE EX­ the Home Member during the Salt
unable to assimilate the usual food of silence At piper times during the
satisfactorily. He needs the assist­ day Gandhiji is reported to have from the front say that French
troops of the Fifth Army supported
ance of others during the short strolls scribbled
on the Juhu sands at about 6-30 a m. important
on paper to convey the more
of messages. by American tanks and artillery cap­ frighting in the hills to the north­ HOME FLEET EAST. SAYS D. R. MANKEKAR, PARTISANS BREAK­
and after the evening prayers. Even 1*,0PC FOREGATHER AT PRAYER­ tured Castel Forte yesterday. The west of Cassino is fluctuating in cha­ THROUGH AXIS RING
the short distance during walks is forces which occupied the town were racter. while in the Garigliano sector. On board the flagship of the Bri­ G. P, T. Ridge Is the last and
negotiated with difficulty. In the cir­ TIME reported to be wiping out the rem­ French •troops after heavy street fight­ tish Home Fleet, May 14: most westerly of the six features Sarajevo-Belgrade Railway Cut
cumstances. perfect rest both physi­ One of the biggest crowds seen dur­ nants of the Germans in the hills ing won possession of the town of The King has visited the Home flanking Manipur Road south of Ko­ LONDON, May 14: Partisan forces
cally and mentally is essential. Those ing prayer time turned up at Juhu round the town and speeding on to Castel Forte. Late on Friday after Fleet to take leave from Ms Cap­ hima leading to Imphal. Of the re­ in Macedonia have broken through
more distant new objectives. Much noon. They occupied Maio mountain tains and bid them their ships and maining five features Summerhouse the Axis ring and inflicted
who have observed him during the this evening. The quietude of the south-eastern their ships companies godspeed be­ Hill, at the eastern end of the se­ heavy
previous periods of convalescence beach was being disturbed from an material was seized and roads lead­ which dominates the losses, reports to-day’s Communique
state that Gandhiji has found the early hour by lusty slogans of "G an­ ing to the town were described as comer of the valley. Americans fight­ fore battle, says Reuter’s Special Cor­ ries, has been In our hands all along; from Marshal "Ato's headquarters. In
being ‘‘strewn with German bodies” . ing near the sea took the town of respondent, in four crowded days he while Kuki Picket, the one next In
Juhu climate agreeable. Whether this dhi ji-Kl-Jai”. The crowd which had Tame early on Friday, lost It and has been aboard 14 different ships order, is largely in the possession of Serbia Partisan units cut the Sara­
year’s summer which is unexpectedly spread out on a wide area of the NAVAL SUPPORT retook it in a daylight attack. Many and inspected representative detach­ the enemy, The next three features jevo-Belgrade railway at several
aggressive is beneficial to him remains beach remained noisy even during other features on extremely rugged ments from nearly every ship in the F.S.D Ridge, D.I.S. Ridge, and Jail points and destroyed the station of
to be seen. prayer time. The prayers terminated Allied Force advance headquarters
in Italy, May 14: The text of the terrain have also been captured. great fleet assembled in these north­ Hill which also were objectives of our Mokra Gora.
within fifteen minutes after which ern ivaters.—Reuter. In Slovenia, the Germans again
MRS. NAIDU DOES IT! Gandhiji stood on the dais and join­ Communique said: assault yesterday, have been largely penetrated
TOUGHEST FIGHTING to Zuzemberk. Partisans
The strictest watch was being kept ed his palms in a "namaskar” to a “SEA: Naval support continues to occupied by our forces, but we are defeated a strong group of several
to-day from the "observation post" gathering of at least 15.000 citizens. From Reuter’s Special_ Correspon- PRE-IN V ASION JITTERS still encountering minor resistance thousand Germans and occupied the
be given on the left flank of the Fifth
near Gandhiji’s shack. Visitors who Army. On Saturday concentration at dent with the Eighth Army, / Saturday from Jap pockets in these areas. entire sector between Zuzemberk and
managed to fool the volunteers at the "T h e National Game" Itri and heavy enemy guns in the night : Nazis’ Belief In Last Preparation
Some of the tofighest fighting of FIRMLY ENTRENCHED IN Trebnfe.—Reuter
main entrance and sneak an entry The sports dealer who was refused same area were successfully bombard­ Before Landing
Into "Gandhi Gram” had to retreat admission to Gandhi Gram on Satur­ ed by a cruiser of the United States Gen. Alexander’s Gustav L Line offen- NAGA VILLAGE
in every case, after being located by day has written a letter explaining sive is going on in the mountainous STOCKHOLM. May 14. Lord Harlech Resigns
navy, escorted by two destroyers. area north of Cassino and the famous Our columns coming up from the
lynx-eyed Mrs. Sarojini Naidu and that he had no desire to play any ARMY: The attack ot the Fifth monastery. A clear picture of German invasion LONDON, May 14: Lord Harlech,
. . . - daughter. Miss Padmaja. The 1
---------------- --------------- sportsdealer’s trick and that he was and Eighth Armies against the Gus­ jitters is given in a report by the south of Kohima area have now who has been British High Commis­
ligh and the low suffered the t same sincere in nis Inquiry about the in­ It is the ground over which Ameri­ German correspondent of “Morgen strongly entrenched themselves In sioner in South Africa since May
tav Line is making progress in the can and Indian trooos have already who says that the Ger­ Naga village In the present set-up 1941. has resigned his post in view of
fate. Press correspondents from for­ door game Gandhiji liked and in his
eign lands fared no better. face of very stiff resistance as has battled in previous efforts to reach Tiddingen” man High Command statement that In the Kohima area Treasury Hill, his public responsibilities and his pri­
desire to supply anything in his line been anticipated. The build up in the crest of the Monastery Hill. The the Allied bombings are a prelude to south-west of the Naga village, is the
An unusual visitor turned up In for Gandhiji s recreation and for the the Eighth Army bridgehead across present attackers are lorced to take vate duties in Great Britain, states a
the noon and bluffed bis way in by improvement of his health. He also the river Rapido continued during daylight shelter in rock crevices and attention invasion “has caused the greatest Jap stronghold, while elsewhere their Dominion Office announcement to-day.
positions nave been completely Isolat­
telling the volunteers that he work­ refers to the reply which Mrs. Saro- the night. Some hill features on the ledges from which bodies of men who circles. The in military and political —Reuter.
ed in one of the shacks. The "obser­ jmi Naidu gave to him "Mahatmaji Fifth Army front have been taken, died in earlier assaults have Germans have the defi­ ed from each other and cut off from
never nite impression that the increased air reinforcements and supplies, and un­ NAZI CONVOY ATTACKED
vation post” , however, did not fail to plays national
only one game and that is the
game." and held against counter-attack. The been carried away. The Germans hold activity of the last days over France, less they are able to break-through,
intercept him. "I have brought, top of Castel Forte has been captur­ well fortified positions on vital Belgium and Holland must be consi­ it will only be a question of LONDON, May 14: German News
time Agency
•hoice Chikoos for Gandhiji” he ed after hard fighting. heights at which Allied troops must ' dered as the last preparation before before they are starved to surrender. says 20 B°auflghters this a f­
said. producing four Chikoos from a Bombay Congressmen Released ENEMY AIRCRAFT DESTROYED fight from boulder to boulder. ternoon made a torpedo-attack on a
bag. If you don’t let me in, I will landing. Jap dead counted in the Kohima German convoy, off West Frisian Is­
offer Satyagraha here.” Dr. Jivraj Mehta, Mr. G P. Hutee- Fighters maintained battle line pat­ It is accepted as a sign that the area from May 4, when the present land (Ameland). “ One ship was hit
The bluff did not win. The visitor smgh. Mr. Dayabhai Vallabhbhai Pa­ rols destroying several enemy air­ time of great battles has definitely be­ battle started, till May 11 have been by a torpedo added the Agency.—
found himself outside the barbed wire unconditionally. tel and B. Oza have been released craft. Orvieto and Arezzo and other BERLIN, May 14: To-day’s German gun. The Germans are convinced 1,353 bringing the total of Jap dead Reuter.
fencing of the compound, the volun­ Dr. Jivraj and Mr. rail centres were attacked by night communique reports that fighting on that the Italian operation reveals se­
teers convoying him out quietly. Huteesingh had already been releas­ oombers. During these operations the south Italian front, especially in rious Allied intentions, and It Is ex­
ed on parole on medical grounds. 12 enemy aircraft were shot down. “the area north of Castel Forte, and pected that fighting will increase in
CROWDS PROVE NUISANCE Eight of curs are missing. south of Cassino, is continuing with violence.”—Reuter.
While every care Is being taken to BOMBAY M.L.A. RELEASED increasing violence. The communique
restrict visitors inside, crowds have POONA, May 14.—Mr. B. M. Gupte, adds: "After some hard fighting Al­
been making quite a nuisance
themselves whenever Gandhiji
of M.L A. (Bombay) a member of
has A.I.C.C., was released unconditionally
lied formations supported by masses
LONDON, May 14: Eighth Army- of artillery, strong tank units and Northern Italy In their all-out offen­
tried to have a short stroll In the from Nasik jail yesterday. He arrived forces yesterday captured their first formations of aircraft succeeded in sive In support of Allied ground as­
mornings. A lew of them. It Is re­ in Poona last night—A.P. objective across the Rapido river as gaining ground on one sector,’’ sault.
ported closed in on Gandhiji while he masses of heavy weapons and assault “TRANSFER OF ENEMY TROOPS" Heavy bombers are stepping up to
was out on the sands this morning 7 DETENUS RELEASED vehicles streamed across for the first the climatic phase of their “opera­
and tried to put money into his palm. MADRAS, May 12: Seven more major smash at the Gustav Line. The Referring to the fighting in the tional strangle” The Millowners’ Association, Bombay, desires to In­
The crowd swelled as he advanced detenus were released In the province village of San Angelo, a small-scale Crimea, the communique reported
and he had to give up the walk as | to-day In pursuance of the recom­ Cassino, two and a half miles below that the last German and Rumanian form the public that it has never countenanced or encour­
impracticable. Gandhiji considers; mendations made by the Revision its parent town, fell to Gen. Leese’s troops were transferred yesterday ROME
these walks in the morning and even- I Board. There are at present 310 men after some stiff fighting, cables from the Crimea to the mainland. In aged any malpractices against the various provisions of the
Light fighter bombers to-day struck
lng necessary for his health and an i detenus under custody In the pro­ Reuter's Special Correspondent with April German troops around Sebasto­ both north and south of Rome in Cotton Cloth and Yarn (Control) Order. Its representatives
appeal is made to all who desire his vince.—A. P. the Eighth Army. According to a pol were transferred to another de­ direct support of the ground offen­
staff officer the Eighth Army are fensive ring. sive. Their targets were gun posi­ on the Textile Control Board have always co-operated with
now “sitting pretty "across the Ra­ tions, rail track, bridges and commu­
pido forcing the river according to the Textile Commissioner and Government to prevent and
one ambulance man was worse than
BRENNER PASS nications generally.
Masses of heavy weapons and as­
sault vehicles are pouring across the to eliminate black-markets and to nullify attempts to
The first thirty-six hours of fight­
ing for the Gustav line clearly indi­
RY. LINE CUT Rapido bridges as the Eighth Army
gels set for its first major smash at circumvent the provisions o f the Cotton Cloth and Yarn
cates that quick break-through is not the Gustav line. (Control) Order. Any action taken by the Textile Com­
Special Correspondent.
another Reuter's
The Eighth Allied heavy bombers to-day cut
Army is now hammering at the main the Brenner Pass Railway line.
The capture of Ceracoli feature to­
missioner in this respect will have the full support not
defences of the German wall. Allied troops have captured the vil­ gether with Damiano hill mass and only oft the Textile Control Board but also of the Asso­
On the Fifth Army front two lage of San Angelo on Gari river. town of Ventosa gives the Fifth Army
townships, San Stefano and Ventoso This is the first inhabited place a substantial block to the west of ciation. The Association will give such information as they
and several hills have been captured. taken in the new offensive. Castel Forte. French troops have
Italy-based heavy bombers on Satur­ taken the important hfii and village are able to obtain, to the Textile Commissioner to enable
day cut the vital Brenner Pass rail­ REINFORCEMENTS of San Sebastlano north and south­
TE A ROSE big size Rs. 0 -4 -6 per Cake way over which a great majority of east of the town which Is thus peri­ him to deal with cases of malpractices.
the war material for the Italian front POURING IN lously hemmed In- The French are
comes from German arsenals. Many also punching against Castel Forte
TE A ROSE small size Rs. 0-1-3 per Cake other railway targets in Italy were The Eighth Army is to-day “sitting from the south-east.
also attacked. pretty” across the Rapido river. That 2. The Committee o f the Association would be obliged if
From Abdul Khalek Quereshi, As­ is the verdict of one of General Allied Assault On Gustav Line
instances o f dealings over the controlled rates are brought
TURKISH BATH Rs. 0-3-0 per Cake sociated Press of India Special Cor­ Lesse'js staff officers given to me to­ A. K. Qureshi, Associated Press of
respondent with Eighth Army troops day as reinforcements poured across India special correspondent with to their notice to enable them to investigate and take
in Italy. Indian army troops have rapidly constructed bridges. frontline troops in Italy cables:
SAIFY big size Rs. 0-3-3 per Cake occupied the village of San Angelo and On the approaches to one of the The Allied assault on the Gustav such action as may be necessary.
the right bank of the Rapido rivei. river bridges a sergeant said, “The Line made steady progress on Friday
South of San Angelo our troops pene­ Germans appeared to have machine in the face of stiff German resists
BO SFA Bar Soap Rs. 0-8-0 per Bar trated as far as Panaccloni, one and gun nests all along the opposite bank ance. All along the 30th mile offen­
a half miles away. Counter-attacks of the river. As our chaps started to sive front, Allied troops are cutting Y. N. CHANDAVARKAR,
were beaten off by infantry and launch boats, some of them were down the enemy every hour. It is a
tanks. sunk before they could be loaded.’’ lurid battle. On the rocky slopes, in
ADVANCES INTO MAIN GUSTAV Growing number of prisoners con­ caves, olive groves, dark cellars of The Millowners’ Association, Bombay.
These rates are so fixed as to be found reasonable for places DEFENCES tinue to be brought In from forward lonely farmhouses, in gloomy church
areas. buildings or steel concrete pill-boxes,
connected by railways and where there are no State Duty, Within the bridgehead across the Reuter’s special correspondent at men are hacking at one another in
Gari small pockets of resistance are Allied H.Q. In Italy cables: medieval manner. Allied troops are Bombay, 13th May, 1944.
Municipal Taxes, Octroi or Terminal Taxes. being mopped up; advances into the also running the gauntlet exposed to
main Gustav defences in the Lin Mediterranean Allied air force heavy the fire of persistent and expert
valley have been made by British and bombers to-day continued their German snipers who are hiding every­
Indian troops who have pushed for­ pounding against communications In where.—Reuter.

