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Mariatul Kiftiah, NIM: 1110018200047, The Formation of a Discipline

Culture in SMK Negeri 18 Jakarta. Essay. Department of Education
Management. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science. UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah. Jakarta. 2014.

This study aims to determine the formation of a discipline culture in SMK

Negeri 18 Jakarta. The method is used in this study is a descriptive analysis with a
qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were interviews,
observation and documentation. Interviews were conducted on 7 respondents, are
Headmaster, Quality Management Representative, Student Representative,
Counseling teachers, Chief OSIS, the fist and the second of Chief OSIS.
The formation of the culture of discipline in SMK Negeri 18 Jakarta done
with habituations and implementing a point system for each violation and awards.
In addition, the rule in SMK Negeri 18 Jakarta implemented with consistent and
continuous. The school is very aware of the importance of acculturation the
discipline in school.
The results showed that the culture of discipline in SMK Negeri 18 Jakarta is
well formed. Head of SMK Negeri 18 Jakarta has a good type of transformational
leadership because Headmaster has managed to accustom students enter the
school gates in an neat and ready to learn through neatness limits and usher limits
affixed at the school gate. Habituation school discipline can be considered less
good, because there are still students who have not been accustomed to behave
discipline, for example, there are students who come late, litter and wear uniforms
that are not in accordance with the provisions of the school. Moreover,
Counseling Teacher did not record any kind of violation of existing. Counseling
teachers only focus notes and recapitalize late offense. System of reward and
punishment has been going well. In granting rewards and phunisment, school
refers to the points that have been set.
Referring to the results of the study, researchers gave suggestions to the
school to work with parents in order acculturation of discipline students,
especially the problem of the presence of the students and the Counseling Teacher
should make a recap of each type of offense in order to make it easier to identify
the percentage of each student’s offense. In addition, students should familiarize
themselves to come to school on time with a complete uniform and neat.

Keywords: Culture School, Discipline of Students

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