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Name: Father Name:

Class: Four Paper: Science
Q.1: Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 10

i. The ___ will change if we stay in the sun. Height Complexion Weight
ii. All living things produce _______. Children Fruits Cats
iii. If parents have curly hair the children will have Curly Straight Fair

iv. We dig deemly _____ to draw underground water. Wells Seas Rivers
v. ______ Water is good to drink. Sea Boiled Cool
vi. The _____ vapors come back to earth. Water Air Gas
vii. River water is _________ state of water. Liquid Solid Gaseous
viii. ____ gas is used to extinguish fire Oxygen Carbon dioxide Air
ix. Our earth is surrounded by a layer of air are called Water vapors Soil Atmosphere
x. The major part of air is ………….gas Nitrogen Soil Oxygen
Q.2; Fill in the blanks? (10)
i. We can only …………………………the air .
ii. During burning ……………………gas is produced.
iii. ………………….gas is necessary for breathing.
iv. The major part of air is …………………….gas.
v. ……………………can be slow or fast.

Q.3:Answer the following questions (15)

i. What happens during buring and breathing processes?

Ans :

ii. Name any three character tics that children inherit form their parents?
Ans :

iii. How air helps plants to prepare their food?

Ans :

iv. What is necessary for all living things to stay a live?

Ans :

v. What is meant by atmosphere?

Ans :

vi. Name of some foods that provides us proteins?

Ans :

vii. Name some foods which provides fats

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