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Web Learning Adventures Web 1.1

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Answer the following questions:

1. What exactly is spam?

a. Unsolicited bulk E-mail sent indiscriminately

2. How can you get spam in your computer?

a. Unsolicited bulk E-mail sent indiscriminately

b. Different forms: Unwanted mailing lists, phishing attacks to gain

information, form E-mails searching for business

c. The name ‘spam’ is derived from the 1970 Monty Python ‘spam’ sketch!

3. Define the following concepts with short answers.

a- Firewall- Blocks gross spam offenders

b- IronPort- Blocks spam offenders based on rules,

whitelists, blacklists, with a constantly updated

database of known offenders

c- Spam Assassin- Filters and blocks spam based on

content with additional control based on user


d- Virus check- Detects and removes viruses in

attachments and bad code in E-mail

4. What You Can Do About Spams?

a. – Set Spam Assassin Preferences

b. – Client Filters or Rules

c. – Identifying E-mails

d. - E-mail in Context

5. What are the functions of:?

a. E-mail Score- Each E-mail is scored based on the content of the

b. Whitelist / Blacklist- Users can specify who can send them E-mail and
who cannot

6. What is the criteria you can set to score a message you receive before being tagged
as spam?
a- A larger score means more “spammy” content gets through - less E-mails are
marked as spam
b- A smaller score means less “spammy” content gets through - more E-mails are
marked as spam
7. What is the difference between White List and Black List ?

a- White list: Always allows E-mail from someone you have approved, despite a
high SpamAssassin score

b- Blacklist: Never allows E-mail from someone you have denied

8. What is a Zombie computer?

a- a compromised computer under the control of a computer program to gather


9. What is Phishing Attacks s?

a- Directed ‘attack’ with personal information included, harder to detect!

10. How does my E-mail address get on the spam lists?

a. – E-mail managed and hosted offsite

b. Not going into detail today

c. Google Gmail, Microsoft Office 365, etc.

d. We are looking into it

11. What are the cons of Cloud-based E-mail?

a. – Training impact

b. Backup and restore ($$)

c. Client support

d. Network integration

e. Legal requirements

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