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Before in a traditional milking parlour, cows are milked at least twice a day, usually 12 hours
apart. Close to the usual milking time, the cows line up to enter the milk parlour. The farmer
inspects each cow, then he cleans the four teats on the udder before attaching the milking
machine cluster. This helps to ensure no foreign material gets into the milk, and it stays high
quality. The milking process starts and the milk is piped directly from the cow to the bulk tank
where it is quickly chilled.

Today, new technologies are invented --- Automated milking systems (AMS) are machines that
allow the cows to enter and exit the milking stall throughout the day as they please. Each cow
has an electronic neck tag that the AMS reads. If it is time for milking, the cow will enter the milk
stall, the machine will automatically clean the teats, attach the cups and start milking.

2. This system is less dependent on manual labour and can increase the volume of milk produced,
but it is initially a more expensive option.
3. The use of modern farming technology had a positive impact on rural areas and modern
farmers. Examples are the Increase crop yield as work can be done faster and more efficiently,
Increased profit for the farmer, Less physical work for people, Fewer workers so less wages for
farmer to pay, and Crops are harvested faster so they are fresher.

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