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1. Which of the following is an example of matter?

a. Air b. Water c. Books d. All of the Above

2. What is the process when plants turn light into energy?

a. Cycle b. Photosynthesis c. Transpiration d. Germination

3. The majority of Earth's surface is covered with what?

a. Sand b. Grass c. Water d. Soda

4. Which of these animals lives mostly in fresh water?

a. Whales b. Sharks c. Dolphins d. Frog

5. Liquid water becomes ice when it_________?

a. Freezes b. Boils c. Melts d. Slides

6. What type of change is breaking glass?

A. Physical Change B. Chemical Change

What type of change is baking cookies?

a. Chemical Change b. Physical Change

8. What part of the flower contains the pollen?

a. Stem b. Roots c. Anther d. Leaves

9. What part of the flower is in charge of photosynthesis or making food?

a. Leaves b. Roots c. Stem d. Pollen

10. Which of these is not a planet?

a. Jupiter b. Mercury c. Pluto d. Venus

1. All plants produce flowers.

a. True b. False
2. Plants need sunlight to ________.
a. Breathe b. keep the plant warm
c. make food for the plant d. plants do not need sunlight

3. The function of the seed is to _____.

a. make seeds to continue the life cycle
b. absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide to make food for the plants
c. help flowers reproduce
d. anchors the plant and carries water, food and nutrients to the plant
4.  Mammals drink milk when they are babies.

a. True b. False

5. Animals, Plants, Fungi, and Bacteria are examples of...

a. Food b. Toys c. Living Things d. Non-living things

6. Birds _______ ______ ______ .

a. are dinosaurs b. hatch from egg c. seat feathers d. really freak me out

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