• Jat.lV M M .r _
THE BOMBAY CHRONICLE Monday May 15, 1944


Resolutions Passed By Nationa­
An American View WATERPROOFS
End Of Soviet Crimean Campaign: Thousands WASHINGTON May 11
NEW DELHI. Wednesday,—A new
The Wall Street ‘Journal7 dis­
Of Prisoners Rounded Up cussing India’s industrial future India Political party to be called the All-
writes-— Muslim Majlis has been form- I
ed by the Nationalist Muslims “to I
MOSCOW, May 13 Yesterday, our troops destroyed or “ India, with a population o f 40 guide and lead the Muslims unitedly I
Reuter's Special Correspondent ca­ disabled 40 German tanks and 20 crores, will enter the peace as a for the achievement of complete na- I •HE R E P O R T OF T H E
bles:— enemy aircraft were shot down in air maturing industrial power. M o­ tional independence and other correct
combat or by anti-aircraft fire.” dernisation of India is a prospect. objectives and to bring about Hindu-
Twenty-four hours ago the last
shot of the Crimean campaign was An air 'communique' says: About Rs- 831/3 crores worth of Muslun settlement in their own in-
fired. Tens of thousands of prison­ "On the night of May 13th, Lend-Lease industrial equipment acC-rest whole.
and in that of the country as
ers have been rounded up in the last our long-range aircraft bombed had poured in the subcontinent
The veteran Khilaiat leader. Mr. A.
48 hours. Scenes of a real panic, total concentrations of enemy rail­ by the end of 1943- A typical
breakdown of any leadership and ab­ way trains and military dumps at p roject beyond the blueprint stage M. Khwaja, a Barrister, who was an
ject surrender "disgusting to behold", railway junctions of Dvinsk (Latvia) is India’s Rs. 16 crores program ­ associate of the late Pandit Motilal
Nehru and Ali Brothers has been per- OF EDUCATION ON POST-WAR
In the words of one Red Army Offi­ and Dorpat (Estonia). me for development o f telephone suaded to accept the presidentship of
cer, marked the final act in the As a result of bombing of the goods
Blacksea drama. j station at Dvinsk fires were started. and telegraph comm unications the Majlis. Mr. Khwaja has been au­
launched in 1943 and due to be thorized to nominate Drovisionallv a
After the storming of Sebastopol : Several heavy explosions were observ­ com pleted 11 Central Working Committee and an
by Red Army troops, the Germans ed after which large fire was started months within the next
organizing committee for all the pro­ EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
tried to hold out along Gomaya hills accompanied by a heavy fall of black vinces. Dr Shaukatulla Ansari has
covering Cape Kersonese, an area of smoke Fires spread arid enveloped a “ W hen this task is accom plish­ been placed in charge of the central
about 20 Square miles, in the hope considerable part of the railway Junc­ ed the number o f circuits bet­ office at Delhi, K. B. Mohamed Jan.
of getting their remaining divisions tion. About ten areas of conflagrations ween the principal towns will M.L.C, a well-known Calcutta mag­ HAS BEEN PUBLISHED AND
away. Within 48 hours, the Rus­ were started on the railway junction have quadrupled. Some 1,23,900 nate and philanthropist, has been
sians broke through the main defence of Dorpat. Railway trains and ware­ miles o f long distance u'ire and appointed one of the General Secre­
line and organised resistance col­ houses were set on fire. Eleven ex­
lapsed. plosions were observed Including one 1.50.000 miles o f local circuit will taries. It is expected that Mr.
of exceptional force. One of our be added, giving Indian tele-com ­ Khwaja and some members of the
Whole batches of Germans surren­ planes tailed to return to its base." munications a total wire mileage ces Majlis will tour the different provin­
dered without fighting. Resistance was at an early date.
useless, prisoners said The Germans SOVIET ATTACK ON GERMAN o f 7,87.000, far in excess o f anv It may be emphasized. however
brought in troops to protect Cape Key­ CONVOY other Asiatic country. that the Majlis Party will not hinder
stones as recently as May 8. One of MOSCOW. May 14: A supplement to “ In all but special steels, India any move for a settlement between
the few survivors of the 326th Ger­ the Soviet ‘communique’ said German meets all her defence require­ the Congress and the League. In THE MANAGER OF PUBLICATIONS
man March Battalion said that they infantry attack south-east of Stanis- ments and has a substantial sur­ fact, its founders consider that the
were flown on that day from the lavov was driven off. On May 11th. plus. She produced in 1941 18,96,- time required for countrywide orga­ ^ Durable, CIVIL LINES, DELHI
Constanza region of Rumania by Soviet planes attacked a convoy pro­ nization will provide ample opportuni­
transport planes and went straight to ceeding under escort to northern Nor­ 000 tons of pig iron, 12,17,000 tons ty for the Congress and the League
the frontline from aerodrome. What way. Two transports, four escort ves­ o f ingots, 11,78,000 tons of finish­ leaders to attempt a settlement- Attractive and at
the German object was in trying to sels. one mine-sweeper and one coast­ ed steel. Tata Works have ex­ The following is the text of the
hold on to Cape in hopeless circum­ guard cutter were sunk and In addi­ panded and will have an ingot last batch of resolutions passed by Moderate Prices
stances is somewhat mysterious. tion two transports and two destroy­ capacity o f 12,50,000 tons when the Nationalist Muslims covering
On Friday morning, officers tried to ers were damaged.—Reuter. the expansion is completed. To many matters of public interest in­
Blake their way to the beaches only process Its iron ore, India has cluding the war, food control, and Sold Everywhere PRI CE PER COPY 12 ANNAS
tp fall under Russian shellfire and U. S. W AR CASUALTIES the demand for release of Congress
find no seaworthy-ships to take them coal reserves which are adequate
off. The Germans were running in now- These reserves are placed leaders still in detention,
TO TAL 2 ,0 1 1 ,4 5 4 “In view of the present political
all directions over the Cape, one re­
port says. Military history will write
down the Crimean campaign of 1944 WASHINGTON, May 12.
at 6,700 crores of tons (U S .) but situation in the country and the in­
only 150 crores of tons are suit­ terests of the Muslims, as also for Im­ BENGAL WATERPROOF WORKS
(/ £ > 4 O ) l t d
as a double Russian victory: rapid The latest announced casualties of able for metallurgical coke and plementing the resolutions on Hindu- 440^ NM
liberation of large and strategically the United States armed forces from 485 crores o f tons are high-grade Muslim settlement and other resolu­ 277, HQRN&YROA0, FORT, BOMBAY.
Important territory. Two. thwarting the outbreak of the war total 2,011,464 coal. This is the reason India is tions passed at this session. It is resol­
m.tu 24200 TtLicMi SHOVtRCOAT
Of German plans to effect orderly eva­ it was officially stated to-day. faced with the need of im port­ ved that the Nationalist Muslims
cuation and annihilation of the large Detailed figures are: dead 46,518, ing coal in a few decades unless should reorganize themselves under
enemy army. wounded 76.391, missing 42,749, pri­ that fuel is conserved. the name of the All-India Muslim
soners of war 35.796 of whom 1.905 Majlis with its headquarters at Delhi
"NO MATERIAL CHANGES" are reported by the Axis to have died “ India is second only to Russia and branches throughout India.
To-night's Soviet communique $ays in prison camps mostly in Japanese in the output o f manganese ore; “This organization shall seek to
**No material changes at the front. occupied territory.—Reuter. she leads the world in produc­ guide and lead the Muslim unitedly
tion o f ilmenite. from which ti­ for the achievement of complete na­
tanium is extracted. Her talc de­ tional independence and other correct
posits are am ong the world’s objectives and shall also strive to
largest. Chrom e production ave­ bring about a Hindu-Muslim settle­
raged 26,000 tons o f ment in their own
metal the that of the country as a whole. interest and in
308 year before the war. She has “This meeting therefore emphatical­
deposits o f bauxite w hich will be ly appeals to the Muslims of India
used in plants form erly operated to join and support this organization
on im ported aluminium. so that its aims may be realized and
TEXTILES’ CHEMICALS it may become a popular and power­
ful organ of Indian Muslims.
“ Making textiles to clothe In ­ RELEASE CONGRESS LEADERS
dia’s vast population isn’t a par­ f his meeting of Nationalist Mus­
ticularly new war lims
business be­ lana Azad. considers the detention of Mau-
President of the Congress
cause the cotton textile Industry and his colleagues of the Working
has been expanding ever since Committee, Maulana Hussain Ahmed
the last war. In 1914 India im ­ President. Jamiat-ul-Ulema, Maulana
ported 60 per cent of her piece- Habibur Rahman, the leader of the
goods; by 194o less th an 7.5 per Ahrars, and hundreds of other pa­
cent were im ported and that fi­ triots against all principles of justice
gure was smaller in 1943. and political expediency. This meet­
i o ' *• ing declares that if the Govern­
“Her chem ical Industry in the ment does not release these national
7 w ° lo‘X A R a ¿8 ?Sí¡ fiscal year 1941 produced 80,000 leaders and patriots immediately, the
tons- Heavy Chemicals Ltd-, now political atmosphere of the country
fes!áÉfc es,"
produces soda ash
sodium bicarbonate,
caustic soda, would deteriorate still further leading
bleaching 1o Widespread discontent among the
•• powder, chlorine, bromide and va­ people.- Therefore, this meeting very
rious magnesium products which emphatically demands their uncondi­
>N once cam e from the United K in g­ tional release without further delay
States- In
Japan and the United concern “This meeting expresses Its deep
at the continued illness of
Mysore, alcohol, ace­ Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan which ac­
can have an assured
tone and calcium acetate aré pro­ cording to latest reports has taken a
duced. Large deposits of sulphur, serious turn. The
previously unobtainable in India, played a highly callous and unreason­
were discovered in Baluchistan.
Government dis­
able attitude in not sanctioning his
future for your son
“ India’s cem ent industry now immediate release. This meeting em­
makes the country almost self- be phatically demands that he should
sufficient with an output o f more valuable at once set at liberty so that his
life may be saved for the India is rapidly developing into a highly are run on the most modern finest
than 11,00,000 tons per year. service of the country.
Every Hom e Needs "M ost o f India’s
velopm ent has occurred In
northern part of the
industrial d e­ “Mr. Raft Ahmed Kidwai, ex-MInis-
the ter of U.P.. has been lying ill in jail
country for a considerable period. He has been
industrialised nation. In the past, there trainees are well housed, well fed and
factory suffering from fever and his condi­ were limited facilities for technical train­ all are paid a good cash stipend month­
This WORLD-FAMED HEALER where weather
Industry is
work bearable. The cotton textile tion has become grave as a result of
concentrated most serious loss of weight and the con­ ing in India. But things ate different to­ ly. Your son can start earning today.
heavily In Bom bay tinuous
Presidency. concerned. neglect of the authorities
Z A M -B U K For Skin Troubles and Injuries. This meeting therefore day. N ow your son can obtain technical
The steel Industry, however, is demands that adequate and proper
located largely in Bihar and Ben­ provision be immediately made for training free at a Government Technical D on’ t miss this chance to give your
Y OU cannot do better than keep Zam-Buk in your home. World-famed for
half-a-century, this valuable herbal ointment is the ideal first aid in eases
of emergency. So. use it for all your cuts, bruises, burns, scalds and similar
gal where the biggest coal depo­ his treatment after transferring him
sits are located- to a suitable place. Failing this, this
meeting demands that Mr. Kidwai be Training Centre o f which there are now son a valuable technical training.
TRANSPORTATION unconditionally released in the in­
daily mishaps. All you have to do is smear the ointment over the sore places “ Transportation, to replace the terest of his health. over 300 in thf country. These centres W rite for the prospectus N O W J
$nd healing will start at once. The valuable herbal oils in Zam-Buk are readily old m ethod o f travelling by bul­
absorbed into the tissues. Thus pain is soothed, inflam­ INVASION THREAT
lock. is essential- India now has “This meeting views with great con­
mation reduced and any unpleasant discharge dried up. over 41,000 miles of rail-roads, cern the recent penetration of Japa­
Zam-Buk nourishes the skin and heals without a sca r.__ which is more than h alf broad- nese troops into the borders of India-
For eczema, ulcers, leg sores, ringworm, itch, boils,


gauge, com pared with China’s It expresses its sympathies with the
•tc-, Zam-Buk is guaranteed free from animal fa t 8.00'J. C oncentration o f railroads people of Assam, who, having suffered
is heaviest on the long stretch the ordeals of a famine, are now be­
from the state of Kashm ir to ing subjected to the hardships of a
Calcutta- Plans are afoot to in ­ foreign invasion.
“This Conference is strongly of the
crease railroad mileage, m an u fac­ opinion that freedom can never come
ture locom otives and other equip­ through Interference or invasion by
ment. and im prove service. any foreign nation, whatever the de­
“ In all India there are nearly clarations or professions of that na­ WRITE NOW FOR THIS PROSPECTUS
.. .which gives full details of careers To ★
3.00. 000 miles o f road, o f which tion may be The present offensive of
76.000 are m acaaam -surfaced or Japan brings into snarp relief the BOMBAY—Chairman Bombay National
Service Labour Tribunal,
better- T he G overnm ent o f India dangers to which our country is still Hassan Chambers Parsi
is now studying a plan to build exposed. “Consistent with its determination Bazar street. Fort Bombay (Dept, of Labour)
4.00. 000 m ile s ,o f roads in the 20 to secure complete freedom from im­ NAGPUR—Chairman c. P. & Berai
post-w ar years at a cost o f Rs. perialist National Service Labour Technical Training Scheme
bondage, tms Conference
250 crores. calls upon the Indian people and the Tribunal New Assembly

Herbal OINTMENT FOOD people of Assam

“ The totals on India’s food pro­ take all possible measures for
du ction run into trem endous fi­ defence of their country.”
in particular to
Members Rest House
Nap- ★

gures but so does the popula­ FOOD SITUATION

tion, so that per capita supplies “This Conference of the Nationalist
aren’t so big. India has 25,00,00,- Muslims views with concern the pro­
Fo, O T T O R R H O E A 000 cattle, or over one-third of gressively deteriorating food situa­
(D isch a rge of Pus from Ear acute or 2 the w orld’s total, and 4,20,00,000 tion in the country which is eviden­
ced by the reports emanating from
ChronicjUlceration of the innermost 5 sheep- India is the world’s larg­ Bengal, Malabar. Orissa and other , / C O O L !* * * /
parts of the Ear e t c . etc., and ail « est sugarcane producer- Next to areas, where near-famine conditions
the United States she Is the are once again threatening, as also
internal Ear T roubles
world’s largest cotton grower- by the serious damage to crops re­ h n’t it V
Practically all of the w orld’s sup­ ported from parts of the U.P. and
ply o f j vite com es from India. On the Punjab.
shellac India stands as the “In the face of this acute crisis
world’s sole producer with about this Conference can share neither
the facile complacency of the bureau­
30.000 tons annually.
is an U N R I V A L L E D & G U A R A N T E E D C U R E .
cracy nor the sense of panic, help­
“ On the balance, the war has lessness and frustration that sap the •Res, ahc/ so
actually im proved India’s position morale and energy of the people.
P R IC E RS. 4/8/- P E R B O T T L E . in world trade. It has cut o ff “This Conference is of the opinion
At all C hem ists & M e d ica l Stores. some sources of im ports on lines that in such circumstances it is clear­
that hurt, like oil and rice from ly the duty of those provinces and
areas where there are surpluses of
Stockists:—M/s. Bbogllall. Premcband Si Co.. Cbemlsts. Princess St., Bombay. Burma. But it has made the rest foodgrains to make every effort and Ask these luxury-loving people who us*
o f the world go to India for tea, sacrifice to succour the people of the
oil seeds and cakes, manganese deficit and distressed areas by ex­ Vinolia regularly, and they'll tell you what a
and chrom e, materials which porting the maximum at prices within wonderfully comfort-making soap it is . . . what
other warring nations once sup­ the reach of the people. a boon it is in the hot weather. Its creamy
plied. “It further urges the Central Gov­
“ Once India had many markets ernment to give food priority and to lather is cooling, refreshing. Its distinctive
In Europe and Japan— markets provide full facilities for its transport. scent is stimulating, exhilarating. It acts as e
w hich disappeared w hen the first opinion “This Conference is further of the
, tonic,iney
tome, theys¡ say, to tired senses and nerves
gun sounded the new war. But plan of that only an All-India food

© w hat
statutory price control, con­
India has lost in those trol of stocks, arid total rationing in
markets it has recovered through all urban areas, both in the deficit
greater sales to the United States, and surplus provinces, will solve the
“ As a result o f the
trade balance, and because VINOLIA
South America, China and Egypt. present crisis. Such a plan backed
favourable by popular food committees in towns
of and villages having the support of all
accum ulations o f sterling in L on­ popular parties would alone end the
present anarchy and corruption in

Digitized with financial assistance from theÏ5ÏI SOAP

ROBBERSETCr STERILIZED d on to India’s credit as a result distribution, foil the anti-social mar
o f war purchases made by the noeuvres of profiteers and hoarders,
M an u factu rers:—JO E K.ALYAN & Co. British Governm ent. India has and ensure the procurement of food
Distributors for Bombay:— B. DAb GUJKTA, emerged as a creditor nation from from ,the rural areas for the cities, v INOLIA CO., LIM IT * » , LONDON, EN GLAND
her pre-war
pre- debtor position.”— and from the surplus to the deficit VWK. 18-221
137161 Princess Street
USOWL provinces.”—“Hindustan Times.’’

