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Exercise 1

My cousin, Adam, is a 1._______________ boy.

Yesterday after having a 2.______________ dinner, he
was 3._________________ the dishes in the kitchen.
Then, he began to rinse the dishes with 4.____________
tap water. Out of the blue, one of the dishes
5.______________ and fell to the ground with a

He broke the dish. Without 7.________________,

he picked up the broken pieces with hands.
Unfortunately, the pieces of glass cut his hand. Andy was
8._______________ in pain and his mother rushed into
the kitchen to check on the 9._______________.

His mother 10._________________ some

11.___________________ cream on his
12.______________ and covered it with a plaster.
13.________________, his father swept away the broken
pieces of glass. Adam 14._______________ his mother
to be more careful in future.

groaning 呻吟 meanwhile 同时 running loud thud 大声 wound 伤口

promised applied 敷 careless antiseptic 消毒 scrubbing 擦洗
hearty 爱心 hesitation 犹豫 noise slipped

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Exercise 2

Mohan and Kumar are the 1._________________ boys in the school. Last week,
they decided to 2.________________ the wall near the school
gate.3._________________, Jamil 4.__________________ the process when he was
walking home.

Without 5._____________ time, Jamil 6.__________________ the discipline

teacher about their 7.______________________. The teacher 8.__________________
and scolded them on the mischief that they had done. The teacher 9.______________
them to repaint the wall with new paint.

Their ears 10._______________with 11.___________________ and learnt a

12._______________lesson. They felt 13._____________ and promised to turn over a

witnessed 见证 regretful 后悔 embarrassment graffiti 涂鸦 new leaf

valuable 宝贵 mischievous coincidentally went pink blew his top 生
顽皮 恰巧 气
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informed punished wrong doing wasting

Exercise 3

Adam, Ethan and Joshua are 1._______________ friends. Yesterday evening,

they 2.______________ to have their football practice before the football
3.____________. 4.______________, they went to the field in their

They 6._______________ the ball among themselves at the field. Out of the blue,
Ethan kicked the ball too hard. The ball 7._______________ and
8.________________ hit their neighbour’s vase. The vase broke and the broken glass
9.___________________ over the ground. The owner was up in 10__________ and
came out from her house.

Without a second 11._______________, Adam and Joshua ran away as they were
12 ____________. However, Ethan apologised 13._____________ to the lady. The lady
14.___________ him for his honesty and advised him to be more 5.____________ in

hence scattered 散落 bosom alert 警戒 thought

frightened 害怕 dribbled 运球 sincerely 诚恳 bounced 弹 match
planned praised neighbourhood arm accidentally
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Exercise 4

Mr John is a 1.________________ policeman.

One 2.______________ afternoon, he was
3._________________ around the housing area
4._________________ to the police station.
While he passed by a 5.____________ site, he
heard a crying sound.

Out of 6.__________________, he walked

towards and opened a box beside the bin
7._______________. To his 8.______________,
he saw an 9._________________ baby lying in
the box. The baby was 10._________________in

Without 11._______________ delay, he

12.________________ the poor baby to the
hospital. The doctor examined the baby and
13._______________ that the baby was safe. Mr
John 14.________________ a sigh of relief and
decided to 15._______________the baby as his

adjacent 靠近 curiousity 好奇 hurried dump 垃圾 balmy

shivering 颤抖 assured 确保 responsible further heaved
abandoned 遗弃 patrolling 巡逻 adopt 领养 surprise carefully

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Exercise 5

Hanif was 1.______________ to school again. He woke up late as he was

2._______________ in playing online games last night.3.________________, he
changed 4._______________ his uniform and 5.____________to school as fast as he

When he reached at the traffic light, he 6._______________ at his watch and found
that he was late. He saw a few pupils running 7._______________ the school gate
8.________________ as the gate was closing. He was 9._______________ to cross the
road as the road was busy.

By 10._____________, he was having 11._________________ in his stomach.

When he entered the school, the 12._______________ teacher hit the 13.__________
and scolded him 14.__________________ for being late. Hanif 15.________________
sincerely to the teacher and promised to turn over a new leaf.

engrossed 沉迷 cycled severely 严厉 glanced 瞥 roof

butterflies apologised 道歉 hurriedly 匆忙 discipline 纪律 late
into towards hence unable 不能够 then

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Exercise 6

It was the first day of Hari Raya, Ali and his 1.________________ friends wanted to
play 2.___________________. They decided to make the fireworks with
3._______________.4.__________________, they went into the 5._____________
jungle to look for bamboo.

