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Discharge plan

Patient RG was ordered to go home on October 3, 2019 at 2Pm. The

doctor prescribed him a take home medications of cefalexin 500mg capsule three
times a day, tramadol 50mg capsule two times a day, and calcium ascorbate once a
day. He was advised to have a follow up check up on October 10,2019 at 8AM in
Tarlac Provincial Hospital OPD room 5.
The patient was also instructed to clean the site of incision properly and
regularly, two times a day to prevent infection. He was advised to have a light
exercises like walking every morning. He was instructed to support the site of
incision when coughing.
He was advised to eat food rich in protein like egg, meat and green leafy
vegetables and food with high in fiber such as bananas, carrots and avoid fatty

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