Government of Maharashtra
on 18 April, 2017
Monday May 15, 1944 THE BOMBAY CHRONICLE

S o n g ste r* BLOCKS
Play an important
Hindu; Vaishakh Vad 8, 2000
Muslim: Jamadi-ul-Avval 21, 1363
ESTD. 1895.

in 'ROYAL' JEWEL No. 19
Organised by
Gramophone /; part in your Parsi: Ader 14, 1313
Sunrise: 7-6 a.m., Sunset: 8-3 p.m.
Suggestion For Settlement By
Sunday “ Observer”
AD V E R TISE M E N TS Hightide: 4-51, 17-54. Lowtide:
‘ Backed by Get your Line, H alf-T on e and
o famous Firm' Colour Blocks made and LONDON, May 13: The ‘ Observer”

To-day’s Engagements to-day (Sunday) makes the main fea­ at 6-15 p m
Guarantee supplied by Fourth 4th W eek
ture of its leader page a '‘Programme
Made by such as Lord Wavell might approve” ON
FRIENDS OF SOVIET UNION: In for settling India's problems. TUESDAY 16th May 1944
view of the
t o o Congress
• congress scheduled
scneauiea on the
All-India It is urged by the paper's Political
tne 3rd Correspondent
correspondent who, wno, discussing the
Sidhwa Process Studio and 4th of June 1944, a general body Commonwealth. Conference now being
m e e t i n g nt ot members
m p m h p r s will
„ n i l be held to held
h e ld in in London,
1 n n rln n says-.
enve . ‘"There
.TV,,.„c. are
Sat., Sun. Matinee 1 p. m. SHRI SUNDERBAI MEMORIAL
day (Monday) at 7 p.m. at Blavatsky many good reasons why the Domi­
11. Bruce Street, Fort BOMBAY. Lodge, French Bridge, Chowpatty. nions should keenly seek a solution
Daily; 4, 7 10 p.m.
MUSICAL Queen’s Road, Near Central
’P hone; 25437. of India’s problems. India is the LIMITED Offices, Bombay
MAHARASHTRA CHAMBER OF pivot of the Indian Ocean system of EXTRAVAGANZA AT
COMMERCE: The 2nd Quarterly security which vitally concerns South Pror. B. R. DEODHAR. B A.,
general meeting of the Chamber will Africa
be held at 5-30 p.m. (S.T.)
(Monday) at the Office of the Cham­ war in which Australia and New Zea­
and the Pacific Nations. India
to-dav is a great base for the Far Eastern CA PIT O L
beg to announce the open­
Principal, School of Indian
Music, Bombay,
will preside
land have so great and direct an PRAKASH’S
------------- ---------------- OF
•-- A THE i l »SKIES":
■ 11 -v I . < interest.
A ------- Z] Certainly
V V .1 V U 1111J Japanese
U U J /U ilL O C propa-
^ )1 U ^ )H - ing of their branch at
recorded talk by Squadron Leader H ! £anda treats India as a weak link in PROGRAMME
Dickson — on “Masters of- the ■- —
Skies" the Allied chain/’

Mahadi Shop, Bhandari ( I) H ankirtan by Kirtankar
dealing with the up-to-date operations Then the correspondent outlines his Chimanlal Raval.
on the Burma Front will be broad­ programme In two stages. He says: Bazaar, (II) Powadas by Shahir Khajdil-
cast from the All-India Radio, Bom­ "In the first discussion among the
bay at 8-15 p.m. to-day (Monday). parties for an Indian agreement
would be renewed bringing in all in­ Daily: 4, 7 & 10 p. m. (III) Songs by:—
G. L. .MEHTA MEETS ALL-INDIA fluential men including Congress pri­ ITW ARI, NAGPUR. Dr. G- S. Patankar
MANUFACTURERS soners; and an anti-famine front Matinee on Sat., Sun. at 1-0 p.m.
Book Your Seats in Advance Mr. A. 1. Mevawalla
BOMBAY, May 13: Mr. G. L. Mehta, would be formed equally broad in its Daily between 10— 12 & 3— 5 Mr. Mahomed Siddiq
ex-President of the Federation of In- membership—with 5llnpmber.ship—with
O TTD r i nnnrnv,«.
_1— _ ____ .1
be- Banking business of every (IV) Dance Recital by Ramesh
dian Chambers of Commerce and I n -' J.^Vi L i n, peasant. RcifhpIP and village An “ EVERGREEN” Release
Desai and Party
dustries met the members of the win Ptal/ 1((|p ‘ thet ta^kSPlratl° n ^ description transacted.
All-India Manufacturers Organisa- ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED
tion yesterday- . wherTTie* he disc discussed*uTe come Quickly01]? a™ 1?“ TO ATTEND
various measures of rmst-war post-war recon reenn. I reement were after all discovered, the 131 branches all over ADMISSION FREE
struction and industrial develop­ Government of India could be placed
He expressed his approbation of the the defence of India a.s its focus. At
very useful and constructive work be the same time there could be
upon.a provisional national basis with
India and agencies abroad. 39TH WEEK
ing done by this Organisation parti­ fP work a Constituent Commission ABOVE ALL!
cularly by the issue of a number of w'tb Power to make a post-war frame
very useful publications which are of Free India and an economic com­ WORKING FUNDS PRAK4&HS
not found from any other associations mission with the task of translating
in the country.—United Press. the purposes of the Bombay Plan EXCEED
ART EVENING: Mazdaznan Youth into real terms of free national poli­ GAYEST S tarrin g; Direction :
lA Y E R 'S Movement: Dr. Trivikram will speak- tics. Invitation in both stages would
on Art in
Hall opp. Churchgate Station,
General at Mazdaznan fluence. be to all Indians of goodwill and in­
to­ sions there and in the economic discus- !
would be brought in in­
day (Monday) at 6-15 p.m. dustrialists well as politician a n d , ADIB, KANU DESAI
disinterested men with knowledge of ‘ UMAKANT
DISPLAYS O F ~ Indian economics like Sir George Daily 3-30. 6-30 Hindi. 9 45
ir g in ia
Prof. Uaruwala Breaks His
bp,, amued by cynics that
such a Wavell programme would sure-
ly fail: that Moslems and
could not agree on autonomy for the
B ansar i at
An “ EVERGREEN” Release
Own Record former; that cleavages between big ISHWARLAL, CHARLIE,
If due to War conditions your re- Prof. Tehmurasp P. Daruwala the business and left politics and between The STORY OF
rular dealer is temporarily out of well-known physical culturist from authoritarian and democratic trends SHAMIM, DIXIT, URMILA.
Sloan’s Liniment, try again. Calcutta who is now in Bombay was c<lu d 5,ot bp brfdged: that the
the recipient of several trophies at when Dominions Status might seem
the grand physical display and va­ wblIe to the Indians has gone.
riety entertainment organised at the These are possibilities. IN THE W O O D S!
C. J Hall on Sunday evening. Sir Some form of Pakistan (Moslem Se­ Depicting History’s Greatest SUPREME RELEASE.
Jehangir Boman-Behram. a trus­ paration) is no doubt needed. Can it battle and
be done without breaking the essen- JEEVAN SANGRAM

i i
THE BANK OF tee of the Parsi Punchavat. Bom­
bay, was in the chair
overhead a weight of 245
wala broke his own former record of -
By jerking i (al unity of Int]la?
(5 .„o
lbs „Dan,
i arV
a r y situation
India? There
m the
There are
___ ; iutlon?/V tendencies and a revolution JOIN THE CROWDS AT
are revo

JAIPUR, LTD. 240 1/2 lbs. coming under

Hands Continental Jerk.” His feat of argument for Inaction.—Reuter
“Two scene. But risks and dangers are no
Advance Booking:
9-30 to 12-30 & 3 to 6-30.

supporting a motor-bike on a wooden
Incorporated in Jaipur plank resting on his body was also Daily: 4, 7, 10. Sat., Sun. l p.m. »♦•»••*••*•**♦**♦**♦**»'"*•*'♦**•' a**"4*«*
(1943) wonderful.
Prof. A. N. Sheikh. Prof Gokum,
Liability o f the members
being limited.
Mr. Adi Jagos and members of the
Marker’s Health Home also partici­ OF DENABANK
Under the patronage of and
pated In the function and gave dis­
plays of various feats of strength.
A "DIFFERENT’ LOVE STORY OF THREE Written & Directed by:
largely supported by the Gov­ Music was provided by Mr. Vistasp Opened With Great Ceremony
ernment of H H
the MAHA­ Balsara and
o f Sarkari's Health Home amazed
his orchestra, and pupils At Bhavnagar TANGLED LIVES BHAL G. PENDHARKAR

Rs. the audience by some of thetr magi­ (From A Correspondent). Starring: D1NKAR KAMANNA,
Authorised Capital 2,00,00,000 cal Illusions * BHAVNAGAR, Mav 14 SUMATI GUPTE, MASTER
Nine trophies by ditferent sports­ His Highness the Maharaja of Bhav- VITHAL, C. KOLHATKAR.
Issued & Subs­ men were awarded to Mr. Daruwalla nagar declared open this morning the
cribed Capital 1,00,00,000 in appreciation of his physical sta­ ¿7th office of the Di ^bank at Bhav-
mina. These Included one from Sir nagar before a large gathering of Daily: 4, 7, 10. Sat., Sun. 1 p.m.
Paid-up ca p ita l 50,00,000 Shantldas Askuran. the Sheriff of mercuants, officials and well-known
Bombay, and another from Sir Je­ citizens. DRAWING FULL HOUSES AT
DIRECTORS hangir Boman-Behram. His Highness, the Maharaja Saheb
1. Sir PADAMPAT SINGHANIA, Giving away the trophies Sir Jehan- of Bhavnagar after declaring open
Kt„ M.L.A., (Chairman). gtr lauded the feats displayed by Mr. the Branch wished all success to the
SINGH Daruwala and exhorted the Parsi pa­ bank.
rents to attach as much importance
to the
[ their children
physical development
Seth Pranlal since his arrival on
of Friday has been the recipient of a
as to their mental most cordial welcome and a number
4 RAMNATH ANANDILAL PO- education He advised the youths to of functions were arranged in ms •> •> •:* •> •>
DAR, Esq. take more and more to the out-door honour including a tea party by Seth
6. GOVINDRAM GORDHANDAS games. Nandlal Bhuta. The Bhavnagar Cham­
6. K. K BIRLA, Esq.' ber of Commerce also took the op- l
7 BENI PRASAD JAIPUR1A Esa Rewards T o Indian Army - portunity of giving a tea party in
8. SUNDEIiLAL THOLIA. Esq Q' Personnel his honour and its President Mr.
i 9 * “ * # « « \\AR‘VATH M. BHAR- | Bhogllal Maganlal Shah in an appro­
1 GHAVA, Esq., M B E.. J.P | BOMBAY. May 15: The Indian priate speech in welcoming Mr. Fran-
10. GANGA SAHAI PDROH1T, Esq. ! Army is to make monetary rewards to lal Devkaran Nanjee as the President BOMBAY TALKIES'
11. MIRZA MAHOMAD RAFI. those deserving of some recognition of Indian Merchants Chamber, Bom­
for certain outstanding public acts. bay and Chairman Denabank eulo­
WITHDRAWALS BY CHEQUES According to a new regulation pay­ gised his services to banking and com­
ALLOWED ments of rewards may now be made merce In India.
In Savings Bank Accounts for any specially prompt and meri­
torious action In connection with fires,
TRANSACTS ALL KINDS OF or information leading to the convic­ GORAKHPUR VILLAGE BURNT
BANKING BUSINESS. tion of personnel accused of bribery DOWN
and corruption. Amounts up to Rs. AK R.C. TALWAQ PR O D U CTIO N
Head O ffice; JAIPUR. 500 in any individual case will be
sanctioned by the competent financial GORAKHPUR, May 13: Eighty fa­ Daily 4, 7* and 10 p.m. at
M anager: S. L. KOTHARi authority concerned, but rewards ex­ milies were rendered homeless when
an entire village in Deoria Tehsil
ceeding that sum, up to Rs. 1,000,
will be sanctioned by general officers was burnt to ashes by a devastating New West End
COOK'S BUILDING, C.-ln-C. of Armies and Commands. fire which broke out on Wednesday Directed by Story & Screenplay by
HORNBY ROAD. Payments of rewards exceeding Rs. afternoon. SUSHÍL MAZUMDAR AMIYA CHAKRABARTY
1.000 will be submitted for the sanc­ The fire, which started from the
Looal Branches: tion of the Adjutant-General In In- house of a Kajar at 2 p.m. was fan­ Starring: ‘MAGNIFICENT
LAKSHMI HOUSE, dia- , P. ned by a strong westerly wind and
Near Cotton Exchange enveloped the entire village of Ghazi- LEELA CHITNIS, JAIRAJ, ASHALATA
ur Bainsai within half an hour. is the one word
K albadevi Road, Madras Cricket A ssociation
? eople ran for their lives leaving all
their belongings of which only cattle
which aptly describes
as, Kazi Sayad Street, was saved. The total damage Is L A X M rs
M andvi MADRAS, May 14.—At the annual estimated at several thousands cf Advance Booking

general body meeting of the Madras rupees.—A. P.
Cricket Association, the following 4, 7 & 10 p.m. Daily 9-30— 12 Non.
Other Branches: office-bearers have been elected: Mr.
Gangapur City, Kawu C. P. Johnston (President), Dr. P. The bitumen and tar requirements
Kishangarh, Jodhpi Subbaroyan, Mr. C. R. Pattabiraman, for repairs to private factories. es­
Sakar, Jhunjhunu Rajah of Ramanad and Mr H. P. tates, premises, etc., are now con­
Hindnan (Pay Office) Ward (Vice-Presidents), Mr. K. S. trolled by the Director-General. Sup-
<1 Fatehpur, Ranga Rao (Hony. Secretary) and I ply (Petroleum Directorate), to whom
Mr. M. Sambandam (Treasurer).— all applications should be sent in fu- OF EVERLASTING Starring:
B om bay A g e n t : A.P. ' ture.

Record Of Month’s R elief Work HARISH, JEEVAN

G et n r id i l C C Claims Still Being Registered: 1,450 Evacuated: NANDLAL JASHVANTLAi.
O F YOUR » I L b « # 1,700 Destitutes In 5 Centres: Move T o Secure “FULL HOUSES”
Be fti again hg using Accommodation In Wadis And Musafarkhanas
BOMBAY, Sunday! in the Municipal schools which are LIPS ONLY! RAJKAMAL’S
To-day marks the completion of the at present closed due to the summer &
first month o f the disastrous explo­ vacation, the question of finding new SEE THE V. SHANTARAM’S
sions and fires which shook the city accommodation for the destitutes af­ EXPOSURE OF THE
on April 14 last. Though very laud­ ter the re-opening of the schools in Daily 3-30, 6-30 and 9-30
able results are achieved by various
organisations in offering relief to the
victims of the tragedy during this
the second week of June is greatly
troubling the minds of the Mayor
and the Municipal Commissioner. The
SHAKUNTALA Advance Booking 9-30 to 12
and 3-30 to 6
THE BRITISH SUBSTITUTE FOR month there is yet a long way to go authorities of various Wadis, Musev- V. SHANTARAM’S Starring
before the final word Is said on the furkhanas and other places are ap­
HADENSA greatest tragedy in the city’s history. JAYASHREE
proached for this purpose, and it is