After chopping the bamboo into pieces, they put 6.________________ into it. They
were 7.______________ and lit up the fireworks 8._______________. Then, they heard
a loud 9._________________. Ali and his friends were 10._______________ and they
were groaning 11._______________ in pain.

Their parents sent them to the hospital in the 12._____________ of time. Ali and his
friends felt 13.________________ and 14.________________ to celebrate Hari Raya in
the hospital. It was indeed an 15._________________ day for them.

elated 开心 bamboo nick immediately dense 浓密

remorseful 惭愧 explosion 爆炸 fireworks unfortunate vigorously 大声
bosom sorrowful 悲伤 injured gunpowder 火药 therefore

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Exercise 7

Last Sunday was a 1._______________ day. My bosom friend, Jamie, went picnic at
a 2._____________ beach. Jamie and her siblings were 3.______________ to depart at
the 4.____________ of dawn.

Once they arrived at their 5.________________, their parents 6._____________ a

mat under a 7.________________tree. Jamie’s younger brothers and sister built an
8.________________ sandcastle by the beach. Her elder brothers swam in the
9._____________ blue sea happily. Her mother read a book 10.________________ on
the mat while eating the 11._______________ food that she had prepared.

Jamie and her father bought an ice cream from the 12.______________ to
13.________________ their thirst during the 14.________________ day. Then, they
went home happily. It was a 15._______________ day for them.

pristine 洁白 scrumptious spread clear sunny

quench 解 delighted 开心 attentively 专注 crack 破晓 memorable

shady 阴凉 scorching 炙热 destination 目的地 vendor enormous 大
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Exercise 8

Mary has a heart of 1.____________. Last Monday, she was walking to school from
home. Out of the 2.__________, she saw a boy was 3._____________
4.________________ for help in the river. Mary had full of 5.______________ to save
the boy. To 6. _____________ no delay, she jumped into the river and pulled him to the
river 7.____________.

Then, Mary sent the boy to the clinic as she found that he was 8.______________.
9._______________, the boy was safe but Mary was late to school. She told the teacher
about the 10._______________ and apologised sincerely.

On Children’s Day, Mary received an 11._____________ from the headmaster for

her brave12._____________. Her parents felt very 13.___________ of her. It was an
14.________________ day for her.

fortunately blue unforgettable incident 事件 boldness 勇敢

proud award 奖状 unconscious 昏迷 gold strenuously 费力地
yelling 呐喊 bank brook act 行为

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Exercise 9

Pak Udin is an old man who lives in a 1._____________ house 2._____________.

One 3.______________ day, his house was on fire. Without further
4._______________, his neighbours 5.________________ buckets of water at the fire.
6.______________, his neighbour, Jamil, called for the 7.________________.

The firefighters arrived at the 8.______________ in the nick of time. They

9.______________ into action to put out the 10.______________ fire. Soon, they
managed to 11._____________ the fire. Pak Udin felt 12._____________ that there
were only 13._______________ lost.

He thanked the villagers and firefighters from the 14.________________ of his

heart. It was a 15.______________ day for Pak Udin.

wooden grateful 庆幸 alone douse 扑灭 sprang 马上

bad hair 不幸 scene 现场 bottom hurled 泼 delay
firefighters fateful raging 烈火 minor 轻微 meanwhile

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Exercise 10

Mary and Jane are 1.__________________. Last weekend, their family spent their
2._______________ time together in the garden. Mary’s brother helped her father to
wash his car.3._________________, Mary and Jane patted on their 4.____________ pet
cats while 5._______________.

In the 6.________________, Mary’s elder brother was 7.______________ playing

badminton with Jane’s brother. They hit the 8.______________ over the fence. Mary’s
mother gave a pot of 9.________________ chicken curry to Jane’s mother who was
10._______________ her baby boy.

Mary’s father 11._______________ the 12._______________ lawn 草坪 with a

mowing 13.______________. They had a 14._____________ of a time with their family
over the weekend.

cuddling 抱 meantime precious 宝贵 shuttlecock meanwhile

neighbours machine joyful delectable whale
mowed 割草 beloved 心爱 overgrown chatting

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