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13 Genral DNS Database Message Structure Identification Flags Number of questions Number of answer RRs 12 bytes Number of authority RRs Number of adi Questions (variable number of questions) Narae type fields: fer aquery Authority Racords for (variable number of resource records) oe servers (Variable number of resource records) ‘eaciersiel the afal” info that may be used Le Figure 7 DNS Message Format (Source: Google Image Search) 2.4 DNS IP ADDRESSING STACK There are two major form of IP addressing, which are IPv4 and IPv6 stack. DNS IP strictly defined in the RR types. It is stated in the RR that A record identifies IPv4 address and AAAA records identifies IPvé address. addressing structure is resolve in a simple task, where it AAAA name (IPv4) is first get resolved and later A name if they are using the same servers. It is possible to have just A name (IPv4-only host), AAAA name (IPv6 only host) or multiple A and AAAA names (for different dual-stack or mix IPv4 and IPv6) servers.

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