you r C h em ist or Phone 2 2 9 Q4 \ About 975 labourers are still en­
gaged m demolishing dangerous struc­
tures and clearing debris in the area
hoped with due co-operation to com­
plete the new arrangements by the
end of May.
west of the GI.P. railway lines. De­ MAYOR OPTIMISTIC OULU FAM E!
molition work in the area east of the Interviewed by a representative of D irection K. DATE
SONGS & MELODIES railway lines will start from Monday. this paper Mr. Nagindas T. Master,
More and more complaints are be­ the Mayor of Bombay, said that he Starring Daily: 4, 7, 10 p.m. JAYANT DESAI
Very body’s W ISH to have a KID M a k e i t P o p u la r Productions’
Even in 3rd Week ing received by the police from per­ was very hopeful about the arrange­ MASTER KRISHNARAO, AMIR
sons who have lost their property ments being made for putting up KARNATAKI, BABY NALINI. Fri., Sat., Sun. 1-15 p.m.
like BABY MADHURI in temporary structures for business as
during the explosions.
PAGLI More and more destitutes are being j
evacuated from the five centres run
well as residential purposes.
Hindi 4 & 10. M arathi 7. Sat. Sun.
Fri., 1 p.m. Booking 10-30 to Z AB AN
VISHVAS by the Citizens Emergency Relief
Committee. Nearly 1.450 have already
left for their villages, thanks to the
With a view to help the victims of
the explosion in registering their
claims for compensation from every
12-30 5 to 6
K A M A L TAJ Talkies
!>rant Rd.
Daily; 4-30, 7-15 & 10-15
evacuation facilities provided by the
Committee. The number of destitutes
now remaining in all the five centres
source, to organise and help affected
people to start life again, the office
of the Fort Charkha Sangha at 96-98, N O V E L T Y
Daily 4-30, 7-15 and 10 p.m.
Daily: 4, 7, 10 is in the neighbourhood of 1,700. Bora Bazar Street, Fort, will remain
A 'Happy Befase' À B om bay Picture As most oi tbs centres are located open dally between S pm. and 8 p.m.
Monday May 15, 1944
A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ftioce their air-arm on this front ap­
With The 14th Army.
pears to have been strengthened a FOOD PRODUCTION
The enlargement of freedom
good deal recently.
F i g f h t i n g In A s s a m
has always been due to heretics COMMON MAN
Despite the stiff resistance which
who hare been unrequited during the Japanese are offering from the Neglect Of Bandharas
their day and defamed when few hill positions still in their posses­
sion in and about Kohima. their Philadelphia Congress Suggests w i t h o u t c o m m l n T -
dead. mopping up is proceeding apace and BY DINKAR DESAI.
it seems to be only a question of Since 1942 the Government of Bom­ Sections For Draft Peace Treaty
—George Jacob Holyoake. time when the Allies will wrest the bay have been spending considerable
•whole area from the hands of the sums of money on the 'grow more STRINGFI ELD (Maesach ussett s),
Japanese. The Allies are attacking food' admitted
campaign. It is now generally
that this campaign has not
By D. F. KARAKA PHILADELPHIA. May 14: A social
charter for the common man which
May 18.
he Japanese strongholds from three met with success. One ot the rea­ All priestly privileges for Rev
directions, east, west and south, and ‘ Q iron icleV War Correspondent. may become, one of the most impor­
Stanislaus Orlemunski were taken
the enemy, who has already suffered sons for the failure of the campaign
that Government had no systema- VI tant sections of the Peace Treaty was
drafted and agreed upon by repre­ ■wav from him to-day (Satur­
heavily, will not be able to hold out. j (¡c piall for increasing food produc­ sentatives of practically all nations day) by the immediate superior
e r long, though the monsoon, which tion* by undertaking a programme for Getting up in the mornings at the cause of it. Tired though they must who may be represented at the peace
■ ' —» ■■■* ~ fifis put in appearance already there. ! fpmnnraru Bishop Thomas H. Oleary. Rev
temporary smnii.RTiiip
small-scale irrigation,
irrigation. onlv Only front is ditterent from waking up at have been, they marched with even
is bound to hamper the operations a this year Government seem to have home. “ The drill” is different. The step, then rifles slung across their table when the war is ended This is
the greatest single achievement of the S. Orlemanski only a few hours
WHY DELAY THE good deal. It Is a matter for the somewhat realised the necessity of open air was so bracing. In a few shoulders, lilting their feet smartly historic Twenty-Sixth International ■arlier had returned here from
utmost satisfaction to learn that, for diverting their attention to the ques­ minutes there was sweetened tea be­ though they must have been heavy Labour Conference which closed on visi* *o M. Stalin.
!NEV STABLE? the present at anv rate, all danger to tion of small-scale irrigation. The side my bed. Still sitting on the with fatigue. It was an unpressive Friday night. * * *
the northern sector of the Bengal and Du-ectar of Agriculture, tor instance, camp bed. I put on my dirty socks sight—to me even more, because Britain is said to be waiting ''im ­
------ — v - Assam Railway, towards which the stated betore the last meeting of the again and got into my mud-covered they were countrymen of mine. An The Charter sets forth special prin­
patiently but thoughtfully” for the
Tho constant reiteration by G oy. |Japanese were attempting to push i j-tural Development Board that the shoes. Then into pants—the same I elderly British Brigadier was leading ciples which it is suggested thé Unit­
ed Nations should seek to embody in Allied invasion of Hitler's Europe.
along the Kohiina Dimapur road, has I “ construction’
ernm eut oi the plea that G andhiji becn removed. The position south |.ras in the Konsan to help double- pants go on the front. With of temporary bandha- wore last night. They looked new as them and as he came towards us the Peace Treaty. These concern Hitler, on the other hand, is wait­
cold from the distance carrying a staff in guarantees of right to work, improved ing tor it patiently and thoughtlessly!
has been released sclely on m edi­ and sou'h-west of Imphal, however, cropping of suitable areas with rice water—muddy of course—I shaved, his hand he looked like a messlali standards of livings, minimum stan­ ■* * *
cal grounds has led many to leel is not without anxiety. The Japanese and the increasing of rice cultivation washed my face, cleaned my teeth. and one felt like saying; “ Lead, dards of employment, effective recog­ By the way, that reminds us that
that, alter all, there may he be­ would appear to be desperately trying in canal irrigated areas were also be I drank the mugful of tea, slipped kindly light!” we are waiting for the monsoon just
h in d the some ether m o­ to i?er astride the Bishennur-Silchar ! ing dealt with.” However, the ques­ on my bush shirt and felt like a War He stopped and talked to us, wip­ nition of the right of freedom of as­
sociation and collective bargaining as impatiently and thoughtiully as
tion of repairing the bandharas in Corresconaent again! What that ing his sweat-covercd face with a
tive, too, which Governm ent is track, with a view to get possession of Khandesh and Nasik districts, which feeling was, must remain a closely dirty piece of cloth which was his It is proposed that the Internation­ the Britons are awaiting the invasion.
the rail-head at Silcnar and there- * * *
anxious to keep In the background after threaten the Southern sector of are in need of urgent repairs, does guarded military secret. handkerchief. His olive-green battle- al ally
Labour Office should review annu­
what progress has been made Instead of one Shaukat Hayat
This teeling has been strengthen­ the Bengal and Assam Railway which not seem to have attracted the at- * * * dress, 1 noticed, was brown with and what measures have been taken Khan. Premier Khizr Havat Khan
ed by the uncontradlcted press re­ runs not far irom Silchar. Tne latest tention it deserves. The bandharas After breakfast we went to prayers. dirt. His skin, wheie it had been in the attainment of the objectives has appointed two new Ministers.
port that, according to Lord Halt- reports indicate that heavy fighting in these districts have been neglected Everybody from the Press Camp kissed by the Arakan sun, was red outlined and that it should call a Evidently he believes that two birds
bv the administration to such an went to prayers every morning, so I like a tomato and as he halted, he the in hand are better than one in the
lax, changed conditions in India has been progressing for some time extent that hundreds of them have thought I. too. would go to Church. leaned on his staff to take the weight special conlerenee whenever in bush!
were the m ajor deciding iactor tn al both west and south-east of Bishen-
pur. The Allied land army Is re­ are become almost useless. But if they It brought back Lincoln chapel and off his feet. There was no bravado post-war world there are signs or
* * *
led to the release. This view is ceiving good support from the air­ sistance repaired, they will be of great as­ the days at Oxford when in prefer­ in his tone nor even a trace of economic
depression and substantial
Both the new Ministers, we find,
n ot repudiated by Reuter s m es­ force which is taking a heavy toll in increasing our food stfp- ence to answering roll call I used to Blimp. He looked more like a kindly are Nuwabs. In addition, one Of
ply- begin my mornings In chapel. The schoolmaster who had been brought The Charter creates minimum obli­ them is a Knight and the other is an
sage about Lord Halifax, who is cf the enemy on every occasion. IMPORTANCE OF BANDHARAS idea appealed to me. I thought of from a quiet. English village to lead gations for Governments with regard M.B.E.
reported having said that, in 1942 The bandhara system of irrigation Churchill saying that this war was a an army on the Burma front. He to employment and labour conditions. The British Empire is safe—in the
"th e Governm ent o f India would “ R u b b i s h ” of Khandesh and Nasik has its ori­ crusade and I pictured to myseif looked at his tired men and said: It establishes the principle that Gov­ Punjab'
have been to blame if it had not The ‘ ‘New Statesman and Nation” gin in antiquity and is one of the hordes of fighting men beginning the “ They are marvellous, really” . ernments cannot be permitted to al * * *
acted with decision and rightly dismisses as '‘rubbish”
locked Firozkhan Sir most interesting forms of small- day’s war with piayers. It was alto­ “ Will you take the tunnel to-day V” low employment to develop uncheck­ The “ Spectator” says in releasing
Noon’s remark at the Com­ scale irrigation known to this coun­ gether a beautiful thought. Imagine we asked him. ed or low living standards persist in Gandhiji. Lord Wavell took “ a wise
up leaders o f the m ovem ent” but monwealth Conference that there are try. The water-supply is derived from my surprise when I discovered that He shook his heau. for he knew view of their international consp step.”
that “ now the situation has greatly r,o two opinions in India so far as permanent or temporary dams built, “going to prayers” was just a front­ his enemy well. “ But we’ll take it,” quences. The question is whether the next
improved and the people are rea ties with Great Britain are concerned. across the small river beds. Distri­ line expression for being present at he said in a quiet tone. Then he Whether all this amounts to more wise step would be torward or back­
lising that the policy o f Mr. The paper points out that the Con­ butary channais convey the water the morning conference of senior moved on. than a mere paper declaration for ward !
“which represents by far the from the collecting area to the vil­ officers at which the fighting of the to freedom from want depends on the ^ ^
Gandhi was sterile and got .tnem gress, largest body of organised Indian opi­ lage lands. Apart from the perma­ last 24 hours was reviewed.
We turned back and returned
Why the camp somewhere round five. Tea determination of Governments to back TO-DAY’S PRIZE HOIVLERS
now here” . It is significant there nion, has for yeais demanded, not nent bandharas, there are numerous this was called “prayers” I still dont was laid on for us and we ate large up the decisions taken here ana
is n o suggestion here that G an- Dominion Status but. Independence.” temporary bandharas which are an­ know. chunks of bread ana Mr. Poison’s upon the power of world after 'hr (Perpetrated by the Junior
* * * war to influence them.—Reuter Colleague)
d h iji ever intended sabotage or Nay, following the Congress lead, nually constructed bv the cultivators butter, which improves in frigidaires,
even the Muslim League and the on co-operative basis. Most of these In the open, near the«commander’s and strawberry jam. Then, behind (1) Since Premier Malik Khizr
violence in any form . However Hindu Mahasabha have adopted In­ flow till the end of the cold weather baslia we gathered. There were noi a tree. I tried to give myseif a bath
the situation has certainly greatly dependence as their creed. They may and supply water for crops such as chairs and tables. Hayat Khan refuses to go to Delhi,
Two large maps under the naked sky with the muddy the Muslim League Action Committee
im proved in certain respects. Many have done so to gain popularity. But wheat, gram, vegetables, etc. The ex­ were pinned to a plank of wood and water of a near-by chaung. It BRAJRAJNAGAR.—Mr Jagdamba will go to Lahore!
even in Britain have discovered by that very fact hangs a tale. tent to which the prosperity of this the movements of the enemy and of wasn’t exactly a bath but it felt nice Prasad Saksena, Headmaster Orient (2) Sir Stafford Crtpps will be re­
region is based on the bandhara sys­ our troops were plotted on these. to have water« splashing over one’s Pappr Mills Proposed High School, admitted to the British Labour Party
that the charge about Congress C o n g r e s s p h o b i a tem can be seen from what Mr. Jen­ There was a lot of saluting that sweaty body. Brajrajnagar. (Dist Sambalpur. o r s as he has more than followed the tra­
having instigated violence is a lie. Overhead the Ven­
morning and when the General sa), has been elected member of the
In Irmia the charge has been It is perhaps not altogether sur­ kins. the present Director of Agri­ arrived, the company which was wait­ geances and Spits were flying high. Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal for ditions ot tne Labour Parly—with re­
proved to be baseless by law prising that a correspondent of a culture,
stated before the Linlithgow
He said: “It is notewor­ ing for him, clicked its heels
They made you feel ashamed of your
and nakedness. his literary attainment and scholar­
gard to Ind’a !
paper like the ' Times” of London (3) The Second Front itas been
courts. In England the ‘New should have insinuated that Gandhiji thy that some of the best cultivation due. gave him the salute which was his (COPYRIGHT.) ship. opened in Italy—but there Is no news
Even so the atmosphere never
Statesman and Nation’ writes: "No has accepted the chairmanship of in Khandesh is to be found under
this system, and the villages of such changed from being informal and
yet from the First'.
(4) Mahatma Gandhi has accepted
Evidence has been published which the Board of Trustees of the Kas- tracts are generally most receptive to friendly- There was none of the Chairmanship of the Kasturba Funa
Connected Mr. Gandhi or other turba Memorial Fund to revive Con­ the introduction of improved agricul­ ceremonial nor even the rigidity of
gress Party activity. The Congress Committee to revitalize the congress
leaders o the Congress with acts and Gandhiji are now so dreaded by tural methods or materials.”
o f violence. We only know tnat the British imperialists
the Governm ent o f India declared think any stick Is good to strike them bandharas
The existing condition
that they had found a docum ent with. Worse lies have been circulated nistration. Hundreds of them are in by sticking bits of elastoplast on his
the parade
best he
had to improvise his crown and pips
Every officer
tabs, Our Readers' Views —or so says London ‘Times’ New
Delhi Correspondent!
<5) . The ‘Times' New Delhi Corres­
ts a «treat believer in truth
non-violence—ana, therefore,
against them even by officials.
In cne province which connected all the missiles act as a boomerang, a state of serious disrepair. No less But shoulders! Another, a Captain, had
drawn his three pips with a pencil. Disposal Of Surplus Stocks these days Travelling 1» a terrible murders truth non-violently ’
the Congress with violent plans. and Congress is getting more and an authority than Mr. C. H. Bristow, ordeal in these oays in which the
Yet Pandit Nehru and Mauiana more popular. No Governor dares to present Adviser to the Governor, These little things were not important poor dumb masses suffer the most .
wrote as follows in 1927: “At the on a real war front. It was rather O f Vehicles
Azad and other Congress leaders hold general elections, and at the same time, it Government are going the man and not his clothes. The Their hardships are unimaginable. BEZWADA, May 12.
elections to local bodies Congress
w ire outspokenly In favour of sup­ is sweeping the polls more easily than to levy water rate on these bandha­ arrival of the General was rather Their ordeal commences with the at­ | The first All-India Newspapers and
A conference was held at the Bom­ tempt to get a railway or bus or stea­ ' Journals Exhibition is proposed to be
portine the war in 1942 and would it ever did before. It is silly, there­ ras it is essential that Government like that of a cricket captain com­ bay Secretariat on Monday, 8th May, mer ticket. They have to wait for ! held under the auspices of the
repudiate the policy o f sabotage". fore. for the “Times” Correspondent should fulfil their share of the bar­ ing to meet his team at the
mencement of an important cricket disposal of surplus
com­ 1944, to consider the question of the
days together before they succeti in |Andhra Deshi News Service at Sukhi
to suggest that Congress is now "in ras in repair. gain viz..- to keep the pakka bandha­ vehicles. It was getting one ana that too almost al­ House. Bezwada. Mr. Chaliapalli
I f changed political conditions very low- waters throughout the eexm- Several have been match. The team rallied round him. called by the Government of India ways after paying something extra Rancarao. Managing Editor appeals
ju stify the release o i G an dh iji tney try.” If it were so there would be noticed in disrepair. Hatnur band­ A senior officer of the Army and ano­ and. presided over by Sir A. Itamn- .over the scheduled fares When they
hara is an example This was breach­ ther from the Air Force gave the swami Mudallar, its Supply Member. to all newspaper:;, editors and pro­
ju stify at least to tne same extent 'eneral elections to-morrow. However, ed and has been left in a broken assembly the latest situation reports. In
et us see if the “ Times” reporter cor­
the release o f the other Congress rects his report and expresses regret condition, and permanent patasthal These are called “ Sitreps” .
his opening address ha is reported delay and
have obtained a ticket after so mucli prietors to
to have laid down two principles to fortunate If they can find nny
extra payment they' are current issues of
com­ exhibition.
send their pre-war and
the journals for
leaders still in jail. Their release in view of the statement Issued by has been struck off. The villagers, It was confirmed that morning that be observed in the dlspoea) of all sur­ fortable sitting accommodation.. 1?«
is urgently necessary to stlilen na­ Mr. A. V. Thakkar. Meanwhile, in however, patched the masonry with Razabil was now in our hands. The plus war stock. The disposal should railways the compartments are choke­
wood, brushwood and earth and irri­ Japs had retreated to the two tun­ be at prices which would be fair to
tional resistance to the Japanese view of the attempts made to discre­ gated with quite a number of passen­ Jinnah and ine Mahatma rise to tfi­
invasion. R eierring to these dit the Kasturba Fund it Is good to sional water rate was levied under nels
their land, whereupon occa­ somewhat north-east of Razabil. Government and it should be carried ful gers standing tile whole length of occa:-:;;'.
learn that the work of the collection Our men would try and push them out in such a way as not to disturb their Journey. The bus and fteamers A. N. SATWIX
* ‘ and other nationalist leaders in is well under way and that the full section 55, Land Revenue Code. This out. but it would take time, for the the Internal economy of the country.
jau , the receno Dem i Conference os. amount of 75 lakhs will be collected is entirely wrong. First, Government tunnels were ' God's greatest gift to always carry an overload. People do
revenue is lost because the bandhara an Army Commander.” It suited the Subject to these two principles, the not travel for the fun ot spending Flight O f Tenants”
. Nationalist Muslims rightly declar­ before October 2nu. was not repaired although water was Jap idea of defence for they could conference was asked to advise as to money on travel They do ao because
ed that "if the G overnm ent does available. Then, when the villagers burrow themselves in and fight from the best method of disposing of a sur­ of some good reason and yet the t .c I me congratulate you lot u*B
not release these national leaders made repairs which it was the duty a bunker position. Elsewhere in the plus stock of about 20,000 vehicles Government accuses them of travelling mg the Government to revise Uit
