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bank orilla the rivers break their banks
Carbon emissions emisiones de dióxido de Carbon emission is causing global warming
cuppa (informal) taza de té/té Enjoy your cuppa!
heating calefacción Turn on the heating
ice cap casquete polar If the ice caps melt, the sea levels rise
mare yegua My grandpa had a mare
oil rig plataforma petrolífera They scaled the oil rig
Sea level nivel del mar the sea levels rise
Socket enchufe Switch them off at the socket
to conscript reclutar, llamar a filas I have been conscripted and sent to war
Willies botas de agua I wear willies when it rains

Day-to-day needs Necesidades diarias
won’t be much use at all No serán de mucha utilidad
That will not do No podemos seguir así

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