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122 Chapter 7. FORMS OF GOVERNMEy> CLASSIFICATION OF GOVERNMENTS The issue of individual liberty is closely associated with the foms ¥ government and, therefore, a thorough discussion is essential on this ag. Governments differ in respect of their nature, organisation, structure and funesos | from academic point of view. These basic principles can. be regarisy .| determinants with regard to their classification. . | 4. Number of Rulers, From the point of view of the number of rulers, the fn, | of government are: monarchy, aristocracy, dictatorship and democracy, ty) head of state is designated on the basis of hereditary succession, the form yy | be monarchy. If a person gets hold of political power as usurper, gener), through @ military coup, and assume absolute political authority, bs, government can be called dictatorship. The assumption and exercise ¢ political authority by few elite persons due to their distinctive position in te} society, is termed as aristocracy. In a democratic form of government, peoss | have political participation either directly or through ‘their elecisy | representatives, . | Itis to be noted, that the above-mentioned features of any one fos | government are not specific to that form only, intermingling is also posit Sometimes, the salient features of aristocracy and that of monarchy zz reflected in the working of a democratic form, and vice versa, | i 2. Separation of Powers. The second determinant to this effect, is te relationship between the three organs of.a government, Namely: executive, Jegislature and judiciary. All the three organs of government have distinct aX specific functions to perform. The executive has to execute laws, legislatures rsd enact laws, while judiciary has to interpret and appl i se n h ; ly law in the sel disputes. ‘The interrela lonship between executive and legislature, determines presidential or. parliamentary forms of government. If executive is pat legislature and also accountable to it, the s) i lalur unt , the system will be partamentary. I case, the heacrof the executive is also the head of the state who is elected bj Pena and wields executive authority, the form of goverment wil “yon (obiat Judica' . we scanned with CamScanner k jence | jon pte For th e | ott of Ga jonal i pepo of at ative convenience and tation, the states may be organised on 9 | ering POP inc ls they tink is nether possible nor desiadl int under the exstig oe Procedure, there is every possibility that the cicates thus raed, may : the representatives of minority. It happens very cal when there are mi Uni WO Candidates contesting the election in a single constituency. ae Circumstances, that candidate is declared ms fy who gets a votes th an everyone of the contesting candidates, inespectve Uses cea an far less than half of the total votes cast, The i ation DECOM’ inning par seeoton io the total votes it pecan a winning party gets more seats I 7. Economic Justice. Socialists criticise democracy on. the grounds that it serves the interests (Of the’ capitalist classes and thereby helps in strengtnening their political hold. The laws in such societies, they argue, otect the interests of the dominant class, As a result, economic policies of a democratic government, they argue, are so framed as to concentrate wealth in few hands while interest of the working classes Is sacrificed. Such lofty ideals, poltical rights and political participation on popular basis, become as pol ' c meaningless in @ society based on unfair distribution of wealth. Lack of Civic Virtues. Analysing the attitudes of people, Lord Bryce remarks, that common people lack civic virtues which are essential for democracy. People show indolence in respect of political participation to an extent that sometimes they abstain even from voting. Vote-bargaining, political bribery and nepotism becomes a routine affair. Political parties, at times, do rigging in élections to get favourable results, It is also pointed out that assignment of poltical offices is done generally on the basis of political affiliations rather than on merit. Moreover, democratic government is also an expensive form of government. The candidates lavishly spend huge amounts of money at. the © time of elections. All this accounts for the assumption of political power by military in most of the developing countries. ° ADVANTAGES OF DEMOCRACY Despite the oft:quoted-defects-of democracy, itis stil regarded as the best form of government. Even modern dictatorships, in order to egitimize their rule, se the cover of democracy. The ‘main arguments in support of democracy, are |, the following: 7 1. Popular Government. Democratic form of goverment ensures the protection of public interest and honour popular aspirations. J.S. Mill has rightly remarked scanned with CamScanner id right bette I eee "s interests and rights are better safeguarded when raed for their protection. Democracy provides such insitutong and opportunities to individuals by virtue of which they can participate in political decision-making. Government is formed by the people and the Tule ate made accountable to them. Democracy provides equal opportunities tg all alike and recognise the right of everyone to hold even the highest Political office without any discrimination. 