and patriots immediately the p oli­ of Government to carry out, they Kaladan valley the position was also which would become available within without reason. It Is an Insult to Rent Restriction Act immediately in
your issue oi Saturday btn insiant.
tical atmosphere in the country' ADDITIONAL MUSLIM were charged at rates which are improving. There had been great a few months, and also of such fur­ common Intelligence to say so. Our
would deteriorate still further MINISTER IN higher than permanent patasthal as­ fighting put up by the West Africans. ther stocks as would be forthcoming suggestion makes It possible to give m e population ui Bombay and its
sessment. If the proposed rates are These dark, coloured men were at from time to time as the tempo of them some much needed rebel suburua is incieasing daily and the
leading to wide-spread discon­ PUNJAB CABINET to be collected I would suggest that home in the jungle. The heat and war rises. The Supply Member was burning oi 50u houses in the big file
tent a m oii” the people . A similar orders shouid be issued to the Irriga­ dust of Arakan didn’t bother Turning to the cargo service, every
a appeal to Government to supply the has aggravated the situation, some
them careful to say that he did not for
View has been expressed by m any Hindu Sabha And Muslim League tion Department to put all the pak­ very much, nor even flies and mos­ moment suggest that it will be quite people wno are now residing in tempo­
consumption needs of scarcity areas is
responsible leaders and institu­ ka bandharas into perfect repair quitos. Elsewhere again, south of easy to recondition and run the vehi­ met with the stock reply that trans­ rary huts will not be able to do so
Comments iorthwlth. The neglect of these band­ Maungdaw, some of our sea-borne cles In the streets. The vehicles during the monsoon. The Govern­
tions in the country. On the port is wanting. Why not then avail
LAHORE, May 14: Commenting on haras is a serious blow to one of the troops had made a surprise landing would be war battered and, generally ourselves of every opportunity of In­ ment decision to build houses for
other hand, it has been suggested the inclusion of an additional Mus­ best kinds of cultivation, and causes and were engaged in hard fighting in a knocked dlown condition, and officers and the Municipal Commis­
by supporters o f Governm ent that lim Minister in the Punjab Cabinet loss to the cultivators and to Gov­ with the Japs. unserviceable (for war purposes. No creasing the facilities of transporting sioner’s proposal to build 1,000 rooms
the Viceroy has taken one step to ­ Malik Barkat Ali, M.L.A. (Musjim ernment.” * * * data, however, are given as to their cargo? Military motor tnansport Is will not go a long way to keep pace
NO ACTION BY GOVERNMENT Razabil was obviously the place to serviceability for Civilian 'purposes. alleged to have Introduced a miracul­ with the growing need. I would like
wards a settlem ent and that it League), said “This is the first result ous change Into the Bengal famine to make the following suggetions to
now behoves G andhiji to re sp o n d , League of the impact of the Muslim ! The Quotation needs no comments. ------- z visit and we drove down to it in a At the same time' it can be presumed situation. It has already proved Its improve
on Punjab politics. Hitherto Although the recommendation to put jeep that morning. It was a shock­ that all the vehicles are not fit only worth in those distressful times. the situation:—(1) The
with the next step. But while we had only three Muslim Ministers the bandharas into repair was made j ing road. Thick layers of dust co­ for the scrap heap. Government should give permission
from the point o f view o f G an ­ in a cabinet of six. in 1927, nothing has been done so far! vered
Now -we shall This is admitted by Rao Saheb D. G. and the jeep bucked like an infuriat­ its uneven surface all the way Under the circumstances, the ques­ So much from a short term point of for construction of new houses to
d h iji’s health and ali that it have four Muslim Ministers. I con­ Shallgram in the settlement reports ed bronco when driven over tion may be asked why cannot a part view. From the long term point of individuals and help them to secure
riflea ns nis release is a good step, gratulate the Premier on his having of some talukas of West Khandesh miles ten of them be reconditioned and used view, wa know that road transport has building materials at controlled
an hour. We jolted our for the transport of passengers ana suffered all these years because of rates. In order to avoid profiteering
Ijftfe Viceroy has n o t gone far en. brought this increase in the strength and Nasik, prepared by him in 1941. way for three solid hours goods In ths country? There is a pro­ the railways’ vested interests. Our such permission may be granted only
ough from the political point o f of Muslim representation In the Pun­ He states that "the neglect to make and came to Maungdaw first. nounced shortage of transport for point of view Is that by bringing all to those who do not own houses M
view to facilitate ’ a jab Cabinet, though
settlem ent his failure to fall into line with the I deeply deplore timely repairs to these water chan­ There we saw the war-scarred both theso purposes. Government forms of internal and coastal (trans­ present and
nels is likely to cause loss both to village, which was the furthest point themselves have repeatedly stressed port within the orbit of a desire to stay in their
Doubtless G andhiji, w hen nis Muslim League. single newly built house. Permission tor
the cultivators and Government and south to be held by our troops. The th;s shonuge. Why not then hand transport Ministry and nationalising giving such house on rent should
health improves, can and will ex ­ Sir Gokul Chand Narang, a vete­ provision for prompt and effective was not much village life left, for over the whole surplus stock of vehi­ all these forms, the clash of Interests
plain, w ithout reference to his ran Hindu Sabha leader, said: “Apart repairs is absolutely necessary.” He it had been the scene of heavy fight cles to the railways? They are known will vanish. not be granted. This will bring Ml
colleagues the August R esolution o f from personal considerations, the dis­ also submittd separate reports to Go­ ing and all that was left of the to be urgently In need of more car­ automatic check on more applica­
vernment regarding the existing con­ village was a handful of bashas and riages and wagons. They have their Further there 1» no fear of having tions for houses and building mete-
She 'A. I. C. C. and will nail to parity in communal representation dition of the bandharas and the re­ a few small, tin-roofed houses and own workshops where they will h av e.lj? to scrap road transport after the war. rials.
the counter m any a lie circulated will certainly be resented by non- pairs required' “T in its reconstruction (2) The Rent Controller or the Lew
in all the talukas he sheds, which were peppered with the faculties for quickly reoondltion- ^ eminent
aggirisi the Congress. But it Muslims unless the Government Intend has re-settled. But nothing seems to shrapnel and bullets. The village programme wishes to give the
ing a part of this stock. All the dif­ priority to road construction.
first Court on no account should permit
wui be some time betore G an dh iji the cabinet”. to appoint an additional Hindu on have been done. The separate reports was bare and deserted except for our ferent More any land-lord to use more dwelling
i f able to do even that. I f G overn ­ submitted by the Settlement Officer troops- A few miles from there we have beenvarieties of this stock must and better roads
built on standard lines, so without more vehicles on those roads in the
would be useless area provided the number of persons
The appointment of an additional on this question are not even pub­ saw a West African regiment which family has not increased
m ent realises the gravity o f tne Minister is described as the first ex­ lished. that out of 20.000 vehicles If they are
had captured a brand new mountain able to recondition only 5.000 for use. and these vehicles will help to absorb since 1941.
present situation In the country pansion of the Punjab Cabinet since CONCLUSION gun from the Japs, the first, of its I t . wUl ease the a good proportion of the technical (3) The amount of rent in the Rent
dnd wishes to enlist the full and the inauguration oi Provincial Auto­ transport problem services military personnel on demo­ Control Act should be increased to
Government nave not also made kind to be captured intact. The considerably. The dearth of petrol
active co-op era tion o f the people. nomy in 1937 and a section of the known to tne public any specific pro- West Africans were very pleased need not be a deterent iactor bilisation Rs. 160 in place of Rs. 80 as the
They Incidentally our suggestion also value of rupee is depreciated since
It can not do better than release press considers it to be the forerunner ramme proposed to be undertaken with this rare souvenir which they can be converted to run on charcoal.
straightway all the politicals still of further expansion whereby the ing g v them in the direction of extend­ had brought back with them. It had
bandhara irrigation in Khandesh an unusual sight for a gun of this Out of the 5,000
vehicles recondi­ asked namely, why
a question which
passing of the above Act in 1939.
(4) In order to have a proper
Imprisoned w ithout a trial A fter number of Ministers will be eventu­
ally raised to ten. and Nasik districts. The public have type and it was exceptionally well- tioned and put on the roads, 4,000 construction be post-war? cannot some check on profiteering the police
all, this is a dem and for elem ent­ According to the ministerial circles a right to know what Government are kept for the barrel looked new, as may be used for cargo transport and of it be started right now? We say should investigate the account
if it had come from a jeweller's shop. 1,000 to carry passengers for a short emphatically, "Yes. it can be", and
ary Justice. T o flout or ignore the additional appointment Is intena, proposing to do in this matter. When books of some land-lords who are
It is not going to help G overn ­ ed to give some relief to the “over­ there Is an acute shortage of food As we looked at it out of curiosity, distance haulage within a radius of here ft one way it can. reported to have taken paghadt
grams in the province, it is the pri­ one of the younger officers said to say 150 miles from every Important P. A. WADIA. amounts from tenants and a provi­
m ent in any way. It. m ay ninder worked" Premier, who has so far been mary duty of Government to extend me: “ You can have the gun If you distributing or population centre. As­ sion to penalise them by fine and
It in a hundred ways. Finally, G ov ­ unable to tour the province and the area under irrigation and thus to can get me a ticket out of this jun­ suming an average of 1-1/2 tons of
“ Accept Pakistan” imprisonment be made. If profiteer­
maintain direct contact with the pub­ enable the cultivators to produce more gle.” The offer was tempting and I cargo and; 16 passengers per vehicle,
ernm ent knows that the u ncondi­ lic.—A. P.
tional release o f the leaders is food. The work of repairing small saw visions of the Jap gun adorning we get additional transport facilities The present political atmosphere in ing in food and cloth is thus check­
inevitable, sooner or later. W hy bandharas should not take long time the garden lawn. But there were no of 6 000 tons of cargo and 16,000 pas­ the country is particularly suited for ed. why is Government shy to centre’
as the construction of big Irrigation tickets out of the jungle! sengers PER DAY, The Technical the Congress-League understanding. "shelter” ?
n ot do the right and necessary “ DISMISSAL WITHOUT UomW1 Sub-Committee of the Post-war Re- The release of Mahatma Gandhi has A HARD-PRESSED TENAK1
works would require. In fact, the po­ Then we drove over to ,7/7,
y iin g gracefully by releasing them ASSIGNING PROPER tentialities of immediately extending which was not many miles away. It ri I construction Committee has already created a new phase and there is a
sco n ? REASONS” the area under irrigation in Khan­ still felt warm from the shelling of recommended to Government that "a widespread satisiaction even in res­ A Scandal
desh and Nasik districts by repairing the day before, with its hills naked start should be made now, during the ponsible Muslim circles. I, therefore,
old bandharas are very considerable. in appearance. Except for the war, to develop motor transport on earnestly appeal to Mr. Jinnah to ex­ It is time that the sinistei trick
Sind League Criticises Punjab In addition to carrying out repairs to stumps of trees these features, which sound lines.” it has recommended plore the possibilities of Hindu-Mus- that by a number of wholesale deal-
Governor’s Action old bandharas, there appears to be had been plastered by our Vengeanc­ “the transfer to the roads of short lim understanding. . lers are playing on the common man
I have no special authority to ap­ who is the actual consumer is expos­
FRANKLY ample scope tor
KARACHI, May 14: The Sind Pro- ones. That this is so is obvious from es,
constructing new were bare to the earth. Shrap­ haul goods traffic. In whloh field mo­ peal
nel still hung around the place in with railways.” tor transport can compets economically the honourable gentlemen on ed. The retail dealer is his contact
I vincial Muslim League at its annual what Mr. W. J. Jenkins once wrote. little It has further re­ both sides, but I am only expressing lor supplies and has to depend Or
SPEAKING meeting to-day appointed a committee He stated: “ I believe that a combin­ scrap to fill a handful
of five persons to organise and ed engineering and geological survey trucks. Here and there were
bits and there was enough
of salvage develop commended that “railways should now the restlessness that is felt by the him for his requirements. The retail­
closer co-operation with road public at large. The Mahatma has er, however, can only meet the con
strengthen the Muslim League in the of certain river and nulla beds collect­ ultimately always shown ever hu-,.using willing­ sumer’s demand if he is able to pro-
in ed dumps of ammunition which the passenger transport and
province. The meeting, which was Khandesh might pave the way for enemy had abandoned. We picked acquire a commanding interest” . ness to come to te.ins with Mr. Jin- , cure stocks for which he has depenc
attended by the Premier and other the commencing of profitable and ef­ up cartridges with strange markings Our suggestion therefore t o ' hand nuh as is evident from his personal on the wholesaler.. Things were go­
A l l i e d O f f e n s i v e In I t a l y Muslim Ministers, passed a number fective schemes of this nature. I am in Japanese, an odd rifle or two le: . . . . -¡ft over the entire surplus stock of \ehi- letter to the League leader from be­ ing on well enough before the con­
resolutions, by one of which it con­ influenced in this opinion by the ex­ behind and a tom-out page from a cles to the railways is completely In hind the prison bar a year ago. trols came. Since then an nxtificic’
Though it is still too early to draw of demned the action of the Governor ceedingly large number of old and Japanese newspaper, which, needless accord with the report of this Tech­ Pakistan is not going to come from scarcity Is being created in cloth. '.
any definite conclusions, it would of the Punjab in dismissing Captain broken down bandharas and weirs to say spoke of 'the annihilation of nical Sub-Committee. Railways are above the skies or by the graceful gift understand that a number of whole
appear that the Germans, though the British Government. Muslim salers lefuse to part with cloth t<
which are to be found, on
clearly taken by surprise by the Al­ Shaukat Hyat Khan “without assign­ every; little stream in the district and i the Allied forces.’
nearly Only these poor now a national asset of this country of India will have to fight for it. Mr. retailers at fair prices. They woul'
lied offensive against the Gustav line ing proper reasons”. Japs at the front who were being to be worked as a souroe of national Jinnah must have known by this tune sell only if they could appropriate el
and though they had to give ground The meeting requested the Govern­ which, to my mind, indicate that the pushed all round the place knew economlo and social betterment. In
he is no longer in the good books the margin of profits permitted by th
at the first impact, are entrenched in ment of India to convey to His Ma­ cultivators found the production
ancestors of the present Khandesh that annihilation was a very big fact, we would go further and recom­ that
of mend the nationalisation of all forms of the British Government as he had control orders of the Govemmen'
sufficient strength along the line to jesty’s Government that it is the de­ small areas of irrigated crops a fea­ word in any language of transport whether by rail or road never been. That willingly or un- They would not pass a cash memo 1
be easily dislodged. Still, the success­ sire of the Muslims of India that the sible and a paying proposition." It was now about two o ’clock and or air or water along the ooasts or willingly __ ._______ allowed himself to be pny stocks ere given to a
he________ retallei
ful crossing of the Rapido river and promises given to the Arabs of Pa­ we decided to pull up on the road for inland waterways played .into the hands of the British­ Thus the retailer is penalised. If h
establishment of bridgeheads is no lestine should be kept by His a drink of water and a sandwich buys for his stocks, he can’t sell s
Our suggestion has everything In ers to slop the progress of the coun­
small gain on the Allied side. The | Majesty s Government which we had brought with us and Its favour whether from short or long try by refusing to join hands with control prices. So he is hauled ui
capture by the Fifth Army of the Sind League Chief’s Plea For of seats. Every effort must be made I a couple of biscuits which we carried. term point of view. In the first the Congress. But his recent expe­ If he does not replenish his stock
top of Castel Forte, which was one o f , ., to improve the lot of the 28 lakhs of j Inside the sandwich was the old, place It is wholly consistent with rience in Punjab must have shown his customers get annoyed and Iv
the strongest centres of enemy resis- l Paid Propagandists . _ workers and peasants. The future of j •familiar piece of red bully beef and both the principles laid down by the the Government. him where he stands in the eyes of loses them. Thus is It sought t
tance in the whole Gargliano area, is ‘ The jealousies o f power politics and | so hot was the sun and so heavy the Supply Member. Government cannot create a situation in which cloth wii
depended upon are not afraid of Pakistan. become scarce. Such is also th
particularly gratifying. The Fifth • for' seats and offices ' Pr°P<?r handling of Sind politics. dust that I didn’t quite feel drink like find a better value for its surplus InHindus
Army has also sue« ceded in the struggle
If conditions in Sind were improved, food. But water was nice to fact they will be too willing to see trick resorted to defeat the contro:
stock of vehicles than by utilising It it established. I am expressing this as imposed by Government. It Is,
occupying two important townships. should give place to a simple ideal of there would be no delay in achieving j and it. seemed the greatest drink in for more transport service. It cannot a Hindu youth. But their fears are deed, scandalous that
San Stefano and Ventosa. The cap­ service for its own sake; otherwise Pakistan- , the world at that moment. find a Cheaper means of augmenting on the different score. Let Mr. Jln- should proclaim orders without bob'
ture o f San Angelo on the Gari river , there is danger of friction and dis- ^ ^
also announced. It remains i integration setting in within the or Mr. Syed urged that there should As we sat in the jeep, parked in a thi3 service, particularly during the nah start any action; he will have the in a position to ensure supplies. B'
to be seen whether the Allied ad­ ganisation. said Mr. G. M. Syed. Pre­ be paid Muslim League propagandists ditch to be away from the road, and war. This utilisation will not also support of the whole of India. tween the wholesaler’s greed ar
vance. which is so far proceeding sident of the Sind Provincial Muslim in every constituency so that in the tretched our legs, we could see our Internal economy of the country. the in any way detrimentally affect
Lastly, the good offices of Affama Government’s helplessness, the reiai
satisfactorily, will be definitely held League speaking at its annual meet­ future elections, the lesson learned at fighting men returning from opera­ Mashraqui, the Khaksar Leader must er and through him th» comm
up by the Germans or whether a break­ ing to-day. Shikarpur shall be turned to ad­ tions further forward. They were the oontrary lit will have a positively be availed of. And he will be too man are driven to the well Is th<
through will be effected by the Allies The ultimate objeat of the League, he vantage and every Muslim seat shall Punjabis and Jats. their faces pow­ advantageous effect on that economy. willing to go between and bring about no remedy t
before long despite ail resistance, salij, 1« Pakistan and not the capture be captured by the League.—A P. dered with dust, their hair grey be- Transport 1* a positive bottleneck in the necessary understanding. Will Mr. C. K. X-
Monday May 15, 1944 THE BOMBAY CHRONICLE


