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Post-Dance Reflection

Reflect back on your notes regarding the rules/etiquette of

ballroom dancing in the Regency Era. Now that you have had a
little taste of what these dances looked like, how do you view
this time period? Was the dancing easier or harder than you
expected? Do you see how someone’s reputation can be impacted if
they do not know the dance as well at their partner? Is this a
dance you could do for hours? What makes this so different than
dancing today? What are the pros/cons of these types of dances and
the rules associated with them?

I definitely have a lot more respect for this time period and the
people that had to do these dances. The dancing was easy but also
challenging because of how many random exact steps it had and how
you would have to watch out for your dancing partner so you don’t
accidentally step on their foot. My reputation would be ruined if
I had to do this dance at an actual regency ball. It was hard to
not stumble over my feet constantly. I can totally understand how
someone would ne impacted by not knowing a dance and embarrassing
yourself in front of everyone. Dancing today is seen more as a
freedom rather than a structured dance event. It would be really
fun to do this with a big group of my friends, I could definitely
do this for hours with my friends. Some pros would be that
everyone would be synced together if they all knew the dances
which would be a really cool experience to be a part of. Cons
would be that if you mess up a dance you will be thought of in a
bad way and it could stop you from getting a husband or wife.

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