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Stunting is bad nutrition which results in a lack of proper nutrition in the long term. This
condition can occur since in the womb and the effect is seen 2 years later. Usually children with
stunting experience growth and development disorders.

stunting signs like late tooth growth, decreased ability to focus and learn memory, late
growth, the face look younger than a child his age, puberty late, ages 8-10 years children become
quiet, do not make eye contact with their environment.

Cases of stunting or failure to thrive in children under five in Indonesia are still high and
have not shown significant improvement. The World Health Organization (WHO) places
Indonesia as the third country with the highest cases in Asia. Based on 2019 basic health
research data (Riskesdas), the stunting rate in Indonesia reached 30.8%. While the WHO target,
the stunting rate should not be more than 20%.

There are two causes of stunting cases in Indonesia. First, parenting is wrong about
nutritional intake. Second, the economic condition of parents who are in the poor category.
Currently, stunting cases are most often found in eastern Indonesia.
as a nurse the thing that needs to be intervention is :

1. Consumption of healty food

2. Avoid cigarette smoke
3. Routine pregnancy check
4. Keep the environment clean

Stunted growth in children has the following public health impacts apart from the
obvious impact of shorter stature of the person affected:

1. greater risk for illness and premature death

2. may result in delayed mental development and therefore poorer school performance and
later on reduced productivity in the work force
3. reduced cognitive capacity
4. Women of shorter stature have a greater risk for complications during child birth due to
their smaller pelvis, and are at risk of delivering a baby with low birth weight
5. Stunted growth can even be passed on to the next generation (this is called the
"intergenerational cycle of malnutrition")
`The impact of stunting on child development has been established in multiple studies. If
a child is stunted at age 2 they will have higher risk of poor cognitive and educational
achievement in life, with subsequent socio-economic and inter-generational consequences. This
is believed to be caused by metabolic changes produced by chronic malnutrition, that can
produce metabolic imbalances if the individual is exposed to excessive or poor quality diets as an
adult. This can lead to higher risk of developing other related non-communicable diseases such
as hypertension, coronary heart disease, metabolic syndrome and stroke.
picture of stunting

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