OF LABOUR lY n A lX ¡5
ed States Secretary of State Mr. Cor­
dell Hull said to-day that he had no
information on the reported agree­
"In view of the misunderstandings
prevailing in some quarters
the grant of Rs. 13,000 per
month BRITISH JUSTICE’ ■Ha.LjjsäoLumn Better Bank With
ment between Russia and Poland. Ac­

London “ Economist” Raises

cording to this report one of the
clauses in the agreement is believed
to be that Poland shall have Vilna
made to the Indian Federation
Labour by the Government of India
for war propaganda of labour
the Devoting His Time T o Looking
after the war.—Reuter. Executive Committee of the Indian
Scare About Congress Federation of Labour feels it desir­ After Indian Refugees
Leadership WASHINGTON, May 12.
More than two million women in
able to clarify the position” , says a
resolution unanimously adopted by In Switzerland
Good morning, after a long time.....
Thackers, the publishers, are on the LIMITED.
the Committee at its meeting held eve of making a new record in pub­
(From Our Correspondent». the United States have been trained MONTREUX. May- 13,-Aga Khan lishing in India. Last Saturday Vic­
LONDON May 13. by special courses for essential war here under the presidentship of Mr. who has been living in Switzerland H. O. 43-45, Apollo Street,
Discussing new trends in India in- jobs, Manek Homi. tor Gollancz, that king pin of pub­
in comparative seclusion during the lishing in England, gave the pub­ Fort, BOMBAY
eluding the rise of radical democrat. | Nearly half a million have learnt The resolution adds: “ The Indian past four years in a special interview lishing rights for India to Thackers
Mr. Rajagopalachari activities and aircraft manufacture processes and Federation of Labour in pursuance of with Reuter to-day gave this message of that sensational book THE TRIAL
Muslim League's restlessness the Lon- 115.000 ship-building trades.—Reuter, its firm conviction that the defeat of , to the people of India OF MUSSOLINI by Cassius. Only a
don “Economist" savs: There are ------------------------------------------------------ Fascism was essential for safeguard-i “I have full confidence that the W E T R A N SA C T A L L MODERN BANKING
several reasons for Gandhiji’s release deliver the goods. They have put for­ few copies of this book have come to
ing the future of the toiling masses i British people will deal justly with India and were instantly grabbed bv
without conditions. Physical ones are ward a striking programme for Indian of India has from its inception car- ! such Indian wishes and claims which those who had read some of its Eng­
obvious, but perhaps the most signi­ economic development. It is not a ried on propaganda in support of the i haye general support from Indian lish reviews. THE TRIAL OP MUS-
ficant reason is political one. Gan- very impressive document when ex­ war efforts. While this propaganda I ‘ ’Pinion irrespective of faith and SOLINI sold 100.000 copies belcre
dhljl's day is probably done A con­ amined in detail. Political implica­ was being carried on the Government race." publication, which was in October
test has already started for control ct tions of the plan are plain enough. of, India accepted a propaganda Despite his enforced stay in Switzer­ last year, it followed GUILTY MEN GENERAL FOARD OF DIRECTORS
the policy of Congress Party. Many If this sort of programme becomes scheme presented by Mr. M. N. Roy, land the Aga Khan is in constant but it is anticipated that its sales
millions of poorest Indians still Ices the new' Congress policy, the politi­ General Secretary of the I.F.L. ac­ touch by cable with his followers in figures will eclipse those of its fore- Seth SANKALCHAND G. SHAH, Millowner, Chairman
to Gandhijl with love and reverence cal question at once becomes whe­ cording to w'hich a sum of Rs. 13,000 India and Africa on matters connect runner A comparatively small book
He could still be the figurehead of a ther National Planning of the kind was to be spent m definite amounts ed with religious and social interests though of small close type. I setn. Umaautt S. Neman» Setti soma Dotta Sharma,
popular movement but it Is unlikely seen only so far in Germany and in a few specified provinces. “In Africa for instance”, he said, have" read this book from co- tí.a ., .,
IIP WOlllfi itc rpnl rtirrntnr- Thr» Rnccia ic £»itVipr nnssihlp in India “by daily economy my followers and j ver to . cover at ,, Mangaldas N. Verma, it Trtcamial Giranartai,
situation has changed since. Gandhijl or desired by the Indians, Mr. Roy was authorised to appoint mvself are — raising -------- —
rupees one iron' ------ — one single sit­
in g ,an<^ found it the most brutal m u. H. vaktiana, j.v . „ Chhotalal Devchand,
was In effect a political dictator of The issue ceases to be one of na- nominees in the provinces concerned and 30 lakhs for a short-term-loan indictment of what mav be called , Durgadas Mchra.
Ir.dian nationalism. tional independence and democratic who were to be in charge of the and to start a bank to encourage and Mr. D. N. Shrofi, n Gordhandas Jadnvjee,
The most important single lact is freedom (old slogans of nationalism! work and who were to receive and develop African trade with Britain ?,f B,ritish politics." That
account for the sums allotted. this book will play a great part in Mr. N. C. KHUKANA, tl.COm., A.I.I.B..
the Indian Industrialists who have it. becomes one ot State planning of the Dominions. India and the World.’’ damaging the smug element of the
been the financial prop of the Con- most authoritarian kind In granting this financial isi-1 T!le Aga Khan is also devoting
assist­ British Tory party, there is no doubt Managing Director.
gress Party have now ccme out in i The rank and file of Congress as ance no conditions were either pUt I much of his time to looking after ffiffih It is equally certain
the open and taken the initiative well as other Indian politicians are by the Government or accepted by 1Indian refugees in Switzerland and that it will swing over a number of
from politicians who have failed to 1 faced with a challenge. Mr. Roy as to the type of war pro­ has enabled many to study at Swiss thinking people at the next General
paganda which was to be carried on ; Universities. Election in Britain. THE TRIAL
so that the workers of the Federation Now' that he is exiled from the voices the thought and opinion of the
had complete freedom to propagate Turf the Aga Khan devotes most Common Man ct Britain. It is beau­
their views with regard to the revo­ of his leisure to golf and music. He tifully cqnceived and executed. It Is
lutionary nature of the anti-Fascist spends the spring in Lugano and provocative such as nothing, i nave
war. moves here when summer approaches, ever read, has been. And it is wrlt-
i Part of the winter is invariably spent ? ! , bv a young man just around
"The day to day activities of the at Zurich.

Vve Regret Federation are financed entirely out thirty—a brilliant young man already
of the affiliation fees and other re­ doing well in England and of whom
On His Narrow Escape great things are expected in the fu­
venues of the Federation. The Gov­
ernment grant having been earmark­ ture. As he has chosen not to reveal his á ¡ r
The Aga Khan arrived m Switzer­ 5 1S* n? P e must remain anony-
ed, for specific activities in specific lo­
calities, neither the Federation nor land in June 1940 following the may be pertinent to m
its Executive Committee nor the Affi­ German break through. He said: “It mention here that for his convictions
liated Unions as such have any say was a very narrow escape. The Ger­ he has sacrificed much, a step which
in the matter of its spending, al­ mans were hard on my heels all the he will never regret. I have recom­
that owing to shortage o f stock o f our Dye­ though all activities according to the way. But though they got. my Rolls mended several books in this Half
Column, every one of which has Justi­
stuffs we are unable fo r the time being to propaganda scheme are always and Ro.vce near the frontier, my party fied Its recommendation. Yet more
everywhere carried on through the managed to reach safety In the nick than all these books, this is the best
execute the orders o f our valued customers. organisational machinery of the Fe­ of time.”
deration. The Aga Khan promised the Swiss thing in the English language that
But with the erection of our New Labora­ has recently seen print. Get your
“ This meeting reaffirms its appro­ to refrain from all political activity copy booked now.
tories and extended facilities we hope to val of this arrangement and appre­ and make no political pronounce­
ciates the action of the Government ment while on Swiss soil and he has
cope up with the orders. Till then please in making the grant, it also places been scrupulously careful to abide by MUSSOLINI’S LAST FAVOUR
bear patience. on record its grateful thanks to Mr. this undertaking. Last year, three- TO CIANO
Roy ior securing the grant which to quarters of his Turf winnings went
materially helped the Federation in diers. the Viceroy's Fund for Indian sol­
In September next year, he in^FJ?’N^ r IVi u^ t>li" i granted his son-
discharging its most vital task of po- will celebrate his 50 year Jubilee.— in-law, Count Ciano, as a last favour
M anufacturers: pulansmg the war efforts a task Reuter. the right to be short facing the firing
which the Federation has always re­ squad and not—as others—in the
ASSOCIATED RESEARCH LABORATORIES, BOMBAY garded as Its primary duty to the In­ back, says a Berlin report, on the
dian working class.—A. P. execution of Ciano and twenty other
Sole Distributors: aryC1]T eaders at Verona on Janu-
Plea For Representative Govt. OF FIVE LAKHS TONS
NECESSARY The report adds that before execu-
FEDERAL DYES & CHEMICAL CO., In Baroda o X n tten plea for mercy was
submitted to the condemned men but
KATHORE. May 14 Federation’s Demand On Indian re,fJls®d to sign. Another report
Princess St., BOMBAY, 2. A plea for the establishment of re- Government states that shortly before execution Consult us for your LIFE INSURANCE—
presentahve Government in Baroda Ciano transferred to safe hands a
X?8. b-V Mr. Manibhai memorandum on fascist Government It will Pay You to REPRESENT US •
Sankerbhai Patel, presiding over the NEW DELHI. May 13 and his own attitude towards Fas­
The Committee of Federation of For particulars please apply to:—
j ,s(i??.lon of ‘ he Baroda Praia Indian Chambers of Commerce and cism. Ciano cried, cried and broke R. J. SUTARIA,
Mandai this evening down completely. They were all shot, General Manager.
Mr. Manibhai referred to the gene- Industry recently drew thp attention
of the Government of India in the n°t. hanged because of the ranks
ral political situation in India and department of food to the recommen­ The Berim correspondent of a
said that the Praja Mandai played dation of the Food Grains Policy Stockholm paper stated that Ciano

not. a small part in fighting for the Comnjittee. that it is necessary to and his wife Edda Mussolini were
recognition by the rulers of the rights build up. through imports a Central divorced three months before the
and voice of the ruled. He expressed Food Grains Reserve of five lacs tons execution. Edda would not forgive her
a feeling of jov at the release of and arrange for a further Import of husband's action against her father.—
Mahatma Gandhi and added that one million tons per year for the India Press Service.
though Mahatma Gandhi’s health was current consumption which India re­
the first concern for the present the quires. Stalin Prizes


political significance of his release They pointed out that the Govern­
would not be lost.—A P. ment had accepted this recommenda­ (From A Special Correspondent)'
•i,, tion and announced their decision to MOSCOW, Mav 14.
Maharashtra Radical Democratic implement, the same. From a state­ Stalin prizes, which were instituted
ment made by the Honourable the by the Soviet Government in 1939 in
l ^^>1 Party Fond Member, however, it was re­ honour of the 60th birthday of Joseph SASSOON BUILDING. MILITARY SQUARE LANE,
vealed that only 3.64.000 tons of food Stalin, were awarded to as many as __ 141, MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD,
/ I l il M n f i h h US l SC\J- grains
p l a i n s were
w a c imported
m i p v i u u bv
uy Government
u u 253 persons in 1943 for their out­ OPPOSITE UNIVERSITY HALL, FORT, BOMBAY.
the Maharashtra Radical De- I during the thirteen months ending standing contributions to the Soviet
« « « & > ¿arty wJii ^ held at Poona |January. 1944 which quantity falls Union. Stalin prizes are awarded to
0 on 26th, 27th and 28th of Mav. 1944. ' far
' ’ ■ of- even the
short *
requirements people in various walks of life, from
Mr. V. N. Nalk of Belgaum. wiil pre­ ’aid down by the Food Grains Policy academician to worker. Of these 253
side. Messrs. M. N. Rov, Sirajuddin Committee in respect of the Central prizes. 68 were given to people in the
You are between 17¿ and Piraja (Punjab), K. K. Sinha (U.P) Food Reserve. field of art and literature, 81 In the
45 Years and Rajanj Mukarjl (Bengal) are ex­ The Committee also pointed out field of science and 104 for outstand­
pected to attend the session—A.P. that, when every effort should be ing inventions and important rationa­
You wish t~ earn good pay MRS. COUSINS IMPROVING
made to speed up imports of
grains so as to reach the
figure laid down by the Food Grains
lization proposals.
Stalln-Laureates are also making
new advances in saving the lives of
BANGALORE, Mav 13: Enquiries Policy Committee, the authorities Soviet fighters. They have discovered
your cou ntry made by the Associated Press show seemed to have embarked upon a po­ new medicines and have developed
that Mrs. Cousins one of the foun­ licy of importing consumers’ goods better methods of treatment and
der-members of the All-India Womens in the country, and this, in their prophylaction in the struggle against
Conference who was reported to be opinion, was a gross misinterpretation diseases and infection.
seriously ill is now progressing satis of the recommendations of the Food
factorily.—A. P. Grains Policy Committee. The Com­ Increased Scientific

ib Jjfe S S L
mittee. therefore, deplored that ins­
Madras Honours For Calcuttua
tead of importing food grains, valu­ Activity In Soviet
able shipping space was being divert­
Editor. ed for importing consumers’ goods (From A Special Correspondent).
MOSCOW, May 14-