2. Socialisation Process. Political participation on popular basis, makes the people politically conscious, broadens their thinking and inculcates @ Sense of responsibility and self-reliance in their character. Political parties also Perform their function of political socialisation and are regarded as-useful channe} of mass education. As regards the criticism against the negative “role of professional political leaders, it is not valid. People can, of course, be misled or exploited once or twice but by passing through the electoral. process at regular intervals, they become politically nature, hence can't be befooled for all times. Secondly, political institutions are effective means of mass education. Once a democratic system gains foothold, such civic virtues also starts flourishing as tolerance, fairplay, fraternal feelings and sense of Tesponsibility. Whereas under dictatorship, nepotism, flattery and viciousnesg block the way of good citizenship. Democratic institutions act'as useful source of political recruitment and best political leadership can emerge lina competitive political atmosphere. The whole democratic process encourages loyalty to institutions and discourage the trend of hero’ worship. 2 » Stable Government. Democracy promotes political stability and eliminates the danger of coup, as peaceful transfer of power is made possible through constitutional means. A government remains in power so long as it continues to command the confidence of the people, otherwise they are Teplaced by others. An elected government can implement public policies more effectively as it claims popular support. 4. Legislation and Public Interest. Representatives of People; while enacting laws, keep into their uppermost mind public interest. The fear of people's reaction in the forthcoming elections, keep them on the tight track. People also render obedience to such laws voluntarily as reflect their wishes. Limited Government. Democratic government performs its functions under many constraints, According to a political dictum, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Restraints on the governmental authority is the _ Most effective guarantee of protecting public liberties, In a democratic political scanned with Camscanner pote Since 133 ical power is regarded as 3 try in eocordance of the people. ty. Most of olher kinds of govemment such 28 monarchy or ‘ ot ate formed on the basis of hereditary principle, providing no ast 7 to judge te capability of the rulers, Democracy 25 2 form of iament, provides the OppOrtUnty in regard to the election ofthe rulers on oa ig of their capability to, rule, nerally, individuals are elected to be nt political offices by virtue of their political experience and competence, es Cabinet, for example, such periamentarians included as I ters, who might have been the members of the Parliament for many ti and demonstrated their poltical sagacity. Membership for a lengthy | tered makes them poliicaly more seasoned. According to @ politcal analysis, | priish prime Ministers and American Presidents, have invariably been those | ‘sons who had remained the members of their respective legislatures for a fime and ‘thereby accumulated much political experience before ee the highest political office, occupying patriotism. A political system structured on popular basis, increases sense of atiotism in @ people. A feeling among the people signifying that they are the ing-makers and that the government is accountable to them, acts as an impetus for promoting responsibility and self-reliance. tt is said that the sense of patriotism that was developed in the French people after the Revolution was > rately perceived prior to that. The main cause of this change in their national character was the recognition and enforcement of political rights. Economic Justice. Economic justice can be enforced more effectively in a democratic system. Popular governments have to look after the interests of all |” dasses. Modem governments are expected to perform welfare functions while | eliance on state's action has tremendously been increased. In order to mobilise public opinion in their favour, party govemments try to serve the people through the introduction of extensive welfare programmes. ‘Conclusion. As regards an appraisal of the working of different forms of ‘goverment, @ moderate approach signifies the following criteria. How does a ‘goverment perform the basic functions of state? How far it has’ protected the lteest of the people from encroachment by the extemal and intemal forces? How ie it has effectively maintained ideal standards regarding the enforcement of [islce and administration? Lord Bryce observes that history provides clear [evidence that no other government has performed these functions more. ately than the democratic governments. Athens and Rome, for example, scanned with VarmnScanner

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