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The positive and negative aspects of

tourism in Romania

Can you imagine how life would be without tourism?

Whether you are on summer or winter vacantion or any
kind of vacantion, you need to relax in some way. Tourism
have become an indispensable part of our existence.
On the one hand, the benefits of tourism in Romania
cannot be denied. First of all, tourism has a strong impact
on the local economics. In Romania, lot of people live from
this, but the community must make a permanent effort to
maintain the tourism industry. Secondly, tourism in
Romania focuses on natural landscapes and its rich
history. Crossed by the waters of the Danube, Romania
has a sensitive scenario, including the beautiful and
forested Carpathian Mountains, the Black Sea Coast and
the Danube Delta, which is the largest European delta so
well preserved. With the role of pointing out the natural
landscapes are the villages, where the people live and
maintain the traditions for hundreds of years.
One the other hand, there are disadvantages too. One
of the things that few tourists realize is the impact of
tourism on the environment. For example, tourism can
destroy ecosystems and environments or, conversely,
preserve a protected area that would otherwise have been
vulnerable to the development of the industry. The
development of tourism in a certain area creates new jobs,
but the disadvantage is that the difficult schedule and the
many hours of work sometimes make people less
sociable. Therefore, they maintain less contact with those
around them.
In conclusion, tourism has advantages and
disadvantages. It is healthy and recreative but it can
destroy the environment.

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