ïïfrU etk
which did not. in the least, tend ei­
ther to secure the maximum supply of The number of distinguished scien­
MADRAS, May 14—The City Coun­ tists in the U.S.S.R. has been growing
cil will present a Civic Address to food grains in the country or even to
encourage the “ Grow More Food” year by year. A comparison indicates
Mr. Tushar Kanti Ghosh, Editor of the scope the scientific activity has
the “Amrita Bazaar Patrika”, during Campaign
Replying to this communication, assumed. On October A. 1943, the
his ensuing visit to Madras and has the Government of India in the De­ Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R.
sanctioned a sum of Rs. 150 for the partment of Food have stated that had 150 members, over 200 correspond­
purpose.—A.P. ing members and more than 3,000 pro­
continuous action on all the recom­
mendations of the Food Grains Policy fessors and scientific workers, where­
Committee is being taken in this de­ as in 1917 there were 45 academi­
'Achievements” Of Dominion partment in consultation with other cians and 212 scientific workers.
S T A R T IN G P A Y Rs. G5 PER M ON TH Premiers’ Conference Departments concerned, and further
that although it has not been possi­ Arbitration In Karachi Port
LONDON, May 13.—Progress made ble to import the quantity of food
Trust Dispute
grains as originally contemplated on
at Dominion Prime Ministers’ Confer­
account of the difficulties, particular­
ence suggests conference will end (From Our Correspondent).
earlv next week. ly those of transport, created by theNEW DELHI, May 14.
It is learnt to-day that another war, they have, nevertheless, suc­
The Government of India have ap­
CLOTHING two sessions will suffice to complete ceeded in securing as much imports
pointed Mr. L. E. Mesurier, I.C.S.,
the discussions and it hopes that as was possible at present.—A. P.
Labour Commissioner Sind, for adju­
the closing meeting will take place dication in the dispute between the
on Tuesday. Karachi Port Trust and its em­
ACCOMMODATION A ‘communique’ will be issued later “ Pensive” Wins Kentucky Derby ployees
summarising the achievements of the The terms ot reference tor adjudi­
Conference and hopes for the future. BALTIMORE. May 13.—Warren cation are ( 1) dearness allowance ac­
APPLY TO THE NEAREST OF THE FOLLOWING —Reuter. Wright’s Kentucky Derby winner cording to railway scales; (2) intro­
TECHNICAL RECRUITING OFFICES: Pensive won the 54th annual Peakness duction of three shifts in certain de­
K. G. Jaju, Sinnar correspondent Stakes over one mile and three six­ partments and (3) reinstatement of
of the Nasik paper ‘Gaonkan has teenths at Pimlico to-day. Pensive is crew of “Sydney Thubron” .
Punch Kuva, M ilitary Barracks, Esplanade Maidan. been sentenced to four months’ R.I. son of the British sire ‘Hyperion’ and The Karachi Port Trust is to be
for sending a false report to his pa­ Dam Penicuik and started as hot fa­ ordered that it shall not for a period
AHAEEDABAD. KHANDWA. BOMBAY. per alleging the death of two persons vourite in a small but select field- The of tnree months fiom the date of the A FIRST GRADE NATIONAL BANK
of starvation at Sinnar. He was tried winner’s prize money—over 15,000 order (May 6) dismiss or dlcnarge
Assembly Rest Bungalow 39, before the City Magistrate, Nasik, sterling—established a new record for any of its employees who are im­
House Building, Staunton Road, Camp, under the D.I.R. 38 (5). The editor this event. Platter, son of Pilate who mediately connected with the trade
published a correction in a subse­ did not compete in the Derby being dispute except lor misconduct uncon­
quent issue of his paper expressing reserved for this event, was second nected therewith or with (he express
regret for having published the re­ and Stir Up was started favourite for permission of the adjudicating
port. the Derby, finished third.—Reuter. thority.
Head O ffice: 15, CLIVE S T „ CALCUTTA.
MUTT & JEFF—Mutt Had an Awful Crust to Butt Into Other People’s Crust, Anyway By BUD FISHER
JM.yJl .f;JjUI LM1^
D ID C 5. R , m is t e r ?! Shyambazar, Barabazar, Ballyganj, College
you ] TH EN VOU J Street, Bhola, Dacca, Narayanganj, Mirkadim
CRUSTS O F BREAD URE ( CAN HAVE) Faridpur, Raj bari, Kustia, Gopaldi, Comilla.
I V GOOD Boy,' iF you WANNA6R0W cr u s ts; i
C R U S TS ? Pabna, Brahmanbaria, Asansol, Gauhati, Tang-
la, Jorhat, Badarpur, Sylhet, Karimgani.
Golaghat, Nagpur, Itwari, Raigarh, R aj-N and-
gacn, Patna, Bamra, Benares, Sonarpur.



Managing Director: MR - N C. DUTTA. M.A., B.L.

Digitized with financial assistance from the
Government of Maharashtra
on 18 April, 2017
6 Monday May 15, 1944 THE BOMBAY CHRONICLF


Legal and Public Notifications are
published in these columns at the ifncoraorate« in Baroda Llaomty of
T o be paid in advance NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Suit No 392 o f 1944. Members being limited )
rate o f Rs. 12-0-0 per inch that the SHARE TRANSFER CANDIDATES for enrolment as Trainees in the RAILWAY MILI- UNDER TUE PATRONAGE OF AND
JUNE. 1944, to the 30th day of Versus GALKWAR
W anted—A Tamil-speaking Swar- THE PODAR MILLS. LTL). ^ tw e e n 17J/2 and 35 years. Minimum educational qualiflca- BERTRAM BARRON Respondent-
JUNE, 1944, (both days inclusive). j *,lon MATRICULATE. Candidates must be of good physique and pre- Capital Autborisecl ...... Rs 2.40.00 000
tha Brahm in youth, well settled NOTICE To Capital issued and
By Order of the Board, S.!;EX? Ex INP,PA requir ed. For particulars interview the Subscribed .............. Rs 2.00.00,000
In life to marry a girl of same W. MILLARD. The Respondent abovenamed.
sect. Aged 23 years- S.S.LC., spe­ The Second Issue of 4,000 Pre­ SPECIAL RECRUITING OFFICER as under: WHEREAS the Petitioner above- Capital Called Up ...... Rs
ference Shares of Rs 100 - each General Manager. Capital Paid Up
cialised in music. Kindly reply to Bombay, 12th May. 1944- named has filed a Suit against (29-2-44) ............. Rs 99.77.400
B ox No. 4896. “Bom bay C nroni- as per Special Resolution of the you for dissolution of her mar­
Company dated 11-3-41 8810 Reserve Fund .......... r s l.00.00.000
cle” . (Correspondence from the DATE STATION TIME PLACE riage with you and other inciden­
tal reliefs. Take Notice that you HEAD OFFICE . BARODA
members of His Majesty s Services NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BRANCHES
will not be entertained, i are required to file your appear­ Anmeuabac Calcutta Peiiaa
that he period of negotiability ol NOTICE ance within 14 days from the date
W a n ted —Educated Bisa Agarwala the Temporary Share Certiiicates 17- 5-44) (Bliadrai Dablioi Paian
Non-Goel Suitable girl for youth THE AUCTION SALE o i un­ of publication hereof and likewise AJiinecabau Dwnrka Por' Okha
dated the 17t,h March- 1944 for 18- 5-44)
C Nagpur 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Divisional Engineer’s to file your answers within 14 i Panchkuvai Harij Sankbebe
aged 24 Employed in Government the ac-ovc Preference Shares is cleared goods in accordance with 19-5-44) J Amreli Kadi Sldhpur
jo b at Bombay as Engineer draw­ Office. days thereafter. AND TAKE Bhavnagar Kalol Surat
hereby extended upto the I7.h the provisions o f Sections 64 65 of FURTHER NOTICE that this Hon
ing handsome salary belonging to day of June, 1944 the Bombay Port Trust Act ad­ Bilimora Kapadwan) Unjab
a respectable fam ily in U P. 24-5-44 Raichur 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Station Master’s Court has fixed 7th July. 1944, Bombay (Fort) Karjan (N G.|
vertised in Part 11 of the Bombay Bombay (Zaverl Mehsana Vlsnagar
Good Connections. Apply Box For THE PODAR MILLS. LTD.. Government Gazette d/9th March Office for hearing and final disposal
26-5-44 Shahabad 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. thereof. Bazar) MUhapui (N Q.i
4884 ‘Bombay Chronicle'’. PODAR SONS LTD.. 1944 will be held at the Sales —do*— . Navsarl Vyara
27-5-44 Guibarga 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. —do— Dated this 12th day of May.
Managing Agents. Warehouse Alexandra Dock on 28-5-44 CURKEN’l DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS—
SITUATIONS VACANT Tuesday, the 23rd May, 1944. Pholapur 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. —do— 1944. interest allowed at 1/4 per cent per
Wanted Clerk, knowing Office Podar Chambers 29-5-44 Dhond 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. DADY BURJOR & Co.,
W. G. H. TEMPLETON, —do— annum on dally balances from Rs 300
Routine, Typing and Gujarati- Fort. Bombay, 30-5-44 Dhond 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Petitioner’s Attorneys- to Rs 1.00.000 and on sums over
13th May. 1944. Manager, Rs 1,00 000 by special arrangement
Apply Eox No 4900. “ Bombay Bombay Port Trust Docks. 1-6-44 Dhond 9 a.m. to 12 noon ___________________________ 8812
Chronicle ” 8814 FIXED DEPOSITS : Reoelved for
8816 long or short periods Terms on ap­
W anted— A Secretary for the
2-6-44) ]1 ' AU CTION SALES plication.
Bombay Branch o f a well-estab­ NOTICE Divisional Engineer’s SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT al BARODA.
lished life assurance com pany of 3-6-44 > Poona 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rates of rentals on application
Under the provisions o f Section NOTICE Office. W G GROUNDWATER,
South India with three successiui MENESSE & CO., will sell by
29 <1 > o f the City of Bombay Po­ APPLICATIONS from candi­ Public Auction on Wednesday tne General Manager.
valuations. Business guarantee es­
sential. Appointm ent on salary lice Act, 1902. I hereby given n o ­ dates o f either sex are invited for 17th 1944, at 2-30 p.m. Sewree Cot-
basis. Only experienced persons tice and proclaim that any stray the undermentioned temporary (8815) ton Depot, near Jetha No. D55 by
need apply. Eox No. 8820. ’B om ­ dogs found between the 12th day posts which may last for the du­ order of the Insurance Office con ­
bay Chronicle.’’ o f May 1944. and the 11th day of ration of the war — cerned, 100 Bales Indian Cotton &
W anted—Applications are invited May, 1945 (both dates inclusive) (1) REPORTERS: Scale Rs. 34 B|s. Sudan Cotton damaged by
by an old Insurance Company o wandering in the streets or in any 200-10-400. Candidates' should pos­ THE ASHOK INSURANCE CO„ lire and water.
nearly Fifty Years’ Standing for public place within the City o f sess a minimum speed of 150 LTD.
the post o f Inspectors (or Chief Bombay may be destroyed and words per minute for ten minutes
A MEETING of the Policy­
TRAINING Under instructions from Mis i
Agents» in Bombay and M aha­ that the destruction accordingly of In Shorthand and 50 words per holders of “THE ASHOK INSUR­ EXCELLENT OPPORTUN I T Y Turner Hoare & Co., Ltd. M|s BEN- |
rashtra from very Influential and any dog so found within such peri­ minute in Typewriting. Candi­ ANCE CO., LTD.’’ will be held on NETT & CO. will sell by public auc­
experienced persons on very lu c­ od will be carried out without fu r­ dates with a knowledge of the for free vocational training. A tion TO-DAY, MONDAY the 15th
15th August, 1944, at 5 p.m. at the
rative terms. Apply Box No. 8811. ther notice In accordance with ar­ Cotton Textile trade with experi­ Registered O ffice of the Company, number of vacancies exist for inst. at 4-15 p.m. (N.S.T.) at K al­
“ Bombay Chronicle ’’ rangements already made for the ence in reporting will be prefer­ yan Street Dana Bunder Electrical
red. to elect one Director. candidates for training as IN­
W’anted for the Schools of the purpose. Applications by eligible persons Cinduit fittings, Light Railway ;
iSarvajanlk Education Society. H E. BUTLER, (2) STENOGRAPHERS: Scale STRUMENT MECHANICS at Hin- material, 6 to 2 drums— some lull
Rs. 90-5-160. Pay may be fixed at under section 48 of the Insurance
Surat, M.A.’s, M -S c’s, Honours Commissioner o f Police- Act, and the Rules thereof should dupur near Bangalore. Boys, with & some empty—Bituruen drums,
B.A.’s, II Class B.Sc.’s with Eng­ any stage in the scale according
Head Police O ffice: to qualifications, experience, and reach the Company before two some full & some empty, stone-
lish. Gujarati. Sanskrit. History, Matriculation or its equivalent breaker and Disintegrator, and
Bombay. 12th May. 1944 speed- T he applicants will be re­ m onths of the Meeting.
Mathematics, Physics. Chemistry By Order. standard o f education between the Spares, and a variety o f surplus
and T. D.’s (Bom bay) strong In 8824 quired to pass a test in Shorthand
at 120 words per minute for 8 S. C- VIN, ages of 17% and 30 are eligible. engineering stores.
Arithmetic- Preference to those Manager. Terms 25% deposit.
with B T . or P.T. (Kandiwall) or minutes. Preference will be given While under training candidates
DEALINGS IN FOREIGN to those who already have prac­ 8819 will get Rs. 59-4-0 per month as N. B. — FTospective buyers are
Hindustani qualifications. Appli­ EXCHANGE
cations in the prescribed printed tical experience as a Stenograph­ stipends plus free food, accom m o­ requested to assemble before 3-45
NOTICE to-day at Mandvi Dena Bank’s
form to be had on sending 0-0-9 THE ATIENTION of Merchants er over several years. dation and clothing with assured
ostal stamps, should reach the and Money Changers engaged m (3) TYPISTS: Scale Rs. 50-10- APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED posts with good pay and prospects Corner from where they will be
f ecretary. Sarvajanik Education buying and se'line or d ea'in s In 60-2-80 Applicants should be at for the Posts of Clerks Grade II
in the scale o f Rs. 45-45-3-90 plus
in the Defence Services. Bombay taken to the site. BUST WALNUTS & HONH
Society. Surat before. 28th May. any Foreign Exchange including least Matriculates and should be |University will grant College BENNETT & CO. FROM KASHMIR
C.A- of Rs. 5 /- p.m and a D A. of
1944. 8803 Currency Notes ard Com other able to type accurately at a m ini­ Rs. 18/- p.m. as at present. Can­ j Terms and other examination con ­ You can now order to your noma
Applications are Invited for. the purchasing. mum speed of 40 words per m i­
„ , „ . than rupees a rd In ------------- cessions. Number c f posts reserved
post of Drivers and Conductors in i gating or paying drafts o 1' hundis nute. The pay of candidates who
the T raffic Department. Bandra drawn on or in places outside In i have at least one year’s experl-
didates should be below 25 years
and at least matriculates- K now ­ by Government for such candi­
dates after War. Healthy climate
ELECTRIC FANS Jakll’s Walnuts, extra firte quality
and Hcney pure strained
Bus Company, Limited. Santa dia whether in rupees or ! ence In Government offices an d/ ledge of typing Is essential. 10 lbs. case contains nearly.
Foreign Steno-typists will be preferred. and provision for games and en­ A.C. & D.C. Celling. Pedestal,
, Cruz Minimum qualiiications for currencies. <s drawn to the pro­ or in the O ffice of well organised tertainments while training. Ap­ Table and Exhaust Fans of all 500 Walnuts
Conductors. English Third. Age com m ercial firms may be fixed Applications stating birth-date,
ply sharp or see in person, the sizes, of reputed makes, sold
ove» 19 and ^oelow 30. Apply per­ visions of D efrnce o f India Rule at Rs. 6 0 /- in the scale. A higher educational and other qualifica­
under Guarantee. Available at:
sonally with certificates to T ra ffic 91, which prehibits any dealings initial salary In the grade may be tions along with true copies of Chairman, National Service Labour
in foreign exchange unless with granted to candidates according Matriculation Certificates should Tribunal, Hassan Chambers, Parsee KASHMIR STORES, LTD.
W anted Graduate Teachers—Men the authority of th° Reserve Bank to proficiency shewn at a test In be addressed to the Station Direc­ Bazar Street, Fort, Bombay, or APPLIANCE C O , Stall No. 505, Crawford Market or
or W omen— (Preferably B.T.’s) o f In'fia All merchants and m o­ typewriting. tor. All-India Radio, Bombay, so Deputy Educational Inspector of ARID & CO.,
P. O. Box 850. Bqmbay.
specialised in English or History ney changers wishing to deal In II. Applications in candidates’ as to reach him not later than your district or the nearest T ech ­
the 31st May, 1944. Tel. No. 24251. Soparibagh Road,
and Geography or M athematics to any foreign exchange and particu­ own handwriting on the pres­ nical Recruiting Office.
teach in the higher classes. A p­ larly in Afghan and Iranian cribed form s should reach the As­ 8818 8776 8788 Opp G I. P. Workshop. Parti. BOMBAY
ply in writing or see personally Notes and Coin and hundis should sistant Secretary (Establishment),
the Principals, Bharda New High apply to th ° Assistant Controller. Department of Industries and Ci­
School, Waudby Road. Fort, B om ­ Exchange Control Department. vil Supplies (Branch Secretariat), Consent o f the Central Government has been obtained to this issue under the Defence o f India Rule ^l-A It must be dis­
bay, between 11 a.m. and 12 noon. Reserve Bank o f India, Bombay, Shahibag House, W ittet Road,
tinctly understood that in giving this consent the Government o f India do not take any responsibility for the financial soundness of
4871 Ballard Estate, Bombay by the
immediately for a licence. 31st May, 1944 any schemes or for the correctness o f any o f the statements made or opinions expressed with rega ri to them.
W anted Gentlemen in every town (8738)
to Represent us In spare time and III- Preference will be given to A copy of this Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar, Joint Stock Companies. Bombay.
to . Post-Bag No. 1035 Bombay 8809 QUIRED SUBSCRIPTION IS RECEIVED.
W anted—experienced hands: (1 > area described below were tem ­ PROSPECTUS OF


