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I will never forget the day I learned to skate.

Me I wanted to be able to skate and at the same time

compete in the Olympics that were held at my school. If I wanted to learn, I had to try too hard. It
was really annoying because when you are practicing you must learn several techniques to react
when necessary. I had tried many times before, but usually I got frustrated or impatient very
quickly. Anyway i went learning with my teacher to teach me various techniques and tactics. I
followed the instructions and I did not skip a class. It was difficult; sometimes i felt miserable
because i I could not do it. In less than a month, he was skating fearlessly and according to the
teacher's instructions. It felt so good; Article Meaning, it still does, like magic. I was super satisfied.
I had taught myself how to do something extraordinary (for me). When my colleagues realized my
performance they said: ¡Look at you so fast you learned and you are ready for the competition! So
the moral of the story is that to be happy and successful, you need to find something that
motivates you to grow as a person; something that makes you feel like you can be a little better
every day.

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