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NIM : 191111046




1. Understanding

In the activity of collecting blood samples, the term is known


which means the phlebotomy process. In clinical laboratory practice, there are 3 different
ways to obtain blood, namely: through venipuncture, skin puncture and artery or pulse puncture.
Venipuncture is the most common way of doing it, therefore the term phlebotomy is often
associated with venipuncture.

a) Venous Blood Collection

In venipuncture, a blood sample is generally taken from the mediancubital vein, on the
anterior of the arm (inside the crease of the elbow). These veins are located close to the surface
of the skin, are quite large, and there is no large nerve supply. If this is not possible, the
chepalica vein or the basilica vein may be the next option. Venipuncture of venabasilica should
be performed with caution because of its proximity to the arteribrachialis and median nerve.

b) Purpose

1. To get a good venous blood sample and qualify for examination.

2. To reduce the risk of contamination with blood (infection, needle stick injury) due to
punctie veins for both the officer and the patient.

3. For instructions for each officer taking blood (phlebotomy)

c) The locations where blood is not allowed are:

1. Arm on the side of the mastectomy

2. Edema area


4. The area where the blood is being transfused

5. Scar area

6. Areas with cannulas, fistulas or vascular grafts

7.Intra-venous lines Blood collection in this area can cause the blood to become thinner
and can increase or decrease the level of certain substances.

d) Tools & Materials

1.Spuite or syringe 3 ml or 5m


3. Alcoholic cotton


5.Anti coagulant / EDTA

6.Vacuum tube

7.Bak injection

e) Work Procedure

1. Greetings to the patient

2. Approach the patient in a calm and friendly manner, make the patient as comfortable
as possible

.3. Explain the intent and purpose of the action to be taken

4. Ask the patient to straighten his arms, choose hands that do a lot of activity.

5. Ask the patient to clench his fists.

6.Place the torniqket approximately 10 cm above the crease of the elbow

7. Select the vein mediana cubiti or cephalica. Make a touch (palpation) to confirm the
position of the veins. The vein is felt like a small tube, elastic and has thick walls.

8. If the vein is not palpable, do massage from the wrist to the elbow, or compress for 5
minutes on the arm area.

9. Clean the skin on the part to be taken with a 70% alcohol cotton and let it dry,
provided that the cleaned skin is held again.

10.Puncture the vein with the pinhole facing up. If the needle has entered the vein, you
will see blood entering the syringe (flash). Try once in a vein puncture, then the
tourniquet is removed

11. After the blood volume is deemed sufficient, ask the patient to open his fist.

12. Put the cotton in the injection site then immediately remove / pull the needle. Press
the cotton for a few moments then plaster for ± 15 minutes.

f) Documentation

1. Record the date and time of action.

2. Record the results of the assessment before, during and after the procedure.

3. Recording client observations during

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