First Class Eoiler Attendants. (2) porarily evacuated after the ex­ HIND CYCLES LIMITED.
M echanics. (3) M otor Drivers wno plosions and fires that occurred NOTICE
have thorough knowledge o f gas cn FRIDAY, the 14th April. 1944.
plants. (4> A=slstant Engineer wnc Many of them have been allowed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
understands distillery work. (5) to be occupied after Inspection by GENERAL MEETING of the
One Shorthand Typist. Apply the M unicipal Engineers to avoid Shareholders o f Hind Cycles Li­
with copies of testimonials stating inconvenience and hardships to mited will be held at the Regis­ (Incorported under the Indian Companies Act, 1913).
lowest salary required to Hajee tenants. It is however desirable tered O ffice of the Company at
Ismail Sait & Sons, Ltd., Betul. that all these buildings are th o­ Imperial Bank Buildings, Bank A U T H O R IS E D C A P IT A L ... .Rs. 21,00,000 to allotment is 7,500 shares of shall be the hoidmg ol ordinary
4829 roughly examined by the the value of Rs. 7,50,000. shares in the Company of the
ownen- Street, Fort, Bombay, on MON­ ISSUED C A P IT A L ... .Rs. 10,00,000 nominal value of Rs. 10,000 and
W anted qualified and experienced through their licensed Surveyors DAY, the 29th May. 1944, at 4 DIRECTORS VOTING AND R Ë a ïrtiL iIO N S ON
M anager for a com pany in B om ­ without any delay as m onsoon is p.m. (N.S.T.) to transact the fo l­ TRANSFER, ETC. that of a policy-holders’ Director
(1) YAHYABHOY ADAMJI JASDANWALLA (Rahimtoola House, shall be such as is prescribed by
bay distributing Indian Films- fast approaching. lowing business— H cm ji Street, Fort, B o m b a y ) P a r t n e r in Messrs. Adamji The Articles contain provisions
Liberal terms offered- Apply Im­ All the house owners in this 1. T o receive and adopt the to the follow ing effect; On the lule.i under the Insurance
Lookm anji & Co., Director o f Bombay Muslim Co-operative Act. The remuneration of every
mediately stating details salary area are therefore requested to do Directors’ Report and Audit­ Bank Ltd. show o f hands every member en­
expected and experiences en ­ the needful and submit copies of ed Statem ent o f Accounts titled to vote and present in per­ Director for his services shall be
closing copies o i testimonials to their Surveyor’s report to the City (2) AEDULLABHOY ADAMJI JASDENVALA. (Rahim toola House, such sum not exceeding Rs. 100
for the' period ended 31st Hom ji Street, Fort, B om b a y ):— Partner in Messrs. Adam,) son or being a corporation pre­
B ox No. 4886 “ Bom bay C hronicle” . Engineer, Bombay Municipality, to Decem ber 1943- Lookmanji & Co., Director of Investa Machine T o “ 1 and En sent by a representative and that of the Chairman such
Applications for the follow ing enable measures o f safety being 2- T o elect Directors in place authorized under the Act shall sum not exceeding Rs. 150, for
g nearing Co., Ltd., D irector c f Indian S an d ird Metal Co., every meeting of the Board a t­
posts should reach the under­ taken in time if the same are o f these who retire by ro­ Lvd. > have one vote. Upon a poll every
signed before 31st May. 1944. (1) found necessary. tation. member entitled to vote and pre­ tended by him. exclusive of such
3. To appoint Auditors for the (3) GULAMALI ADAMJI JASDANWALLA, (Rahim toola House travelling and other expenses, as
Lecturer in Sanskrit and Ardha- Area to the West o f the G.I..P. H cm ji Street, Fort, B om bay:—Partner in Messrs. Adamj, sent in person (including a cor­
magadhi, (2) Qualified Physical Railway line bounded b y :— ensuing year and fix their poration present by such repre­ may be fixed by the Directors. Dir­
instructor. G. B Jatha. Principal, remuneration. Lookm anji and Co
CARNAC ROAD sentative) or by an agent duly ectors may in addition be paid
R halsa College. Bombay 19 4890 4. To transact any other busi­ (4) GHULAMALLI E. KADLANI, B.A., LL.B., Solicitor (Tamarind such extra or further remunera­
SHERIFF DEWJI STREET House. Tamarind Lane, Fort, B om b a y ):— Partner in Messrs authorized under a power ol at­
W’anted B.A.’s strong in English ness that may be brought torney or by proxy snail have one tion for signing share certificates
JACKERIA MASJID STREET before t'- ' •~»eet-,',''g with the Ghulamali. Noorani & Co., Solicitors Director of the Bomba;,
and Sanskrit and B.Sc.’s to teach 1ST CHINCH BUNDER ROAD vote for every share held cr debentures or for special ser­
consent o f the cn a lrn Muslim Co-operative Bank Ltd., P olicy-holders’ Director o. vices or otherwise, and such re­
Maths, in upper standards. Apply CHINCH BUNDER ROAD THE i i .i . w-. x «viv-vox* ER REG­ the Indian Mercantile Insurance Co., Ltd. etc. him. Subject to the provisions of
to the Headmaster. HJD.S. High SANDHURST ROAD. the Act, no member shall be e n ­ muneration to Directors constitut­
ISTER will be CLOSED irom 22nd (5) AHMED USUF BOTAWALLA (140, Chakla Street, B om bay)— ing a Committee. ?s may be fixed.
School, Amalsad (Dt. Surat). G . I . P . RLY. LINES. May, 1944 to 5th June, 1944. both Landed proprietor and Trustee o f the Botawalla Charities. titled to speak or be present or
<8772) Sd. N. V. MODAK. days Inclusive. to vote at any General Meeting NATURE AND EXTENT OF
(6) RANBIR SINGH DEVI SINGH (C]o Messrs J. N. Singh and
W anted—A Press Superintendent City Engineer. Co., 63, Princess Street, B om b a y ):—Director o f Messrs J. N unless all moneys for the time DIRECTORS’ INTEREST
By Order of the Board, being due from him, alone or No Director is interested in the
fo r a big newspaper press. Appli­ Municipal Offices. Bombay. Singh & Co., Ltd., paper m erchants and importers.
can t should have knowledge of BIRLA BROS- LTD., jointly with any other person, to promotion of the Company ex­
(8775) (Bombay B ranch), (7) ABBASBHOY M. KAGALWALA (C|o Messrs Kikabhoy Chanda-
Process Work, Job Printing, tech ­ bhoy 33-35, Mangaldas Read, B o m b a y :— Proprietor ol the Company, in respect of any cept as holder of shares and to
nique and estimates o f job and Managing Agents. share or shares in the Company, the extent to which he is entitled
FLAT WANTED Messrs. Kikabhoy Chandabhoy, paper merchants and im ­
book work. Apply M anaging Di­ W’anted a decent block for Hindu Bombay. 11th May, 1944- have been paid. The Directorsto remuneration, allowance and
8825 porters; Chairman. Kikabhoy Chandabhoy Charitable Trust,
rector, The National Herald Ltd. fam ily in Bombay or suburbs, may at any time at their own travelling expenses as provided in
Chairman, Bai Jiwanboo Hassanally Charitable Trust; and
Lucknow. <4877) rent limit Rs. 75 to 150. Apply Box Chairman, Chandabhoy Sanatorium Trust. absolute and uncontrolled discre­ the Art'cles of Association.
Warned a Manager tor publica­ No. 4892 “ Bom bay Chronicle” - tion and without assigning any INSPECTION, ETC.
WANTED BANKERS: AUDITORS: reason refuse to register any
tion work should be able to take EDUCATIONAL ADLETS Copies of the Memorandum and
APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED BANK OF BARODA, LTD., N. M. RAIJI & CO. transfer o f shares, whether the
charge o f a newspaper and job An Indian B A., o f highly respect­ Apollo Street, Fort, Bombay. Articles of Association of the
printing press ana to organise ad ­ able Brahm in fam ily of Him ala­ for the post of Assistant Electri­ SOLICITORS: 22. Apollo Street, Bombay. proposed transferee is a member Company may be inspected at the
vertisement business, sales, etc. yas, seeks Tuition. Apply Box No. cal Engineer, G. B- S. Railways.
o f the Company cr not; and they Registered Office of the Company
sn ou ld nave com plete Knowledge 4901, “ Bom bay C hronicle.” Thei post is graded at Rs. 350-45/3- REGISTERED OFFICE shall not be bound at any time
500. Qualifications fixed for the & CO., during usual business hours.
o f printing and book production. MEDICAL ADLETS RAHIMTOOLA HOUSE, HOMJI to specify the grounds for the re­
post are ( 1) should be a graduate Tam arind House, Tam arind Lane, fusal. i APPLICATION FOR SHARES.
Apply M anaging Director; The i For Chronic Diseases, Consult in Electrical Engineering o f a re­ STREET, FORT, BOMBAY. Application for shares should be
‘■Ram K rish na-C lin ic” . V ijayan a- i Fort, Bombay.
National Herald Ltd., Lucknow. cognised University, (2) should Nc restrictions are imposed in made in the form accompanying
(4876) i gar, opposite Dadar 8 .B. Station. ‘ have a practical experience In the ISSUED CAPITAL The shares issued are payable the Articles o f Association upon
4863 the Prospectus or which may be
W anted from 12th June 44 (1) a operation o f Power House and as follow s:— the Directors o f the Company In obtained from the Registered O f­
trained graduate Maths. and I IT MACHINERY FOR SALE T he Authorized Capital of the per share respect o f their powers of ma­
Substation Plant of at least 10 Company is Rs. 21,00,000 divided fice o f the Company and should
Science teacher (2) a trained gra- 1Up-to-date running Hosiery Works years. (3) should be experienced ON APPLICATION Rs. 25 nagement except such as are im ­
duate Nature Study teacher and , large stock o f needles for In the preparation of into 21,000 shares o f Rs. 100 each. be forwarded with the application
estimates ON ALLOTMENT Rs. 25 posed upon them by the previsions money at the rates specified above
(3) a Gujarati undergraduate 5 ?^ ; Com municate Post Box 57 and carrying out electric Instal­ The Issued Capital is Rs. 10,00,- The balance of Rs. 50 per share o f law.
S. T. C. or T. D Scales o f Pay: R ajkot. 4893 000 divided into 10,000 shares o f per share to the Registered Office
B S c. (or B-A.) B.T 70-5-120; M. For Sale—Spinning Machinery lations In buildings. (4) should be Rs. 100 each.
which is not intended to be call­ BROKERAGE AND COMMISSION of the Company or to the Com­
experienced in the installations ed up at present is payable as No brokerage or commission will pany’s bankers Bank o f Baroda
Sc. (or M.A.) B T . 80-5-130; U nder­ from ELw room to Ring in good and m aintenance of heavy in ­
working condition. Weaving m a­ Out o f the 10,000 shares above- and when called up. be paid in respect of the issue, Ltd., Bombay. Where no allotment
graduate S.T.C- or T.D. 50-2-70- dustrial m otor Installations- PROSPECTUS
Dearness allowance Rs. 10. In ter­ chinery, shafting o f various sizes, The applications stating age, m entioned the Directors, their PROMOTION FEE AND PRE­ is made, the subscription will be
Pulleys and other miscellaneous friends and connections have OBJECTS & SCOPE returned in full. Where the num­
view from 9-15 to 10 a m. Apply academ ical qualifications, actual The objects for which the Com­ LIMINARY EXPENSES
with testimonials to Principal- machines, stores and articles in ­ practical experience in the above agreed to take up 7,500 shares of No promotion fee will be paid ber o f shares allotted is less than
cluding incom plete Sterling Boil­ line together with copies o f tes­ the value o f Rs. 7,50,000 at par. pany is form ed are set out ih the number applied for, the ba­
Sheth A. P H S- Santa Cruz. its M em orandum of Association, to the promoters. Preliminary ex­
8797 ers. Apply Bharat Stores Ltd., (Tel. timonials should be sent to the penses are payable by the Com­ lance o f deposit will be applied«»
THE REMAINING 2,500 SHARES a copy o f which Is attached to towards allotment money, and th<=
43. SITUATIONS WANTED No. 33113). Round Building, Prin­ undersigned so as to reach him pany and are inclusive of all ex­
o f Rs. 100 each are new offered and forms part o f the Prospectus, remaining balance, if any. will be
cess Street, Bombay. (4855) on or before 31st May, 1944- penses of an incidental ' to the
Qualified, experienced Lady D oc­ The candidates shall have to to the public. These shares are and include the carrying on o f promotion, flotation, incrrporation returned.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE fire, marine, life and other kinds
tor, L .C .P S , (Bom .) holding good Landscape Paintings of Indias’ bear the travelling and all other underwritten at par without any
underwriting comm ission or bro­ o f insurance business. It is in ­ and establishment o f the Company Dated this 9th day o f May, 1944.
testimonials, having worked in beauty spots by fam ous artist- expenses If they are called for in ­
States, desires Immediate service 15”x l0 ” Rs. 2 /- C.A. Sebastian T. terview before the Services C om ­ tended at present to carry on in including travelling and other ex­ Y. A. JASDANWALLA,
kerage by the said Messrs. Y ah-
with Doctor o f large practice, on B. Road. Ernakulam. yabhoy Adam ji Jasdanwalla, Ab- particular FIRE INSURANCE of penses. The estimated amount of A. A. JASDENVALA.
4881 mittee. The appointm ent in the the preliminary expenses is Rs.
salary, or In dispensary or hospi­ Silks o f differen t shades and de­ first instance will be on p ro­ dullabhoy A dam ji Jasdenvala and all kinds, and it is expected that, G. A. JASDANWALLA,
tal. or as Com panion to any Rani signs are now available For Sale. bation for one year. Gulamalli A dam ji Jasdanwalla. In G od willing the Company will 10, 000. RANBIR SINGH,
Saheba or Begum or respectable S. K. Kaul. G eneral Manager, Canvassing directly or Indirectly the opinion o f the Directors the have every success. DIRECTORS’ QUALIFICATION A. U. BOTAWALA,
family. Write to Box No. 2222. |The R ajputana Silk and W oollen will disqualify the candidate for resources o f the said underwriters MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTION AND REMUNERATION A. M. KAGALWALA,
“ Bom bay Chronicle.” , Mills. Jaipur. (R a j). 4903 appointments- are sufficient to discharge the The minimum subscription upon ' Under the Articles, the qualifi­ GHULAMALI E KADIAN7
Tata's Experienced Electrical. ' For Sale— Kalyan, Parsi Moholla. R. P. DESAI, underwriting obligation. which the Directors may proceed cation o f a M embers’ Director Director«.
M echanical Engineer desires Im­ a decent Storied house, suitable Electrical Engineer.
mediate em ploym ent, anywhere. for Muslim and Parsls. Price rea- B aroda State, Baroda-
Please apply Box No. 4885 “ B om ­ , sonable . Apply B ox No. 4889 Printed and published for the Bombay Chronicle Co., Ltd., by MICHAEL ANDRADES at the Bombay Chronicle Press, Red Building
bay Chronicle” , •“ Bom bay Chronicle.’’ 8821 Parsi Bazar Street, Fort, Bombay.

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